Published Aug 16, 2005
Super_RN, BSN, RN
394 Posts
I have been on Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo for approximately 8 months or so. I have noticed in the last few months especially that the week before my period I am an extreme emotional roller coaster. I have had PMS before, this is nothing like it. One second I am happy, the next I am a sobbing wreck. I cry over everything! It just is not me, and it is pretty much excluded to the week before my period. I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced this. I called my doctor today to see if I could switch pills, but it is his surgery day and is supposed to let me know. Any thought?
127 Posts
I was on the same birth control and it made me jittery, anxious, and it kept me awake at night. In addition to this, it made me feel depressed. I was on it for 2.5 mos. I know I am supposed to be on it longer so my body can adapt to it, but I couldn't stand it, so I went off.
Sorry to hear it's having a negative affect on you. Good luck!
27 Posts
I took it for 4 months and hated it- my periods never regulated, pms was worse and i gained like 15 pounds. I went back to my doc and she changed it to yasmin which i have taken for about 3 years and I love. my periods come the same day (even the same time) every month and i hardly pms. i hope you find a pill that works well for you.
335 Posts
I am an emotional wreck on any kind of hormonal birth control method. Screws me up big time! And not just during my period! I didn't even realize this, since I had been on BC for so long (started 6 months after my first period d/t what the doc said was PCOS, but she was a quack, and my new GYN says I don't have them). I recently got an IUD d/t being 99.99% positive I don't want kids, but just to leave it open for me to change my mind, didn't go for the tubal ligation. Ever since I've been off BC pills, I have been much more of a joy to be around (according to my boyfriend), and I FEEL so much better. Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo had me bleeding in the middle of my cycle too - not cool. Of all the oral BCs I've tried, Ortho Tri-Cyclen (regular strength) worked the best, but I'm sooooo glad to be off that hormonal stuff now! If anyone is interested in getting an IUD, I TOTALLY recommend them - don't even feel it! Lasts for 10 years!! If your insurance company pays for your BC, it should pay for your IUD - mine paid every cent - I only had to pay the co-pays for three office visits.
Have you looked into the NuvaRing? I had some problems with other BC and love how the ring works. I don't have any emotional/hormonal issues with it and best of all, I only have to think about it twice each month--once when I put it in and once when I take it out.
I hope you find a BC that works for you!
AGH! My doctor wanted me to make an appointment to come in and see him. The bad thing is that he is going out of town for 1 1/2 weeks, so I can't get in until September 1. Darn it! Hopefully I can get this taken care of, because I don't feel like myself. My poor boyfriend has to deal with the brunt of it too!
390 Posts
AGH! My doctor wanted me to make an appointment to come in and see him. The bad thing is that he is going out of town for 1 1/2 weeks, so I can't get in until September 1. Darn it! Hopefully I can get this taken care of, because I don't feel like myself. My poor boyfriend has to deal with the brunt of it too! Jaime
see if maybe by any chance you can see someone else in the meantime unless you can handle the emotional coasters for another 2.5 weeks. Good Luck. I am on ortho evra and it works great for me. Ive been on it for 2 years now and no symptoms as of yet. Period is really regulated.
I had my appointment today and I didn't feel so awkward when my doc told me that it is common and he sees it all the time. Whew! Made me feel normal! I knew it was basically a horrendous form of PMS. He suggested things such as regular exercise (told him I do that), Calcium supplements (Told him I take those too), and then he said option #3...He started me on Zoloft. He said there have been tests done and for some reason (unknown reason) PMS significantly improved on women who took anti-depressants. I was somewhat skeptical, but he eased my discomfort by telling me that it doesn' t mean I am depressed because I am on them. Also said about 90% of the women he has treated have had good results. He also went over possible side effects and said I should try them for at least 6 months, but if I am uncomfortable with the effects to let him know and we would do something else.
:balloons: Jaime
168 Posts
I'm no MD, but this puzzles me a little. Wouldn't it have been simpler to just switch pills? Maybe you, like a lot of women, just don't tolerate tri-cyclics well and would do better on mono-cyclic pills. There are at least 30 different kinds, and from experience I can tell you that Ortho Tri-Cyclen made me an absolute emotional wreck. When I switched over to Ortho Cyclen I felt fine within a couple of weeks.
When I worked in OB-GYN it was not unusual to try a couple of different BCPs till we found one the pt could tolerate well. There's also the patch (which I am on now and just love) or any number of other methods. Seems to me it'd make sense to try one of those, as opposed to starting another med (which takes up to 4 weeks to start working) to treat the side effects of the first med. Sometimes that is necessary, but when it comes to BC there are just too many options for this to make a lot of sense.
GrnHonu99, RN
1,459 Posts
Have you looked into the NuvaRing? I had some problems with other BC and love how the ring works. I don't have any emotional/hormonal issues with it and best of all, I only have to think about it twice each month--once when I put it in and once when I take it out.http://www.nuvaring.comI hope you find a BC that works for you!
Its funny how different methods are so different for everyone. I HATED the ring..I thought it was one of the most awful things ive ever had to do...i dunno i couldnt ever get it to stay in MD put me on OVCON...I asked for low hormone pills so hopefully I wont gain weight or anything on them. I was on them for a few weeks so I cant say how they effected me. My MD swears by them though so we will see!
I'm no MD, but this puzzles me a little. Wouldn't it have been simpler to just switch pills? Maybe you, like a lot of women, just don't tolerate tri-cyclics well and would do better on mono-cyclic pills. There are at least 30 different kinds, and from experience I can tell you that Ortho Tri-Cyclen made me an absolute emotional wreck. When I switched over to Ortho Cyclen I felt fine within a couple of weeks.When I worked in OB-GYN it was not unusual to try a couple of different BCPs till we found one the pt could tolerate well. There's also the patch (which I am on now and just love) or any number of other methods. Seems to me it'd make sense to try one of those, as opposed to starting another med (which takes up to 4 weeks to start working) to treat the side effects of the first med. Sometimes that is necessary, but when it comes to BC there are just too many options for this to make a lot of sense.
I had tried other pills as well. I have never heard of it before either, but I figured I 'd give it a try.
144 Posts
I agree with a previous poster, it is funny how different things work for different people. I have been on them all...LOl
I LOVE the patch, i just wish it wouldn't leave a black ring where it sticks at.
Any suggestions?
I would love to have an iud till i am ready for kids but my OBGYN won't put on in b/c I have never had kids. He says it is too risky.