Published Apr 15, 2008
What are your thoughts on a nurse that smokes?
Does it bother you?
Do you look down on them; especially with them being a nurse?
291 Posts
WOW, alot of stuff here! To smoke or not smoke is the question. Most of that is being taken care of by local laws. Most smokers are kicked out back by the delivery doors and the back parking lot. That is a good thing. It is the one place family members can not come look for us for the (yes) 10 minutes it takes us to smoke. You may not believe me, but non-smokers often join us because it is the only "free" place you can be! In our new "client sensitive" work place, it seems all is open to the client. This includes our employee break room with it's soda and snack machine. I know that smoking is not good for me, but the carry-out I eat is not, the hours I work are not, the abuse from families is not and the extra work I do because my co-worker is over 300 pounds and can't walk her not. You work in a smoke free environment........I respect that......
Meriwhen, ASN, BSN, MSN, RN
4 Articles; 7,907 Posts
As long as they didn't walk onto the floor while reeking of nicotine, I wouldn't care. Whatever a nurse wants to do on her/his off hours is up to them. I don't condone smoking, but as an ex-smoker, I'm not going to throw stones at those who do it.
5 Posts
All of your points well taken....It's great that those that do smoke carry fabreeze. I think that it is ones choice to smoke or not. But I think as nurses we should strive to provide a positive example. Especially when we can see, first hand, what it does to the body.