Published May 17, 2014
I took my Nclex Rn on Tuesday, tired PVT today on Saturday and didnit get good pop up:(. My exam shut off at 77 questions. I am international grad and dont know how this CAT works:(.
Is there any hope I can still pass???
72 Posts
Please advise me if someone wants to gain expertise on how to understand questions and strategies which course is best and cost effective. At present I cant afford Kaplan it is expensive for me.
19 Posts
yes i found very helpful....the content is very good.....don worry about your email said you are from asia and saw your user name rupali or something yesterday...I am from Nepal....where are you from?if you don mind to share.....thank you....
I am from India.
My guess was right.....did you start any course?
No not yet, I am exploring and reading people's views about what is worth taking. I am panning to have NSCBN course shortly. Also do you happen to know if there is free online book available for Lacharity PDA???
5,978 Posts
Thank you so much for taking out your time for me. Most of our graduates did in first attempt and I dont know where I lack. I was asking is there anyway we can challange the decision of pass or fail if we dont agree to results
I'm not sure how you could challenge it; either you answered the questions correctly or you didn't.
JustBeachyNurse, LPN
13,957 Posts
Not a legal version of the copyrighted book. However often the Ebook (nook, kindle etc) is less costly than the physical book. Another option is to check your local library to borrow a copy. You can also look at amazon or to see if there is a gently used version for less than full retail.
Hey anyone can share with me any free resources for Nclex Rn preparation
Try your local library for NCLEX prep books to borrow for free.
Hey guys please help me.. whats the difference between these two books? kaplan content review guide and Kaplan strategies 2014-2015. Which book should I go for??
370 Posts
Saman- the NCLEX is $200 every time you take it. Go to pearson vue website, they are the administrators of the test and you will be able to see how CAT works :) there are links and info.
I highly recommend the Hurst live review, it focuses on core content and how to pass NCLEX. The live review is $350 and they guarantee you'll pass or your money back.
Kaplan offers a few different free online seminars, I find them helpful, but would definitely want a full review before taking NCLEX. Kaplan offers full review as well but I haven't taken it, so I can't give an opinion.
Best of luck on your 2nd attempt.
Content is content. I have the content book but never opened kaplan's. I got Saunders book for content and did 600 questions online. I also did Kaplan live review whic was strategies and lots of in class practice questions and going over rationale. I know ppl who did hurst review and LOVEF it for conter.
strategies book is test taking strategies.