Obamacare? what are your thoughts

Nurses Activism


Hello ladies!

As healthcare professionals, what are your opinions on Obamacare?

I have had insurance for my entire adult life. I disagree that this is affordable. Dress it up however you want. My employer dropped our insurance and we were forced to find coverage. Small businesses have been given extension on mandated coverage. Leaving many families in the same predicament. Disgusting.

If it dodnt happen to you..it didnt happen.

Specializes in Critical Care.
I have had insurance for my entire adult life. I disagree that this is affordable. Dress it up however you want. My employer dropped our insurance and we were forced to find coverage. Small businesses have been given extension on mandated coverage. Leaving many families in the same predicament. Disgusting.

How is it less affordable?

I think they just want everyone to be well aware of who is responsible for the mess.

People for "Obamacare" can say what they wish. I am a nurse and my insurance has gone up $200 a month and both my parents were dropped from my fathers retirement plan. I have no problem with giving everyone health coverage, but I think a lot more planning and considerations should have been looked at before starting this MESS we are all stuck with paying for now. I have issues with those who dont work becuase they have 10 kids and arent willing to lose their tv time during the day knowing the government will continue to give them food stamps and welfare for nothing. (I know my example will make someone mad but that is only 1 scenario I've seen). I dont like that I am paying for those who wont pay for themselves. I have no problem with those who deserve the care my check provides them. But how do we weed out the worthless?

People for "Obamacare" can say what they wish. I am a nurse and my insurance has gone up $200 a month and both my parents were dropped from my fathers retirement plan. I have no problem with giving everyone health coverage, but I think a lot more planning and considerations should have been looked at before starting this MESS we are all stuck with paying for now. I have issues with those who dont work becuase they have 10 kids and arent willing to lose their tv time during the day knowing the government will continue to give them food stamps and welfare for nothing. (I know my example will make someone mad but that is only 1 scenario I've seen). I dont like that I am paying for those who wont pay for themselves. I have no problem with those who deserve the care my check provides them. But how do we weed out the worthless?

Do you really think that basing your entire opinion on one experience is sound? How many people even have 10 kids? As far as paying for other people, everyone takes from the system. People always like to look at what other people take, but rarely examine or give up what they take themselves. Self awareness is not a strong point of our country.

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
People for "Obamacare" can say what they wish. I am a nurse and my insurance has gone up $200 a month and both my parents were dropped from my fathers retirement plan. I have no problem with giving everyone health coverage, but I think a lot more planning and considerations should have been looked at before starting this MESS we are all stuck with paying for now. I have issues with those who dont work becuase they have 10 kids and arent willing to lose their tv time during the day knowing the government will continue to give them food stamps and welfare for nothing. (I know my example will make someone mad but that is only 1 scenario I've seen). I dont like that I am paying for those who wont pay for themselves. I have no problem with those who deserve the care my check provides them. But how do we weed out the worthless?

You imply that you have seen other abuse or fraud in the system. I wonder, in your experience, what percentage do these troubling cases represent in terms of your work with people who receive some social welfare benefit? Would you guess 25%? More, less?

Nobody wants death panels. Frankly, having some system to determine who in the society will not be allowed or provided health care amounts to having a death panel, IMHO.

I don't think that the people are worthless. They may be easy to dislike or have unlikeable habits, etc., but they still have value, in my view. What is the minimum requirement that achieves the level of 'deserving' in your opinion?

Your example didn't make me mad. It does make me sort of sad.

All over NYC today there were rallies held by healthcare workers (mostly 1199) from hospitals and nursing homes around the City. In a nutshell the beef was with benefits in particular health insurance.

As with many other businesses hospitals/nursing homes in NYC are increasingly saying employees are going to have to pick up greater portions of their health insurance, or perhaps not have it at all. They point to changes brought on by ACA including declining reimbursement rates to the overall changes in the healthcare system that are squeezing their revenue.

Being as all this may what is left of New York City hospital systems do not seem to be short of money for mergers and other expansion efforts. All up and down the Eastside for instance NYP is opening various ambulatory and other outpatient care centers. North Shore-LIJ is in talks to purchase yet *another* hospital (North Westchester), and so it goes.

It is a pretty sad thing when healthcare workers cannot afford to become ill and treated at the very same facility they are employed.

Live Coverage: More than 1,500 healthcare workers on Staten Island picket for better benefits (with photos & video) | SILive.com

Do you really think that basing your entire opinion on one experience is sound? How many people even have 10 kids? As far as paying for other people, everyone takes from the system. People always like to look at what other people take, but rarely examine or give up what they take themselves. Self awareness is not a strong point of our country.

I only used the 10 kids as an example, but there are wayto many people being allowed to abuse the system. And to know that my insurance has gone up and my parents lost theirs is enough for me to know this system is extremely flawed. Attempting to keep my political viewpoints out of this, I am only giving the facts from my experience. I am still fighting to get my parents added to my insurance because of this fiasco.

You imply that you have seen other abuse or fraud in the system. I wonder, in your experience, what percentage do these troubling cases represent in terms of your work with people who receive some social welfare benefit? Would you guess 25%? More, less?

Nobody wants death panels. Frankly, having some system to determine who in the society will not be allowed or provided health care amounts to having a death panel, IMHO.

I don't think that the people are worthless. They may be easy to dislike or have unlikeable habits, etc., but they still have value, in my view. What is the minimum requirement that achieves the level of 'deserving' in your opinion?

Your example didn't make me mad. It does make me sort of sad.

I think the term death panel is extreme. Getting us a little out of subject, many of those abusing the system are doing nothing to improve their situation. I speak as part of the working class who works my backside off to see people with new tattoos, new clothes, new cell phones, and packs of cigarettes.......walking around handing out foodstamps like they are going out of style. And for some reason seem to be the people in my ER who are more demanding as if they are owed something. I am retired military and yet still work because I wont see my retirement until I turn 62. My parents were both hard working and now have no insurance because of this "plan". How about making those getting the "entitlements" (handouts) to clean up our freeways, clean our parks, volunteer at shelters for people or animals. I truly do understand there are those who deserve the entitlements due to disabilities etc, but its those that are blatantly being allowed to abuse the system that I would like to see put to work. Say what you wish regarding this but I see it everyday and it sickens me.

Specializes in Geriatrics, Home Health.
People for "Obamacare" can say what they wish. I am a nurse and my insurance has gone up $200 a month and both my parents were dropped from my fathers retirement plan.

That's awful, but it has nothing to do with Obamacare.

Employees and retirees should know that private-sector employers are not required to promise retiree health benefits. Furthermore, when employers do offer retiree health benefits, nothing in federal law prevents them from cutting or eliminating those benefits--unless they have made a specific promise to maintain the benefits.
That's awful, but it has nothing to do with Obamacare.

Of course it has to do with Obamacare. My insurance didnt go up at all until Obamacare started and my parents had insurance for 30 years after retirement until Obamacare kicked in. I see patients everyday who now have to come to the VA hospitals because they lost their insurance so where do your facts come from?? Let me guess, Obama?

That's awful, but it has nothing to do with Obamacare.

Ok, so reading your "Dept. Of Labor" attachment is supposed to make me feel better about my $200 increase o my parents loss of coverage? I understand per your attachment employers can do what ever they wish, but isnt it ironic that it didnt happen until Pbama care started? to coincidental to me, sorry.

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