Obamacare? what are your thoughts

Nurses Activism


Hello ladies!

As healthcare professionals, what are your opinions on Obamacare?

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
Ok, so reading your "Dept. Of Labor" attachment is supposed to make me feel better about my $200 increase o my parents loss of coverage? I understand per your attachment employers can do what ever they wish, but isnt it ironic that it didnt happen until Pbama care started? to coincidental to me, sorry.

It is actually not ironic at all, in my opinion. It is convenient and effective for employers and insurers to blame someonelse for the rate increases. What is interesting is that many folks will believe whatever excuse the employer or insurer provides, especially if the excuse blames Obama, even when evidence points in a different direction. Coincidence = scandal in our current political arena. Blame the ACA and people will believe it because they want to believe it. Insurance companies have been increasing rates for years. Maybe your employer was not sharing those increases with you, that has not been so for many of us.

Perhaps you could provide some information which demonstrates that the ACA is, indeed, responsible for the things that are so troubling to you.

Specializes in Pediatrics, Emergency, Trauma.
It is actually not ironic at all, in my opinion. It is convenient and effective for employers and insurers to blame someonelse for the rate increases. What is interesting is that many folks will believe whatever excuse the employer or insurer provides, especially if the excuse blames Obama, even when evidence points in a different direction. Coincidence = scandal in our current political arena. Blame the ACA and people will believe it because they want to believe it. Insurance companies have been increasing rates for years. Maybe your employer was not sharing those increases with you, that has not been so for many of us.

Perhaps you could provide some information which demonstrates that the ACA is, indeed, responsible for the things that are so troubling to you.


When I paid for private insurance, the rates went up EVERY year, were aged based, so if you went up one year AND jumped into a different age bracket, it could mean a significant jump, as well as yearly upfront deductibles to be paid before a co-pay could be instituted, depending on the insurance. The saving grace was writing off for it during my taxes.

If anything, the ACA just allowed to see the amount of money that insurance companies charge the insured; took away that pesky "aged based" requirement, pre-existing health conditions (pricing or dropping insurers which forced many, including myself to seek out disability for our conditions); the insurance company, in my opinion, was more outrageous and seemed to damper my access to quality health care, especially at as time when I needed it, and because of my development of several health conditions, my "health" was relegated to disability insurance-I STILL have the letter from a private insurance company stating that btw suggesting disability or SSI :no:.

Being on Medicare (after a gap of no insurance that definitely set me back on my recovery) for a few years, I'm more inclined to want Medicare for all-I think having true access to healthcare and not being turned away would be a better start; that can be tweaked with what we have with the ACA.

I only used the 10 kids as an example, but there are wayto many people being allowed to abuse the system. And to know that my insurance has gone up and my parents lost theirs is enough for me to know this system is extremely flawed. Attempting to keep my political viewpoints out of this, I am only giving the facts from my experience. I am still fighting to get my parents added to my insurance because of this fiasco.

You are right, our system is extremely flawed, but I would be blaming the government, politicians, hospitals and insurance companies before i would blame poor people for being allowed care. I would submit that more waste/fraud has been perpetrated by healthcare institutions than any poor people actually seeking care.

I think the most telling problem lies in that you and many others didn't worry about the flaws until you were a victim of them yourself. When it was other people who were denied coverage or couldn't afford it, it was, and still is ok, but when it hits you personally, it is untenable. The system has been flawed for a lot of people for a long time. Consider yourself fortunate that it took this long to get to you.


When I paid for private insurance, the rates went up EVERY year, were aged based, so if you went up one year AND jumped into a different age bracket, it could mean a significant jump, as well as yearly upfront deductibles to be paid before a co-pay could be instituted, depending on the insurance. The saving grace was writing off for it during my taxes.

If anything, the ACA just allowed to see the amount of money that insurance companies charge the insured; took away that pesky "aged based" requirement, pre-existing health conditions (pricing or dropping insurers which forced many, including myself to seek out disability for our conditions); the insurance company, in my opinion, was more outrageous and seemed to damper my access to quality health care, especially at as time when I needed it, and because of my development of several health conditions, my "health" was relegated to disability insurance-I STILL have the letter from a private insurance company stating that btw suggesting disability or SSI :no:.

Being on Medicare (after a gap of no insurance that definitely set me back on my recovery) for a few years, I'm more inclined to want Medicare for all-I think having true access to healthcare and not being turned away would be a better start; that can be tweaked with what we have with the ACA.

My increase Was majorly significant when Obama care kicked in. My increases prior were viewed by me. Im not stupid and know when my prices for coverages go up. My age of course goes up but there was no significant changes to my health or lifestyles. I run marathons and am a physically healthy 40 something with no major family history of illness. My parents insurance through my fathers employee union he was with for 36 years working and 20 years post retirement informed my parents the plan they were on no longer existed. And my parents being way up there in age now have medical issues they cannot afford to manage without insurance. Again I tell you I dont care what you may think, my family had no issues until Obamacare took over making me the American worker have to pay for those who wouldnt or couldnt get insurance themselves. I dont care if you are a liberal or a conservative, Obamacare is negatively effecting a very large percentage of Americans whether you want to beleive it or not. I dont care what party started it or who is to blame for making it happen. Again, I and my family had no issues having coverage until this ACA garbage kicked in. So you can ride your happy unicorns over the rainbow to work everyday and beleive all is hunky dory in the world, but I promise you it isnt or all. Those are the only facts I need to see. My insurance bill being $200 more a month and still fighting to get my parents on my plan. Preexisting condition? it wasnt even an issue for my family before they lost their coverage, so at least its not an issue now. Gee, thats all I got out of this?

People for "Obamacare" can say what they wish. I am a nurse and my insurance has gone up $200 a month and both my parents were dropped from my fathers retirement plan. I have no problem with giving everyone health coverage, but I think a lot more planning and considerations should have been looked at before starting this MESS we are all stuck with paying for now. I have issues with those who dont work becuase they have 10 kids and arent willing to lose their tv time during the day knowing the government will continue to give them food stamps and welfare for nothing. (I know my example will make someone mad but that is only 1 scenario I've seen). I dont like that I am paying for those who wont pay for themselves. I have no problem with those who deserve the care my check provides them. But how do we weed out the worthless?

The plural of "anecdote" is not data. Your one scenario is just that: one experience. It is far from the norm. Not to mention "weed out the worthless" is extremely offensive.

You are right, our system is extremely flawed, but I would be blaming the government, politicians, hospitals and insurance companies before i would blame poor people for being allowed care. I would submit that more waste/fraud has been perpetrated by healthcare institutions than any poor people actually seeking care.

I think the most telling problem lies in that you and many others didn't worry about the flaws until you were a victim of them yourself. When it was other people who were denied coverage or couldn't afford it, it was, and still is ok, but when it hits you personally, it is untenable. The system has been flawed for a lot of people for a long time. Consider yourself fortunate that it took this long to get to you.

You are correct, it is easy for me to blame the people who squeeze our system dry of the money that you and I have to put itno to pay for their free handouts. Its easy where I live to see these people. I live in Portland Oregon the city of the free liberal hippies who stage protests and destroy the parks by living in them and having drug overdoses over a 45 day period to get their point across how we as humans are destroying our forests. Am I biased? ya probably. Because these same people who play drums in our parks and blame everything on the system have rarely worked a day in their life except for the occassional gas station or record store. I have a family member who lives this lifestyle and I have never approved and have never been successful to change her ways. Since I served 21 years in the military and been in law enforcement , and am now a nurse for the "government".....I am to blame. It didnt "take me this long", Ive just remained quiet until now it is effecting me and my parents. I live by the phrase........."dont **** with my family".

Specializes in Critical Care.
Of course it has to do with Obamacare. My insurance didnt go up at all until Obamacare started and my parents had insurance for 30 years after retirement until Obamacare kicked in. I see patients everyday who now have to come to the VA hospitals because they lost their insurance so where do your facts come from?? Let me guess, Obama?

Insurance premiums have been steadily rising for a long time. If your insurance didn't go up at all until now then it sounds like you were overdue and I'm surprised it only went up that much, but it wasn't because of Obamacare. People have also been losing insurance for some time and we've had a net less of insured people from year to year, which is one of the reasons reform was needed.

For some reason everything that used to happen, and still happens regardless of Obamacare, is suddenly the direct fault of Obamcare. It rained today, I hadn't realized until now that it was because of Obamacare.

Average annual total employee premiums (combined employee/employer contributions):


Specializes in Pediatrics, Emergency, Trauma.
My increase Was majorly significant when Obama care kicked in. My increases prior were viewed by me. Im not stupid and know when my prices for coverages go up. My age of course goes up but there was no significant changes to my health or lifestyles. I run marathons and am a physically healthy 40 something with no major family history of illness. My parents insurance through my fathers employee union he was with for 36 years working and 20 years post retirement informed my parents the plan they were on no longer existed. And my parents being way up there in age now have medical issues they cannot afford to manage without insurance. Again I tell you I dont care what you may think, my family had no issues until Obamacare took over making me the American worker have to pay for those who wouldnt or couldnt get insurance themselves. I dont care if you are a liberal or a conservative, Obamacare is negatively effecting a very large percentage of Americans whether you want to beleive it or not. I dont care what party started it or who is to blame for making it happen. Again, I and my family had no issues having coverage until this ACA garbage kicked in. So you can ride your happy unicorns over the rainbow to work everyday and beleive all is hunky dory in the world, but I promise you it isnt or all. Those are the only facts I need to see. My insurance bill being $200 more a month and still fighting to get my parents on my plan. Preexisting condition? it wasnt even an issue for my family before they lost their coverage, so at least its not an issue now. Gee, thats all I got out of this?

WHERE in my post did I say that everything is right with the world?

I believe the ACA doesn't go FAR enough, but then again I ended up on disabilty because I had a major trauma, not my fault, not the government's fault, not Obama's fault.

I believe I would've got to keep my insurance if laws like the ACA was in place.

Be glad to rant about being healthy, my health was compromised due to the LACK of access to healthcare; I have care for many people with your health pedigree to have it snatched away and have their access denied and forced to be on disability or DIE.

I was a very healthy individual prior to by near-death experience; I have such residual effects from the gap of not seeing a doctor I wouldn't WISH any of what I have went through on my own worst enemy.

Feel free to have this misplaced rant in paying more, but please use that energy on being a part of the solution.

I agree with Haley in her post, no one thinks about their health or blame other until you actually GO through the system and THEN want change-Again, I rather not see that, I've seen far to many, including myself, go through the ringer...enough is ENOUGH.

Specializes in Critical Care.
Again I tell you I dont care what you may think, my family had no issues until Obamacare took over making me the American worker have to pay for those who wouldnt or couldnt get insurance themselves.

This seems to be the base of your complaint, how did Obamacare "take over making the American worker have to pay for those who wouldn't..."

Of course it has to do with Obamacare. My insurance didnt go up at all until Obamacare started and my parents had insurance for 30 years after retirement until Obamacare kicked in. I see patients everyday who now have to come to the VA hospitals because they lost their insurance so where do your facts come from?? Let me guess, Obama?

I guess I have missed something about your parents situation. So one or both of your parents retired from the military? If that is so then they haven't lost their military insurance also know as Tricare for life. Plus, if they have been retired for 30 years they qualify for Medicare. If it was a corporate retirement, then benefits have a long history of disappearing with buy-outs. None of this has anything to do with the ACA.

My parents are retired military and the biggest issue they have is over prescription drugs. Tricare is making a big push of do mail order or they won't pay. They have no problems getting care, surgeries, or anything else. Plus they travel most of the time and have always had easy access to care.

I really can't say what went on with your job's insurance, but I have seen a few companies around here make a push to get their employees onto the exchange. It's cheaper if they fall within the guidelines. Or if they can force you to look at the exchange by no longer paying as much for your insurance. They really do win for each person they don't carry on their provided insurance. Especially now that they have to carry really policies and not junk insurance.

My hospital will save over $700 a month because I will be opting out of their insurance and use only my husband's.

Insurance premiums have been steadily rising for a long time. If your insurance didn't go up at all until now then it sounds like you were overdue and I'm surprised it only went up that much, but it wasn't because of Obamacare. People have also been losing insurance for some time and we've had a net less of insured people from year to year, which is one of the reasons reform was needed.

For some reason everything that used to happen, and still happens regardless of Obamacare, is suddenly the direct fault of Obamcare. It rained today, I hadn't realized until now that it was because of Obamacare.

Average annual total employee premiums (combined employee/employer contributions):


How ironic because liberals seem to think everything is Bush's fault. Its sunny today. Thats Bush's fault too.

I guess I have missed something about your parents situation. So one or both of your parents retired from the military? If that is so then they haven't lost their military insurance also know as Tricare for life. Plus, if they have been retired for 30 years they qualify for Medicare. If it was a corporate retirement, then benefits have a long history of disappearing with buy-outs. None of this has anything to do with the ACA.

My parents are retired military and the biggest issue they have is over prescription drugs. Tricare is making a big push of do mail order or they won't pay. They have no problems getting care, surgeries, or anything else. Plus they travel most of the time and have always had easy access to care.

I really can't say what went on with your job's insurance, but I have seen a few companies around here make a push to get their employees onto the exchange. It's cheaper if they fall within the guidelines. Or if they can force you to look at the exchange by no longer paying as much for your insurance. They really do win for each person they don't carry on their provided insurance. Especially now that they have to carry really policies and not junk insurance.

My hospital will save over $700 a month because I will be opting out of their insurance and use only my husband's.

No my parents were not in the military. I was in the military and am now a nurse. My father worked at a truck building plant and retired after 36 years and has still been covered until last year when his plan suddenly is no longer offered. If Obamacare didnt begin to take money from all those who pay taxes, then the corrupt insurance companies would not have canceled their plan. So yes in a round about way it is Obamacare. You wont change my mind.

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