Quick Facts/nclex Infecton Control

Nursing Students NCLEX


just an idea...

i'd like to start an new thread on infection control. the idea is to post "2 quick facts" regarding infection control (precautions, diseases,...) that would be helpful to prepare for the nclex exam.

thanks for your cooperation.

here are my 2 quick facts:

  1. varicella (chickenpox) requires use of airborne precautions and contact precautions as well.
  2. if a patient is on contact precautions, have family members and other visitors wear a gown and gloves as outlined by your facility (hospital).

your turn...

I wish i knew about this forum before I took the NCLEX, thank you for the test taking tips!!

Amazing. Thank you all so much

can someone enlighten me about C. Difficile?

I hate to ask since I have the book right in front of me but....

In the book I have from Kaplan it lists for instance Chickenpox as Droplet and Contact?????

I was studying the stuff from this website that said it was Airborne now I'm confused????

would I use both the contact (gown) and airborne (mask) with such a Pt????

In answering do you pick both contact and airborne or just one????

any help would be appreciated

and thanks for the MRS WEE / SSSPPPIDERMMMAN stuff

When faced with conflicting information, the best thing to do is to pick one and go with it, if you can't find a more definitive or up to date answer. That is why most people suggest that one only use one resource to study from. There are lots of instances where different resources differ on the correct answer for various reasons.

go to www.cdc.gov for details. i was like you before i came in contact with cdc through allnurses.

I sort myself out from cdc website. go through it you will not be confused again.


Thanks groundnutbaby

Love-d-Or or anybody,

Correct me If I am wrong, I think the order to put on protective gear is:

  1. gown
  2. mask
  3. goggles
  4. gloves

And to take it off

  1. gloves
  2. goggles
  3. mask
  4. gown

My notes is this;



I forgot where I got this.

RSV can be spread when droplets containing the virus are sneezed or coughed into the air by an infected person. Such droplets can linger briefly in the air, and if someone inhales the particles or the particles contact their nose, mouth, or eye, they can become infected.

Infection can also result from direct and indirect contact with nasal or oral secretions from infected persons. Direct contact with the virus can occur, for example, by kissing the face of a child with RSV. Indirect contact can occur if the virus gets on an environmental surface, such as a doorknob, that is then touched by other people. Direct and indirect transmissions of virus usually occur when people touch an infectious secretion and then rub their eyes or nose

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