there are so many rumors that come out of manila on a daily basis, that i am going to take the time to post this, so please take the time to read it. it is crazy with the amount of pms and e-mails that i get because no one bothers to do any reading first, and relies only on the rumors floating around the country.
1. the us government doe not require that you pass the local exam for immigration purposes.
2. most states do not require that you take the local exam for licensure.
3. cgfns exam requires that you take and pass the local exam, but most states no longer require the exam.
4. if you are not already in final process of waiting for the embassy interview, there will not be any of the 50,000 visas available for you, the cut-off date tentatively for october is for the actual visa, not for when your petition was submitted. the visa numbers are counted noly when they are actually issued, not any time before that.
5. if immigration requires that you take the english exams, then they are not waived for you if a state requires them.
6. most states that have requirements want the toefl exam and they do not accept the ielts series. you will need to pass the toefl exam before you will be permitted to sit for an exam.
7. if you are in the us on a tourist visa, there is no automatic extension granted to you if you pass the nclex exam. and applying for any type of extension on that visa, will most likely get you sent home. it is extremely difficult to get an extension, and if they deny it, you will have no choice but to leave the country, even if you get a job offer. the attorneys that are telling you otherwise are only interested in collecting their fee from you, it makes no difference what happens to you as long as they file that petition for you. and they are not doing it for free.
8. do not let your visa fall out of status, no matter what your firends tell you. it is grounds for deportation if immigration so decides. and no return for ten years.
any questions concerning this needs to get posted on the international forum, not on this forum. i am posting this here, since so many of you are continuing to ask the same questions over and over again without reading first.
please take the time to read "thr primer" that is at the top of the international forum before you consider posting.
tagalog is not permitted in any post, and will be deleted. english is the only language that is to be used.