Published Oct 24, 2018
CharleeFoxtrot, BSN, RN
840 Posts
"You made a mistake." whispered my friend and co worker. I wondered what that could have been. She whispered "the gabapentin, you made an error". I mentally went over the list of medications for this patient-it was short less than 10 but no gabapentin. I racked my brain, I hadn't taken any new orders from the attending. It was hard to concentrate it was so loud. The phone was ringing, customers were lined up at the counter to pick up their doughnut carryouts and there was a delivery guy standing there telling me his truck needed the AC worked on. My task box was overflowing. Call lights everywhere. Standing there with a piggyback in my hand spinning in a circle.
The cat jumped up on the bed and then I woke up in a cold sweat. Two years off the floor and I still have anxiety dreams
137 Posts
How about the dream where I am giving report at the end of my shift and I suddenly discover that I was assigned a patient but didn't realize until now, and have not even laid eyes on them? Or the hallway I am working that doesn't have an end, just door after door going into infinity.......
Davey Do
10,651 Posts
Speaking of dreams, this morning I had one where I was with a psychotic one on one, I felt sick and fell on the floor, and a code green behavior call was called.
A doctor who came to the code said he'd write me a script for some antibiotics. At first I was happy but became disappointed when he gave me his ink-stained business card with blurry directions to his office. I looked at him and saw that he was naked under his lab coat and thought, "This guy is Wrongway Regional Medical Center material".
missmollie, ADN, BSN, RN
869 Posts
I was expecting a comic for this one Davey!
I still have the dream where I forget that I had a patient, and I don't check on them all night.
That'll do, Davey, That'll do.
Luckyyou, BSN, RN
467 Posts
Haven't worked NICU in a while, yet it's still always the dream that I'm giving report and discover there was a third baby in my assignment I never fed or laid eyes on all night...
Lunah, MSN, RN
14 Articles; 13,773 Posts
How about the dream where I am giving report at the end of my shift and I suddenly discover that I was assigned a patient but didn't realize until now, and have not even laid eyes on them?
OMG, YES!!! I have had the same dream! We are standing in front of the whiteboard in my old ED, and I am saying, "that wasn't my patient," but there is my name next to the room number ... ARRRGHHH!
ruby_jane, BSN, RN
3,142 Posts
I can't "like" this, but YESSS! I have been out of ICU for eight years and sometimes I wake up to the sound of cardiac monitor alarms dinging.
Horseshoe, BSN, RN
5,879 Posts
I actually thought I was the only basket case who has that dream...repeatedly.
Hahaha, I thought it was just me! That, and the dream where my teeth are falling out and I am trying desperately to stick them back in the sockets. Yikes!