Published Jan 6, 2017
2 Posts
Does pearson vue trick work in 2017. I tried the trick with expired cc and he said your
payment is declined, does that mean I failed?
Rose_Queen, BSN, MSN, RN
6 Articles; 11,976 Posts
I believe a valid credit card is required. Any transaction with an expired card is going to be declined. However, there have also been those for whom the PVT was inaccurate. Why not wait for official results? The vast majority of states either participate in Quick Results or have license numbers posted on the license verification site within a few days.
533 Posts
1 Post
My instructor told me that if your payment doesn't go through, it means you passed. If you are sure your credit card is good then Congrats!
Extra Pickles
1,403 Posts
sadangwa said:My instructor told me that if your payment doesn't go through, it means you passed. If you are sure your credit card is good then CONGRATS!
Your instructor meant that if a valid credit card is submitted and not accepted, that usually means you've passed. That isn't want the person posting this thread said. The person posting said they used an invalid card which was declined. Not the same thing.
OP your card being declined either means they tried to charge it because you failed, or they recognized it was an invalid card and want you to try with a valid one. Either way, you don't know anything so don't stress until you get actual real results, official results.
7 Posts
I tried the Pearson vue trick 2 days ago, it charged my card. I guess i just paid my re-take.
104 Posts
PVT trick worked for me in 2017! Took the test on Jan. 12th, waited until about 3 the next day and done the trick and got the good pop up. Results finally posted this morning (late because of the holiday) and I passed!
40 Posts
Did you even find out if you passed @Lz25
can anyone please explain the trick to me ? how it is done and what to do with it I have failed the exam twice and need to know everything
coque said:can anyone please explain the trick to me ? how it is done and what to do with it I have failed the exam twice and need to know everything
the trick, the game, has nothing to do with how to get you to pass the exam. it isn't a trick to get you to pass. It's a game you play to see if you can register for another exam after you just took one. most of the time if you can register it means you passed, and if it takes your $200 registration fee it probably means you failed. It doesn't change the outcome of the test results though for that you'll need to study differently than you did the first two times so you don't fail a third time.
NICUismylife, ADN, BSN, RN
563 Posts
I attempted to use an invalid card and it told me I couldn't schedule. It didn't even attempt to charge my card. I just took NCLEX today.