PreReqs: How long has it taken

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


How long has it taken for you to get all of the prereqs completed for the BSN?

I have been working full time, 4 kids, 1 husband :0) and going part time to three quarters time to college since Fall 04. Its been a while since I was first in college and my first career, Radiography, was 2 years in a hospital based program. Great school, but nothing transferred.

I feel confident that I will have enough credits to apply this January for the Fall 09 class, although my fall 08 semester is going to be crazy!

Hang in there everyone!:D

Specializes in Med/Surg.
How long has it taken for you to get all of the prereqs completed for the BSN?

I have been working full time, 4 kids, 1 husband :0) and going part time to three quarters time to college since Fall 04. Its been a while since I was first in college and my first career, Radiography, was 2 years in a hospital based program. Great school, but nothing transferred.

I feel confident that I will have enough credits to apply this January for the Fall 09 class, although my fall 08 semester is going to be crazy!

Hang in there everyone!:D

I have a prior degree, but (a) my freshman composition classes were granted as advanced standing credit and the local schools won't transfer that, (b) my chem and physics classes are 20+ years old and some schools won't transfer them, © ditto the math classes - even though I've had 3 semesters of Calculus plus differential equations, linear algebra, etc. (A's and B's).

Yech. Anyway, I started Jan '06 with general psychology. I take one course per semester as I'm primary breadwinner for the family. Then I thought "s***w this. I'm going to take some classes that will actually help me decide if I want to pursue this any further" so took Anatomy, Physiology, and Microbiology. Loved them. Just finished Lifespan Psych (it was OK).

Specializes in Hospice.

I registered in December of 06. I remember thinking, "Man, is this gonna be one loooong journey!" But, the thing is, it really goes by so fast. I will be putting in my app on August 4th and I have been told that I should be in either Spring or Summer of 09. During the wait I will take my AA degree classes so that I can move on to get my BSN. Keep putting one foot in front of the other, whether it is one class or 5, and you will get there. The saying that keeps coming to me is that I would much rather have my degree at almost 35 than to have No degree at all. I will tell ya, raising my kids has been so much fun..........but it's not paying the bills and when they are gone where will my fulfillment be? Magic answer..........nursing! BTW my A&PII is taking so much from me that it took four tries to special "magic" properly!

Spring 07

Algebra, English Comp I, Psychology, Diet and Nutrition

Summer 07

Ethics, Biology (online, that I had to w/draw from)

Fall 07

Biology, Developmental Psych, Student Success (online),

Spring 08

A&P I, Microbiology, Professions of Caring (online), Job Search (online, I needed 1 extra credit hour!)

Summer 08

A&P II, Med term (online), all I had $$$ for but it is the last of pre's

It'll have taken 4 semesters by the time I'm done- Spring, Summer I & II, Fall, and Spring.

It was going to take me much longer, but then I lost my job and was able to go up to full time on the prerequisites.

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