"Your servers today will be..." Opinions please!

Specialties Geriatric


Our administrator came out with a new form today that all CNA's are to pass out to their residents at the beginning of each shift. It reads:

Your servers today will be:



Anyone want to share an opinion on this? I was told I was being to sensitive to this, so I figured I would let all your honest and humble opinions set me straight :rotfl:

Our administrator came out with a new form today that all CNA's are to pass out to their residents at the beginning of each shift. It reads:

Your servers today will be:



Who the heck comes up with this crap? I mean, really!!! We need to find them and give them something better to do. "Your servers"??? why not just make it servants and be done with it?

Our administrator came out with a new form today that all CNA's are to pass out to their residents at the beginning of each shift. It reads:

Your servers today will be:



Who the heck comes up with this crap? I mean, really!! We need to track 'em down and give them something better to do. "Your servers"! - why not just make it servants and be done with it?

Specializes in Obstetrics, M/S, Psych.
Please tell me you're joking.

No, I'm not totally joking, Tweety. I was a really good waitress. I became very efficient and well organized. I could serve a banquet of 40 by myself and not miss a beat. Pressure is rarely a problem OTJ for me and I can juggle alot. That training contributed greatly to the way I perform as a nurse in a busy environment. Plus, I would never feel degraded by the person I once was, as it made me what I am today. You can't argue with that thought process, can you?:wink2:

But, I admit that's all coming from my personal perspective and I see where the anger of some is coming from. Management that is so out of touch as to refer to nursing staff as servers, is not doing the profession any favors. Just shows ignorance on their part. It doesn't suprise me though. A hospital where I work per diem, wants us to think of patients as customers and I know that's a widespread concept, now. The next logical step, then, is to make staff servers. So this is progress. Ha!

Specializes in Critical Care, Pediatrics, Geriatrics.

You need to get you a bunch of big gaudy buttons to pin all over your uniform top like the waitresses wear, but ones that say: Ask me about my enemas! And a Viagra pin that lights up! haha:chuckle :rotfl:

Oh, that takes the cake..... I like Marie's suggestion of tossing them while making the misprint comment. :lol2:

One of our NAs will write the following on our dry erase boards in the patient rooms:




Now, I'm trying to figure out what this person thinks the 'N' in LPN stands for.




It's a tad annoying to me. I do have a nursing license you know.

I definitely find it offensive. You can't run a 5-star hotel or resort with the skeleton crew that LTC generally provides. While I think that all residents should expect and receive good quality care and assistance, they shouldn't be led to believe that they now have someone to wait on them hand and foot. The few that demand constant attention and call for staff q 5 minutes (hand them something that is 2" from their hand, fluff their pillow, pull the blanket up a little---wait no down a little, pull that curtain to---not that far, etc.) shouldn't be encouraged. These are the same people that demonstrate daily that they can do practically anything they want to do, but want the staff to do it for them when they feel like it just because they can.

I like the tip jar idea. Larger parties at restaurants get that automatic gratuity for the server added to the bill.....perhaps that concept could be applied when a group of family members comes in. Maybe one of those check folders should be given out by the server at the end of shift to itemize everything that was done that day so it will be easier to calculate the appropriate tip.

Question...Just how much time was wasted by some table of admin. numbnuts who just thought this $#!% up ? Was there a nurse involved at any level of the decision making process, of course not! I think as a good steward of the enviroment and of the community these note cards should go strait into the shredder for recycling! ( except for a stack of them for the executive bathroom)!!!

Specializes in Med-Surg.
No, I'm not totally joking, Tweety. I was a really good waitress. I became very efficient and well organized. I could serve a banquet of 40 by myself and not miss a beat. Pressure is rarely a problem OTJ for me and I can juggle alot. That training contributed greatly to the way I perform as a nurse in a busy environment. Plus, I would never feel degraded by the person I once was, as it made me what I am today. You can't argue with that thought process, can you?:wink2:

But, I admit that's all coming from my personal perspective and I see where the anger of some is coming from. Management that is so out of touch as to refer to nursing staff as servers, is not doing the profession any favors. Just shows ignorance on their part. It doesn't suprise me though. A hospital where I work per diem, wants us to think of patients as customers and I know that's a widespread concept, now. The next logical step, then, is to make staff servers. So this is progress. Ha!

Oh, I'm sorry. I liked your post. I was talking to the OP, many pages prior, hoping she was joking about filling out a server card. I waited tables and often when I'm carrying a tray, I do it water style, people jokingly refer to me as a waiter and we all laugh about it.

I want to be seen as a patient care provider, not a server. I agree with you. This management is out of touch.

To the original poster: Get a group of supporters together and ask management to change it from "server" to "patient care providers". Hopefully they will listen. This sounds like an opportunity for the group to confront the management unitedly.

You have the power. Good luck.

Oh my goodness, I just realized this is ina LTC forum. Wow. I think I know what I'd tell my boss and I wouldn't get that pc about it either. Its bad enough that some of the families and pts feel that we aren't "real hospital nurses" (Yes I've gotten that attitude...funny that I'm good enought to take care of your mom and all of your complaints tho)....but now we have to serve them??

Many days all I feel like is a server, but heck my name tag says RN, BSN

Some bit of thought had to go into these sheets, but where did it go? I don't think a sheet of paper is necessary in LTC environment. A dry erase board is more appropriate.



Specializes in trauma/ m.s..

Absolutely ridiculous!!!!! I would be insulted that my job is to SERVE someone. I am there to care for and keep them alive during my shift not constantly worry about bring them juice, emptying the trash, and putting pills in their mouths when their arms work just fine.....

Specializes in LDRP; Education.

So if the nursing staff are considered "servers", are the physicians considered "cooks" ?!

Specializes in Vents, Telemetry, Home Care, Home infusion.
You need to get you a bunch of big gaudy buttons to pin all over your uniform top like the waitresses wear, but ones that say: Ask me about my enemas! And a Viagra pin that lights up! haha:chuckle :rotfl:

:roll Choaking while laughing over that comment.

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