Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo Woes


I have been on Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo for approximately 8 months or so. I have noticed in the last few months especially that the week before my period I am an extreme emotional roller coaster. I have had PMS before, this is nothing like it. One second I am happy, the next I am a sobbing wreck. I cry over everything! It just is not me, and it is pretty much excluded to the week before my period. I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced this. I called my doctor today to see if I could switch pills, but it is his surgery day and is supposed to let me know. Any thought?


Specializes in ER.
I agree with a previous poster, it is funny how different things work for different people. I have been on them all...LOl

I LOVE the patch, i just wish it wouldn't leave a black ring where it sticks at.

Any suggestions?

I would love to have an iud till i am ready for kids but my OBGYN won't put on in b/c I have never had kids. He says it is too risky.

My gyn was a little hesitant at first - she wanted to make sure I knew the risks involved first. If you have ever had a pelvic infection, you cannot have an IUD, or if you have multiple partners or are not in a totally committed monogomous relationship. My gyn said she RARELY does it for unmarried women because if you break up with your boyfriend and end up with someone else, you don't know what kind of STDs they might have, or whatever and be at risk for infection. If you have an infection with the IUD in, the chances of becoming infertile as a result are much greater. Also, if you end up with a uterine perforation because the IUD slips out of place you could end up infertile. That's why most MDs like to wait until women have children before they put in an IUD. Also, if you haven't had children, your uterus is much smaller, and it hurts a LOT when it's put in (after having it put in, I decided right then and there that I would have to be crazy to go through labor pains), but after the first day or two, I've almost forgotten that it's even there. I did a lot of research about IUDs, and was amazed at how safe they are when used correctly and you're in a monogomous relationship. My gyn was impressed at how much I knew about the risks and statistics, and decided that since i was obviously well informed and in a committed relationship, she would put it in - but only if I promised to have it taken out if I switched sexual partners. But if you seriously want an IUD, do the research and make sure it's really want you want - talk to your gyn again, and if he/she still won't do it and you really want one, find one who will. Also, make sure he/she knows what they're doing - ask them how many years they have been inserting them, and if they've done it commonly - if it's put in incorrectly, you generally have a lot of bleeding, and you might get pregnant. Also, if your MD doesn't already suggest to do so, have them do a translady partsl ultrasound after you've had one period post placement, just to ensure that it stayed in place, since the first period after placement is usually when it's displaced. If you decide to go through with it, good luck, and I hope it works as well for you as it does for me!

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