Published Jul 25, 2010
3 Posts
I took my NCLEX PN on Friday, and wandered if quick results are posted on Sundays? I am going crazy with worry.
88 Posts
try the pvt.You try to re register and if it allows you according to the trick you fail and if it doesn't then congrats!either way,goodluck!
I did that. God good news there. I just wanna see I passed! Hoping I don't have to wait until Monday!
908 Posts
Best of luck with your results! As the above poster stated I hope you have tried the PVT! And to answer your question, yes quick results work on Sunday as well!
Please let us know how you did!
Good luck! :)
38,333 Posts
Good luck.
Nurse Allison
56 Posts
I took my exam yesterday around 8 am, did the PVT, by 3 I got the good pop up. Just go for it, save yourself the anxiety of waiting.
Sorry just noticed you already did the PVT. Congrats!
67 Posts
Results do come out on Sunday - I got mine then the first time I wrote. The second ones came on a Sunday that also happened to be July 4th.
The PV system is automated to kick out the results regardless; no humans involved. So long as the system doesn't go down or malfunction spectacularly, the results should be available 48 hours from your test time regardless.
24 Posts
Hey, I took my nclex-rn last friday @ 8am and got my quick results at 8am this morning.
Natingale, EdD, RN
612 Posts
I got my Quick results today, the PVT worked for me ...I was surprised they gave the results on a Sunday I thought I had to wait till Tuesday !
482 Posts
I got my results today as well! Not sure if they would have been there yesterday or not since I was out of town and had no internet connection!!
32 Posts
I took my exam on a Friday and results were available on Sunday, but I didn't even know! I thought I had to wait until Tuesday (2 business days), but I ended up checking on Monday and they were there! Someone else I knew tested on the same day that I did and knew the results on Sunday.
9livesRN, BSN, RN
1,570 Posts
Got my quick results and I passed yey,!