Passed Transitions tonight!

Nursing Students Online Learning


Specializes in Home Health, Podiatry, Neurology, Case Mgmt.

Well Transitions has been passed and it FINISHED! Thank goodness cause it was B-O-R-I-N-G! I only got a "C" and i'm proud of it! I knew i wouldn't do that hot on this one because i didnt like the material at all, it was hard for me to retain! A little bummed but know it's my own fault cause if i would have put more effort into it i would have gotten a high grade...oh well! Not too bad for 8 days of studying and falling asleep in my books over and over again!

Now onto Repro...i got to get all these exams finished...gonna take this exam on the 25th of this month!

Specializes in Med/Surg.

Congratulations! Are you doing Excelsior?!

Specializes in Home Health, Podiatry, Neurology, Case Mgmt.

yes i am! thanks

Congrats, I kinda liked transitions. I have a Florence Nightingale thing, I liked reading about her

Specializes in Revenue Integrity, Rehab, RAC Auditor.
Specializes in Geriatrics.

Good job Girl:yeah: You are flying through these classes at lightning speed!! I still can't get off the ground...but there has been a lot of unexpected things happening, but now the surgery is over and the results were good...I can finally breathe a sigh of relief and get back to my life! Everything got put on the back burner for about a month while that whole ordeal was going on.....but now I hope to start getting through all the classes like you, just maybe not at the same speed because I cannot afford to go that fast!:lol2: Any advice on where I can get some cheap books? Are you using the current editions of previous editions to save some money?

Way to go tasha!!! lol. I was gonna do repro next, but I decided to do the unthinkable and get micro over with. This one just might kill me. It's just soo much info. But i keep telling myself that if i could do A&P then I can do ANY class they have:)

Let me know how repro goes for ya.


Specializes in Home Health, Podiatry, Neurology, Case Mgmt.

Micro is not til Jan for me...A&P wiped me out! lol

Dragon- as far as books i got them through ebay,, and asked around if people had them, also checked half price bookstore too. I bought all 1 or 2 editions previous on my books, think i spent 150 or 200 total for ALL the boosk for the program...figured if i had them sitting here, it would be easier to keep moving along rather than waiting for a book to come in the mail =) i bought my fundamental book for $4.99 and that included shipping on ebay! =)

The only reason i'm flyhing through these exams is because i had a grant that paid for my tuition up until january, so i didnt have a choice BUT to get it done!

Now i'm gettign off here and prinking off the Repro content guide so i can get started! lol

Specializes in EMS, ED, Trauma, CEN, CPEN, TCRN.

Yay Tasha!!! :) :) :) Proud of you!

Specializes in Wound Care, LTC, Sub-Acute, Vents.
well transitions has been passed and it finished! thank goodness cause it was b-o-r-i-n-g! i only got a "c" and i'm proud of it! i knew i wouldn't do that hot on this one because i didnt like the material at all, it was hard for me to retain! a little bummed but know it's my own fault cause if i would have put more effort into it i would have gotten a high grade...oh well! not too bad for 8 days of studying and falling asleep in my books over and over again!

now onto repro...i got to get all these exams finished...gonna take this exam on the 25th of this month!

good job tasha!! keep knocking these exams out. can't you see the light after the tunnel yet?

maybe too soon but at this rate, you'll see it very soon. :D


Specializes in GI.

Congrats!!! :yeah:What material did you use? I just passed chronicity today! Im going to do repo next then transitions!!

Specializes in Home Health, Podiatry, Neurology, Case Mgmt.

i only used the recommended textbooks that EC says to use.

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