Nursing and the sex industry

Nurses General Nursing


Hello everyone,

So I'm feeling a little uneasy at the moment. I had started my CNA course and when I was about to finish I had an accident. This accident left it so that I could not work or go to school. In that time I had heard about "camming". Without putting much thought into it I signed up to a few camming sites. I figured that I could sign up for a few camming sites and if I decided that's what I was going to do then I would already have a few accounts set up. What didn't cross my mind at the time was 1099's and background checks. I never actually broadcasted myself so I never received a penny. I've read that companies aren't required to send a 1099 unless you exceed $599 but some companies send them regardless. My question is how badly do you think just signing up for these sites would effect my future in nursing? I'm hoping that I can call these sites and see if they will not send out 1099's to the IRS.

Thank you

Specializes in LTC, assisted living, med-surg, psych.

Camming. Just confirms my long-held suspicion that I lack sophistication.....I never heard of that before in my entire 55---oops, 56---years on this planet. LOL

This is a reply to OP-

In KY our BON lists reasons why your license can be revoked. One of the reasons?

"Hosting a Mediaographic website"

To me that doesn't just mean running a Media website, but adding ANY content to the site itself. Let's be honest, these Media sites have "hosts" who have a username, and beside it is how many videos they have uploaded. You can click on their username, then there's a whole URL dedicated to this one username who posts things. That my friend means adding content=hosting.

Strippers on the other hand don't post things on a public website that's free to access (in most cases). They dance on a table in dim lighting where photography is not allowed. This choice will not last forever, somewhere where anyone with a computer can pull up pictures 15 years down the road, or video for that matter.

Just some info to let sink into ur brain.

Just don't do it. If you do, send us the link.. Kidding.

DONT DO IT! It's not worth losing something you have worked so hard for to make a dollar.

Listen,just get a sugar Daddy or sugar momma.

Preferably one over 70.

No traces later works.

Am I the only one who thought nurse's cap and white fishnets after reading the title? :o

I'll offer a brief, genuine response, although I think maybe this is the same poster as the other thread. Maybe not.

The two usernames are talking to each other on that same thread, so....unless the OP is suffering from Online Dissociative Disorder (my personal discovery of a diagnosis!), they are two people.

If there are no laws being broken, I don't see the harm here. I'm also having a hard time seeing the need for disclosing information confirming working in the sex industry voluntarily.

This could be a real problem for you, OP and the other person should they be found out however. I've been aware so far of two nurses dismissed from my old hospital for running a 'nurse themed' adult camming type of endeavor. That was back in 2004 though. Here, in AZ, the employer will most likely dismiss you or stop the interview process. AZSBN does have moral clauses in it's verbiage that were used against the two nurses I'm thinking of. They did ultimately lose their licenses.

While I'm sure you are aware of the importance of seperating your actual information from your camming/adult information - I'd recommend additional caution. It would appear that the actual key lies in that. Not having whatever your web persona is be linked to your actual one.

The two nurses I mentioned were linked by simply checking the website owners for a name match with a license holder in our state. Less than 2 minutes of actual work. It was also rumored that one of our hospitalists discovered the nurses online initially and was able to, *ahem* visually verify their identity. I believe that's what started the domino effect that left them unable to practice.

If you are not filing with the IRS, I wouldn't think you had anything to worry about. If you are, be prepared for someone, somewhere to link you and your online persona one day. Back up plans are awesome.

Specializes in M/S, LTC, Corrections, PDN & drug rehab.

I personally believe the twain shall not meet. If you want to do that freaky stuff, keep it personal & off the internet.

I personally believe the twain shall not meet. If you want to do that freaky stuff, keep it personal & off the internet.

Although I agree with you; I think we can both admit this is not how reality affects our days. I've befriended co-workers in the past and learned later in the friendship that they were involved at some point in the sex industry. Either escorting/camming/etc. There really is a reason for the season with some of these completely inappropriate patients and their demeaning behavior toward staff.

It isn't safe to operate in a tunnel on this subject, however distasteful we may personally find it to be. What I'm saying here is, that even though I'd never do anything with or within that industry - it's unwise to operate under the assumption that every other nurse is the same way.

Oh, and cops - ten times worse in my opinion. I've dated a few and lemmetellya...

Lol, the fact that people think that this is trolling. She obviously is concerned, honestly it really annoys me that you guys think this is a joke just because it's not a "normal" question.

Specializes in M/S, LTC, Corrections, PDN & drug rehab.
Although I agree with you; I think we can both admit this is not how reality affects our days. I've befriended co-workers in the past and learned later in the friendship that they were involved at some point in the sex industry. Either escorting/camming/etc. There really is a reason for the season with some of these completely inappropriate patients and their demeaning behavior toward staff.

It isn't safe to operate in a tunnel on this subject, however distasteful we may personally find it to be. What I'm saying here is, that even though I'd never do anything with or within that industry - it's unwise to operate under the assumption that every other nurse is the same way.

Oh, and cops - ten times worse in my opinion. I've dated a few and lemmetellya...

If I found out a coworker was an escort/cam girl/stripper/etc I would remain professional with them. I have no reason to treat them differently even though I have different personal views on the subject. OMG, don't get me started on cops!

Specializes in hospice.
Lol, the fact that people think that this is trolling. She obviously is concerned, honestly it really annoys me that you guys think this is a joke just because it's not a "normal" question.

Without putting much thought into it I signed up to a few camming sites. I figured that I could sign up for a few camming sites and if I decided that's what I was going to do then I would already have a few accounts set up.

I think these are the same person.

This thread, with a sanitized version of the story in the other thread, was only posted after I brought up the consequences of employment tax documents on a background check.

Also, just finished reading all of my responses on my forum post. Haha, thanks everyone that actually gave me advice and didn't provide a snarky or judgmental comment. Really helpful.

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