Published Aug 11, 2005
36 Posts
Tomorrow is the big day and Iam already feels sick to my stomach. Though it's embarrasing to share that this is my third time taking the nclex-pn, I still dont mind, sometimes venting feelings here on the forum helps you feels a little better from moral support and advice from people like you. I did better on my first try than the second time I took it(which I study more), now Iam worried that I will also fail the third time, I wonder when could I get that feeling of passing it and folks like you are congratulating me too like most test takers here who passed the first try or second the most. I have few hours left to review and I just hope that I can pass this time, it's been so frustrating that I keep failing this and dont know whats wrong with me. Please say a little prayer for me and thanks again for all your support and feedback.
17 Articles; 45,835 Posts
:balloons: I wish you all the luck in the whole wide world!! :balloons:
nursing 101
485 Posts
You are in my prayers! Keep us that are awaiting results in yours. I will find out tomorrow if I passed or not.
390 Posts
i am praying for you too
62 Posts
i am too, bless you
i am praying for you too[/QUO
ABI 2004
32 Posts
The desire of your heart God will bring it to pass. Congrats in advance :balloons:
RosesrReder, BSN, MSN, RN
8,498 Posts
Best of luck to you. :)
11 Posts
relax now. stop reading. your anxiety level must be so high now that further reading will do you no good. esp. when you encounter a disease which you have no clue what it is! (joke).
you'll take your exam in a few hours.
believe that god will help you.
to everything there is a season. a time for every purpose under heaven.
ecc 3:1
a prayer was said for you.
1,987 Posts
Just wanted to let you know that I will also be praying for you. I'm sure that you've done all the studying you can do at this point, so I recommend that you take a break from your studying tonight. I'll be thinking of you tomorrow, praying that we will be congratulating you soon in the future!!
78 Posts
I have already prayed for you!!!
74 Posts
Will do :) . Best of luck to you tomorrow .
Hi all,
Took my Nclex-pn this morning for my third time and I almost wanna cry while taking it, it seems that most of the materials I have studied was not there but instead harder questions that I have never heard of. I also felt a sudden mental block when I got a lot of diseases which I know but can't figure it out which are those from the questions. Iam very worried again and depressed that I am very unsure if I did good or not this time, I really don't know, I have tried my best. I was waiting to stop at 85 but it keeps going on and finish the max number of 205 questions, Thanks for everyone who wishes me luck and prayed for me, that mean a lot to me. Now next is the torture and agonizing wait for the result , CA takes forever to post results(3 to 6 weeks). All I wish is a miracle that I will pass this time. Take care u all.