Published Sep 8, 2005
51 Posts
I know everyone says you should do 3000 or so questions before the NCLEX. I took the hurst review a couple of weeks ago and felt really good. I have been studying that material and answering some questions. I have only done about 800 questions so far (test is Sept 15th). The problem is that I do horrible on the questions and it is really discouraging me. I am averaging around 60-65% and it is killing my self confidence. My school did NCLEX style questions on exams and I did good but when it comes to Saunders I am doing really bad.
234 Posts
I think you should reschedule your test.
16 Posts
Most people don't do well on the Saunders. I wouldn't say reschedule your test just continue to study. I know many people who did wellin school took a review class and then took the test. It really depends on your ability to take tests. Yes the Nclex is about knowledge but it is also about your ability to take tests. If you feel confident take the test.
59 Posts
I took my test the first time before I was ready. 265 and I did fail. I just retook got 85 and waiting for results. I wish I would have taken my time the first time, and did about 3,000 questions as Suzzane on this board suggested, as I did this time. Its worth it, hope I passsed, but I know I did all I could do to pass. Strategies for NCLEX by Saunders was a great book! Worth the 25$ any questions just PM me... Good luck
rescheduling is not an option, I actually feel ready to take this test. I have been studying alot. It's just discouraging when I do not score so well on the Saunders exams. I have others who have told me that Saunders is harder than the actual NCLEX questions, so I am hoping that is true.
suzanne4, RN
26,410 Posts
Sorry but feeling ready to take the exam, and not doing well on Saunders are two different things. You could have been an "A" student in school, but NCLEX is a world of its own, and if you have not done about 3000 to 4000 questions before taking the exam, you may have issues with some of the questions.
It is your choice as yo what to do, but we are suggesting that you do at least that number of questions............Rescheduling of an exam is always an option. Otherwise you could be waiting another 45 to 90 days.
Soory, but if you felt comfortable with what you have done so far, you would not be posting about it. We are willing to help, but you need to follow our suggestions...........
302 Posts
Hey, I think you should do 3000-4000 questions before you take your Nclex exam. I did 100 questions per day until my I reaches 80-85% scores on each test. THEN, review the areas that you feel you are weak in. If you don't feel like you're ready then maybe you just need a little more time, don't rush, the test will always be there ya know? But it's up to you if you want to spend the extra money and wait the extra time, if you take it and don't pass. Do you see? It's up to you. Whatever you decide to do, I wish you the best of luck. Believe in yourself, you can do it! GOOD LUCK! :)
146 Posts
I actually agree with most of the people who responded to you. I graduated in May and mind you I graduated as a cumlaude but I tell you when I took the NCLEX the first time...I FAILED! and broke my heart big time!!! I'm still recovering from it. Soon after graduation, I took a review class too that was offered by my school and I felt so confident after taking it and I immediately scheduled my exam in July ( FYI all these during our move from NY to CA)...I've had thoughts of rescheduling it but I didn't listen to what my heart was saying so I proceeded but failed. I guess I was over confident because of my academic achievement (cumlaude) and taking a review course. Now I totally regret it because my self confidence shut down now I have to wait 90 days to retake. I had a job waiting for me and I was making $$ as an RN but I had to quit because I failed....Now, I'm studying harder, I'm following Suzanne's study guide that she created for me. I plan to retake it 2nd week of October but if I feel I'm not ready I will reschedule until I'm for sure ready. So, you have to really assess your readiness and if you feel strongly about testing on the 15th, by all means do it...I wish you all the luck.
97 Posts
800 questions just isnt enough you may feel good about the test now but once you sit and see the exam its totally a new feeling i only did about 1500 my first time and i failed the second time i did almost 5000 questions and still was not sure about being totally ready for the exam but i passed i was getting 80 t0 90 percent on my saunders right before i took it
10 Posts
What is your opinion on the Hurst Review? I have a friend who did it and passed. She didn't use Saunders. I wanted to take it, but it isn't offered in my area or surrounding cities for a few months. I have been looking over some of the notes they gave her and if it's still the same, did you think the resp, neuro, and pedi notes were not much and seemed to be missing major disorders? They say that if you know all of the notes that you should pass. What did you think about it?
There were about 10 different nurses that recommended Hurst review to me so I took it. I loved it! It does seem to miss some stuff but they have a 99% pass rate and everyone that recommended it to me said they only used Hurst. I have not done so good on the Saunders questions (60 to 65%) but on the NCLEX 3000 questions I have not got below an 80%. I probably shouldn't have posted this thread because sometimes this board just causes me more anxiety.
One other thing I liked about Hurst is they have a DVD specifically for management and delegation. They provide losts of questions on ER triage and prioritizing patients.