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All Content by JennInColumbus

  1. Before I started nursing I gave three careers a lot of thought and did a fair amount of research on all of them. I already have a bachelor's so I was thinking of law school/law enforcement, med school...
  2. Anyone working in organ procurement?

    Hi there! I'm an SICU nurse who had the opportunity to watch the organ procurement process in action last week when one of our patients became an organ donor. I'm very drawn to this line of work,...
  3. Most RN's first borns?

    I am a first born with no alcoholism in my family, my Mom, also an RN, was 5th of
  4. Agency Nurse doesn't know how to start IVs?

    I have been an ICU nurse for 18 months and in that time I have started six IVs. Five of those were started on the day that I had to go around with a staff nurse and prove that I could start IVs. I...
  5. RN's leaving drugs in lines

    I'm fresh out of my training as an SICU nurse and one of the very first things I was taught was to always aspirate my lines before doing anything if I don't know 100% that they were flushed. It's not...
  6. Blood Transfusions: How fast do you go?

    Good question, I find the different answers/policies & procedures interesting. I guess I expected more uniform answers since evidenced based practice is in our faces at every opportunity :) At...
  7. General ?? and Ohio ??

    I'm a new grad nurse and my full time job is in the SICU in a level II hospital, but I have a part time job as a home health nurse. I'm really surprised by how much I enjoy home health and have a few...
  8. Authorization to test wait??

    Here in Ohio we take the NCLEX through Pearson Vue, I don't know if that is the same for all states or not. After all of your paperwork was in, how long did you have to wait for your Authorization To...
  9. Any Amedisys Nurses Here?

    My Mom works for amedisys in TN too... what city are you in? She's in the Chattanooga
  10. "Reluctant" hospice doc

    My parents have published extensively about the undermedication of hospice patients. Try a search for Karl Miller, MD and Martha ( or Marti) Miller RN if you are looking for journal articles on the...
  11. General ?? and Ohio ??

    I do have PPE, but no OSHA training or anything like that. I literally went on a visit with a nurse, then was on my own. That's why I was really hoping someone would recommend a great book so I...
  12. General ?? and Ohio ??

    My training consisted of going on a visit with another nurse. I have not heard the word "OSHA" mentioned. Luckily our cases are not terribly difficult ones. Lots of clean bandages and monitoring...
  13. Any Amedisys Nurses Here?

    The hospice my mom works for was recently acquired by Amedisys and she is pretty thrilled with the changes they have made thus far. She says they run the place as she would if she owned it, which I...
  14. Info RE: Moving to Columbus Ohio

    Wow, the difference between Shiprock and Gallup vs Columbus is like night and day. Shiprock is extremely rural, with a high level of poor residents and I would imagine a fairly small health care...
  15. Is it true that the hospitals get a little nuts on the full moon, or is that just something that television uses for drama? Have you experienced crazy shifts on the full
  16. "Don't waste your time getting your BSN..."

    I really think this is one of those issues that is very personal. It's about your goals, not what anyone else thinks. While there are advantages to more schooling that include ease of promotion and...
  17. My patient fired me!

    The fact that the charge nurse didn't spend too much time on the situation, talk to you about it or really take too much time with the patient regarding what was going on says one thing to me. It says...
  18. RNS with depression - r u out there?

    #1 Has anyone else heard of this rapid reaction to this ssri? #2 Am I just hiding out from the possibility that I should be on anti-anxiety meds? #3 Is it possible Ive just become too "used" to this...
  19. Does anyone have any experience or information about Akron or Cinci? I'm trying to narrow it down between these two schools and their RN to MSN (CRNA) programs. There seem to be slight differences...
  20. I'd like to continue my education ( I graduate with an ADN in September) when I finish my RN program, but the three programs I've researched so far all require 1 year minimum to apply. Are there any...
  21. Online BSN information, please.

  22. I'm having trouble finding clear cut information on a BSN online. Is anyone currently taking/taken classes online? Can anyone recommend a program, or tell me about the pros and cons of Drexel and...
  23. Will I be at a disadvantage for CRNA school if I do my BSN online? My grades in my ADN program are good, I will graduate with (approximately) a 3.85. There are several schools in town that offer RN...
  24. This thread is like a big car accident on the freeway... I don't want to look but I can't seem to help myself.... I tell myself I'm not going to read anymore, I'm done... oh look I'm on page 54! I...
  25. Survival Tips for First Year Nurses

    1. Passing the boards is a license to learn what you need to know, not a certificate that means you have learned everything you need to know. 2. Remember "this too shall pass" 3. Your grades do not...