I am not a nurse nor a nursing student. However, I brought this up with a few nurse friends and just want some more feedback.
I've been dealing with my doctor's office quite a bit with visits and follow-up calls. It seems like they refer to every employee as a nurse. "Wait for the nurse", "the nurse will be right with you", "you need to talk to a nurse."
I have no experience in the medical field, so I didn't think much of it. I was talking to my friend who is an ICU nurse. She was saying how she is stressed at work and wants 9-5 hrs. I briefly mentioned how nurses work at my doctor's office and maybe it would be a good fit for her. She said "nurses? They're most likely medical assistants." She asked me what they do there. They take my history and vitals and then the doctor comes in. She was highly offended that they would call themselves nurses and wanted to report them. I asked her to explain, but she told me I wouldn't understand.
I told another RN friend of mine the story and she thought it was strange that my friend would react that way and kind of brushed it off. I didn't pursue it further.
But I'm a little concerned that my doctor's office can be reported. It makes me lose trust in them that they would call medical assistants nurses. Can they be reported? What would happen? Should I even concern myself with this?
Thanks for your time and btw, nurses rock!