PreReqs: How long has it taken

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


How long has it taken for you to get all of the prereqs completed for the BSN?

I have been working full time, 4 kids, 1 husband :0) and going part time to three quarters time to college since Fall 04. Its been a while since I was first in college and my first career, Radiography, was 2 years in a hospital based program. Great school, but nothing transferred.

I feel confident that I will have enough credits to apply this January for the Fall 09 class, although my fall 08 semester is going to be crazy!

Hang in there everyone!:D

Specializes in Home Health Clinician.

I have 4 kids, 1 husband... and he works 2 jobs, and I do home daycare.

I started my prereqs in 2006 and I am done as of this term. I went full to part time. I took only 1 term off to have my baby.

I find out in August if I made it into the program. If I get in, it will take me less time to complete than the time I have have already been in. LOL

I’m a SAHM of two kids. I started the first prerequisite class in 2005 on the very part time basis to accommodate schedule of my then preschooler and now kindergartener. Doing one science class and one GE class took me 3 years to complete all of them. I start nursing school in August.

Good luck to everyone.

I just got my associate RN. I graduated last Friday(5/17/08). It took me almost 2 years for PRE REQS. However I was out of school for almost 15 years. You probably already have most of what you need! Good Luck and keep going!

Hello guys!

I am getting ready to start finishing up my pre-reqs, since I am holding a bachelors degree in Health Information Management (HIM) at UCF... I already have some of the pre-reqs done, so I am going to concentrate on getting the rest done this Fall and early spring to apply for Fall of 2009 class at Nova Southeastern University!

My question is: I really want to be accepted to Nova Southeastern University's nursing program, and I am almost done completing the pre-reqs for it... but I heard that it is a difficult program to get I am currently looking at University of Miami and Florida International University to apply to their Nursing program... So, do I have to finish ALL the pre-reqs for all 3 schools?? :chair:

My GPA at UCF is a 3.3 and I have received A's and B's on most of the pre-reqs that I have taken at UCF for my Bachelor's Degree in HIM.

...I'm a little nervous, please help me out...any advise would do + a little bit of encouragement.. Thanks!!! :redbeathe

Specializes in Pediatric Pulmonology and Allergy.

I started in Fall of 2006. I finished:

English 1

Cell Bio









The only class I have left is Microbiology.

I took most of the classes online except for the sciences, so I was able to take a full load even with working and having 6 kids. (I gave birth to one kid in middle of a term.) Figuring out how to handle school full time will be a challenge though.

I started in Fall of 2006. I finished:

English 1

Cell Bio









The only class I have left is Microbiology.

I took most of the classes online except for the sciences, so I was able to take a full load even with working and having 6 kids. (I gave birth to one kid in middle of a term.) Figuring out how to handle school full time will be a challenge though.

Very impressive!!! :bow: Way to go, I understand how difficult it can be with kiddos at home. This past year my hub has really stepped up and helped....It is making nursing school seem SO much more attainable!! Hang in there!

Hello guys!

I am getting ready to start finishing up my pre-reqs, since I am holding a bachelors degree in Health Information Management (HIM) at UCF... I already have some of the pre-reqs done, so I am going to concentrate on getting the rest done this Fall and early spring to apply for Fall of 2009 class at Nova Southeastern University!

My question is: I really want to be accepted to Nova Southeastern University's nursing program, and I am almost done completing the pre-reqs for it... but I heard that it is a difficult program to get I am currently looking at University of Miami and Florida International University to apply to their Nursing program... So, do I have to finish ALL the pre-reqs for all 3 schools?? :chair:

My GPA at UCF is a 3.3 and I have received A's and B's on most of the pre-reqs that I have taken at UCF for my Bachelor's Degree in HIM.

...I'm a little nervous, please help me out...any advise would do + a little bit of encouragement.. Thanks!!! :redbeathe

I just got accepted to Nova for the Fall of 2008, and have heard only good things about it. I started at FIU with all the prereqs, in reality the prereqs are about the same across alot of nursing schools minus one or two classes. I followed the FIU prerequisites and a sociology class that I needed and I got in. I am so excited to start in the fall and I believe you have a really good chance of getting in. Now ALL nursing schools are competitive and not a cake walk to get in but it is possible. But you they are do-able so good luck with whatevr school you choose! :D

Solid two years, but I pretty much finished my GE's at the same time. My schedule went a little like this:

Fall 2006 - Intro Chem / Psych / English / History / Stats

Spring 2007 - Socio / English 2 / Brit Literature / Intro Biology / Asian Hist.

Summer - Public Speaking / Human Development

Fall 2007 - Human Anatomy / Human Physiology / Nutrition

Spring 2008 - Organic Chemistry / Microbiology / Humanities / Poli Sci

I worked part-time my first year of college but decided to quit once the second year kicked in for the sake of taking all those science classes together. But I guess you could say that I am living proof that you can take your pre-requisites in such a short amount of time and still get decent grades! I think as long as you keep yourself organized and your brain active, you will be fine! :loveya:

Specializes in Med/Surg.

Oh goodness. Let's think here....

I graduated HS in 2003, went to Suffolk University for a year majoring in Business. Needless to say, every course I took except General Psych was a complete waste after I decided to switch schools and major in Nursing. I ended up taking a semester off, then going part time for a year.

So, I actually started my nursing prereqs in the fall of '06. My BSN program requires Gen Psych, Devel Psych, Chem I, Chem II, and Anatomy before applying.

I was just accepted into my program for fall '08, and have completed everything....Micro, Physio, etc, etc.. already.

2 years of the 3 years of nursing classes begins! I'm hoping to utilize two summer sessions to shorten my time, but we'll see :D

Specializes in Telemetry.

Well the school I want has 9 prerequisites.. english 1, critical thinking, anatomy, physiology, chem 1+2, microbio, stat, and comm.

I started off in college going for a health sciences degree, and finished comm and stat in my first year. I also had an AP score that cleared my english 1 class. I spent the rest of that year and this past year finishing all of my other general ed requirements..

Then this past January I realized I want to do nursing instead :) So it's going to take me one more year to finish all of the prereq's (while working full time), and I'm going to take english even though I don't have to, to help my GPA. Then I'll be able to apply next Fall for BSN entrance in 2010.

I started Fall 2003 and just finished all my pre-reqs this past spring of 2008...but I have worked and had 2 kids in 5 yrs ( I have another on the way due in Dec) It takes a while but it is well worth it, I got my acceptance letter into the ADN 2008 program today:D so I am so glad I got all those other classes out of the way!!! GOOD LUCK too ya!!!

I started Fall 2007, aiming for Spring 2009 entrance into nursing school. Well, now that Spring 09 is almost here, turns out our "great" governor decides to cut education funds. University won't take ANY Spring applicants as a result...have to wait for Fall 2009. So 2 years total.

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