Pink Shirt Wednesday !

Specialties School


​Tomorrow is Pink Shirt Day Folks !! Who's in ?

You can still sit with us, Nutmegge. *blushing furiously*

Are you the new Queen Bee?

Specializes in Hospice.
You scared, heron? I'll hold you hand...

Not scared - just a color I can't wear. It's truly revolting with my skin tone. I'll carry it though ... Pink heirloom roses, mebbe. Pink carnations, too. How's about I bring the pink lemonade! There's gotta be something alcoholic you can make with that ...:up:

Holding hands is good, though.

Specializes in school nursing, ortho, trauma.

wooo- such a busy day - first time checking in all day. But rest assured, dear virtual colleagues I wore my pink superman shirt today.

Specializes in School Nursing, Public Health Nurse.

I forgot...but my shoes have pink trim and pink tongues :blink:

I thought it was Thursday. Shoot me.

I forgot...but my shoes have pink trim and pink tongues :blink:


Specializes in Hospice.
I thought it was Thursday. Shoot me.

Thursdays are green.

Thursdays are green.

I'm in!

Specializes in Pediatrics Retired.
Thursdays are green.

I'll be wearing red, of course, which is a shade of green.

Specializes in OR, Nursing Professional Development.

I wore a pink shirt to and from work where I had to change into those blue scrubs the hospital buys. Does that count?

I wore a pink shirt to and from work where I had to change into those blue scrubs the hospital buys. Does that count?

You think I'm going to tell a Guide NO?

Specializes in OR, Nursing Professional Development.
You think I'm going to tell a Guide NO?

Pfft. Guide has nothing to do with Rosie's post.

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