Published Apr 15, 2008
What are your thoughts on a nurse that smokes?
Does it bother you?
Do you look down on them; especially with them being a nurse?
1,304 Posts
while agree, smoke smells, one shouldn't be out front of a hosptial smoking , the issue was: can a nurse who smokes be effective in teaching, giving information to patient in regards to their own smoking and need to quit.
346 Posts
I used to smoke only quit about 5 mo. ago w/ Chantix still have my moments where I would love to just inhale!
I tell people I used to smoke and the resources that are available to them if they want to quit. It is a very hard hard habit to break so I do not judge people who smoke or w/ any other addictions. It takes more than will power to stop a bad habit it takes a change in lifestyle.
Some people will quit and succeed and others will try repeatedly and still not be able to kick the habit. I tell them what there options are and absolutly do not lecture them. Smokers know it's bad for them they know the consequences and they will quit when they are ready to. If you have not been a smoker don't judge because u can't relate to the addiction and the struggle it takes to quit.
Nurses have imperfections also:eek:, we are all human and sometimes we make the wrong choices and before you know it that wrong choice has u sucked in and now u can't stop. There is nothing u r going to say or do that will stop someone from smoking. It is a personal choice and they will do it when they are ready.
301 Posts
Well, I have to agree with the majority of posters on here.
It looks like that the original poster created his/her profile to come and criticize nurses for smoking. I used to smoke, I tried many times to quit. I knew it was bad for me, and I hated doing it.
I was only successful after I got so sick with asthmatic bronchitis and ended up in the ED and THEN I figured out I didn't want to continue living that way.
Sometimes, yes, even sometimes NURSES require being hit in the head by a 2 x 4 to make them realize smoking is not good for them.
So I wonder what the original poster's vice is?
He/she has one. They just won't admit. NObody is perfect.
362 Posts
QuennJean - be careful with the T-word. I used that word toward someone who created a profile just to post about how much they hate nurses. I got an e-mail from a mod and my post was deleted (as was the thread, since it was clearly made to make people yell). It's all good though.
Spidey's mom, ADN, BSN, RN
11,305 Posts
I personally don't give a rip if nurses/doctors want to smoke...I smoked for 12 yrs and have quit for over 5 yrs now...that does not make me a better person or nurse it just helps me understand the addiction.My issue with this topic is image...we have banned smoking from our campus so instead of having a smoking room for staff we now make them go out to the sidewalk to smoke, so when pt's pull up to our hospital they see a crowd of staff smoking and throwing their butts and garbage on the sidewalk! I think the nurses are out numbered greatly by the housekeeping staff but they also where scrubs so pt's don't know they are not nurses. I do think it is very tacky and can make us look like hypocrites.
My issue with this topic is image...we have banned smoking from our campus so instead of having a smoking room for staff we now make them go out to the sidewalk to smoke, so when pt's pull up to our hospital they see a crowd of staff smoking and throwing their butts and garbage on the sidewalk! I think the nurses are out numbered greatly by the housekeeping staff but they also where scrubs so pt's don't know they are not nurses. I do think it is very tacky and can make us look like hypocrites.
This is actually a good issue to talk about instead of the op's question - which has been adequately answered here and on many other threads about smoking.
Our hospital also has a smoking area that is right in front of the hospital and the outpatient entrance . . . so, you have to walk through them and smoke to get into the hospital. The other smoking area is behind the hospital and the entrance to LTC and the cafeteria.
How can this be solved? Allowing folks to smoke but making a smoking area that is close, yet not obvious?
Yeah, I think without some kind of proof, calling someone a troll is not a nice thing to do.
A newbie to the site would have no idea this has been rehashed over and over. When I was new, I asked many of these same questions.
Then I learned how to use the SEARCH button. :imbar
194 Posts
Excuse my language but who gives a **** if nurses smoke, drink, overeat, have sex what ever...we are all human and we each have our little guilty pleaseures. I smoke and i carry frebreeze with me. Niether my pts or my co workers can smell the smoke on me. And speaking from a pt point of view. I would much rather have someone who has been in my shoes and knows what I am going through rather than some one who has no idea what the hell is going on. I do not care what the nurse does on his/her spare time. Just as long as they proved quality pt care for either myself or my loved one. Ok, now I will get off my soap box
I'm trying to picture you standing there spritzing yourself with Febreeze after having a cigarette .
TheCommuter, BSN, RN
102 Articles; 27,612 Posts
Threads merged.
100 Posts
Job security!
839 Posts
I don't care if a nurse smokes, as long as I don't have to smell it or her.
cherrybreeze, ADN, RN
1,405 Posts
I am a nurse who smokes. I do my best to cover up my scent, my breaks are no longer overall than what we are allowed to take.
I had an interesting question from a CNA one time....a patient on her assignment they suspected was smoking in her room (OBVIOUSLY a no-no, right?). She wanted ME to go in there and confront the situation, because I'm a smoker too. No, sorry. Just because I do doesn't mean I have to deal with that situation, with that patient.
Luckily the RN on her team was sitting right there, and said, NO, I will take care of it. I'm all about helping out my coworkers, but her request for me to deal with this was insulting to me.
3 Articles; 10,428 Posts
Like others have said, it's not the fact that they have an unhealthy habit (while working in the healthcare field) that's my biggest problem. It's that they come in from breaks and arrive on their shift stinking of smoke. I've never met ANYONE that didn't stink of smoke at some point; even the ones who swear they don't carry the smell do (and how, exactly, is it that they don't think they stink of smoke?).
Sure stinks to me.
The other problem I find is that their multiple smoke breaks are way longer than our scheduled breaks: they can't manage to smoke in the 15 minute time frame. By the time they're back on the floor after the most recent break, it's at least 20 minutes--and I've had to fix their IVs and give their meds
I know, I know: I'm going to hear from all the thousands of nurses who don't do this--they never smell of carcinogens, they are always considerate where time is concerned, and they never leave me taking care of their patients when they can't be found (because they've slipped out--AGAIN).