Published Sep 7, 2015
lifelearningrn, BSN, RN
2,622 Posts
I'm curious what non-nursing duties are part of your daily routine.
SnowyJ, RN
844 Posts
*Custodian....Because ours are not very motivated. And if someone barfs, I want it cleaned up quickly.
*Data entry clerk...I don't have secretarial support. Spend a lot of time on this.
* Committee member...This is voluntary, but it helps me to feel engaged in our school.
* Warden... Hahahahaaa! When social worker is out, they bring children with behavioral issues to me to "calm down."
12,646 Posts
Butt Cheek Police
tampon Provider
Drug screener
Saltine provider
RatherBHiking, BSN, RN
582 Posts
See this thread: titled "What non-nursing jobs you're expected to do". It covers everything!
JenTheSchoolRN, BSN, RN
3,035 Posts
Glasses fairy and fixer.
Afterschool homework support person.
I do all my own data entry and office things. Our office managers are way to busy to help me! But I will admit, I like doing it as I like things organized and entered a certain way.
Yes, I can't fix glasses, nor can I sew buttons.
I am a failure.
887 Posts
Glasses fixer, data enterer (same as Jen-Elizabeth, I don't mind because I like things done my way too), snack giver, tampon/pad giver.
762 Posts
Yep, I fix glasses.
Hem uniform skirts.
Fix shoes.
Babysit kids who aren't able to go to recess for whatever ridiculous reason they might be using today (I've been working for 2 yrs to remove this from my job description)
Maintain extra uniforms in case of uniform malfunctions.
1,101 Posts
I wear so many hats as a LTC nurse that they're always falling off, ha ha. Entering orders, occasionally mopping (God knows what) on a resident's floor, bringing someone OJ, taking a room tray back to the dining room, feeding cats, leaving a note for maintenance re: someone's wheelchair problem, etc. etc. etc. - and oh yeah, all of the usual nursing stuff too.
33 Posts
Recess Duty
Baby-sit kids who need a "safe place"
Refer parents to clinic for birth control (please use it!!!)
Diagnose weird problems on teachers and kids not of school age (sorry... not a doctor!)
Data entry... lots... 85% of my job!
Give out CPS forms
Pads/tampons for teachers (K-6 school... not many issues here.)
Calm frustrated parents who are mad at the teacher
Fixing or loaning uniforms
provider of naps
Ensure tooth fairy receives tooth (plastic bags are great)
Hygiene education
convenient bathroom and water area
Fixer of "pain" from writing (no injuries)
Break time from testing
Recess DutyBaby-sit kids who need a "safe place"Refer parents to clinic for birth control (please use it!!!)Diagnose weird problems on teachers and kids not of school age (sorry... not a doctor!)Data entry... lots... 85% of my job!Give out CPS formsPads/tampons for teachers (K-6 school... not many issues here.)Calm frustrated parents who are mad at the teacher Fixing or loaning uniformsprovider of napsEnsure tooth fairy receives tooth (plastic bags are great)Hygiene educationconvenient bathroom and water areaFixer of "pain" from writing (no injuries)Break time from testing
Replace recess duty with lunch duty and bus duty, and this could be my job description. lol
My recess duty is a combination of 15 minutes lunch duty and 15 minutes recess duty. It's funny how there are NO injuries at this time with me there when normally I'd receive 5-10 kids from the same group if I weren't