Published May 17, 2014
72 Posts
I took my Nclex Rn on Tuesday, tired PVT today on Saturday and didnit get good pop up:(. My exam shut off at 77 questions. I am international grad and dont know how this CAT works:(.
Is there any hope I can still pass???
19 Posts
I think i have read some cases where the person DID pass, but to be honest, its not very often. fingers crossed.
I just hope I am one of that kind!!!! Though feels so scared
479 Posts
Just try to relax. Sending good vibes your way! I hope it all turns out okay!
Hey guys need your help please!!!!!
Is there anyway we can recheck our exam decision for pass or fail????
Also for it to be pass we have to be on above passing standard for all the categories????
JustBeachyNurse, LPN
13,957 Posts
Hey guys need your help please!!!!! Is there anyway we can recheck our exam decision for pass or fail????Also for it to be pass we have to be on above passing standard for all the categories????
Yes, you must be above passing standard in all categories to pass the exam. One near passing or below passing and it's a fail.
I'm not sure what you are asking. Your results are confirmed within 48 hours of testing. Either you passed or failed. If you are in a state that participates in quick results, you can pay the fee and find out if you passed or failed. Otherwise you need to wait until the board of nursing either posts the results or mails your results.
Unfortunately the first time pass rate for internationally educated nurses is less than 30% and statistically drops with each subsequent attempt.
If you are having difficulty with the style of test (as opposed to content and knowledge) you can consider trying Kaplan for IENs. It's not cheap but it's a NCLEX prep program specifically designed to bridge the gap for IENs.
US educated nurses are trained to the standards of the US and taught how to prepare for the NCLEX during school hence US educated nurses statistically pass the NCLEX first time at a rate >80%.
Thank you so much for taking out your time for me. Most of our graduates did in first attempt and I dont know where I lack. I was asking is there anyway we can challange the decision of pass or fail if we dont agree to results
Can you please recommended me how to prepare for Nclrx Rn??? I studied Saunders 6th edi and practice many questions from the evolve library.
There is no challenge of the NCLEX results. It's not like you failed by one question. If you failed, that is it. You either retake or move on.
Wait for your candidate performance report to see which are your weak areas. Consider a live review, costly but may be beneficial. Like I stated earlier Kaplan has an in person or online review for IENs
A lower cost if you think your test taking skills & question decoding skills are up to par, is learning next the NCSBN online review. You pay for a period of access I think 3 weeks is $50 or so.
@ rupani..are you foreign educated nurse?? If you don't mind where are you from?? I am also preparing NCLEX..
Yes I am foreign !educated nurse too, I am from Asia. Where are you preparing from???