Published Apr 9, 2010
1,936 members have participated
Brian, ASN, RN
3 Articles; 3,695 Posts
Please take a second to vote on the poll, then leave your comments. It will be interesting to see what the membership thinks.
Please do not turn this thread into a Political discussion, argument or debate. It is just intended to poll our nursing audience on the question.
Feel free to leave civil comments and your opinion whether you agree or disagree, but please no arguing and fueding :)
If you want to discuss politics, please visit our US Politics forum over at allnurses Central where members can discuss non-nursing discussions
Disclaimer: This is by no means a scientific poll Just for entertainment purpose.
Thanks and have a great day!
Purple_Scrubs, BSN, RN
1 Article; 1,978 Posts
Yes and no, LOL. I am all for Healthcare reform and think it is very necessary, so in that respect yes, I think it is a step in the right direction.
I do not like how this bill was passed, however. Somthing as big as this needs bipartisan support. Also, I kept getting the feeling that the democrats decided that this is what is best for their constituents, so this is what they were going to do, regardless of whether or not the people actually wanted it. It seemed to be a very paternalistic attitude, which is not what we elect our politicians to do. They should listen to the voices of the many people who were against this bill and work for a bipartisan solution to this very big problem that we face.
So, I really can't answer the poll. I am very conflicted about how the bill was passed, but extremely hopefull that it will prove to be a beneficial and popular reform in the long run. :)
41 Posts
we can't afford it
49 Articles; 5,349 Posts
No, along with most of the country. We all (including our children and grandchildren) will pay dearly for this folly if it is not reversed soon. Generational theft at its finest. Praying for a big change in November! Lots of pink slips to give out...
91 Posts
Something HAS to be done about healthcare because it is a huge disaster. I work at a hospital that primarily serves patients on public aid. I love serving under-resourced people (well, at least those that don't feel entitled), but our hospital is hanging on by a thread and is constantly under threat of just shutting down due to lack of finances. I have huge compassion for people who are in financial crisis. I think insurance companies are basically greedy and pretty evil. But, I am very worried about who is going to pay for all of this. It DOES cost money to received healthcare, and I sure don't want to work in a job as stressful as nursing without decent pay. The money for healthcare has to come from SOMEWHERE, and that's basically a lot more money out of all of our paychecks. My family is just barely surviving financially as it is. I don't have the answers, but I am concerned with how this thing passed without people understanding all the fine points and how it will effect us as 1) nurses and 2) taxpayers.
PostOpPrincess, BSN, RN
2,211 Posts
I don't know yet.
Actually, even the CEO of our 5 hospitals doesn't know yet.
Looks like we will all be waiting and seeing.
and Praying for the best.
Spidey's mom, ADN, BSN, RN
11,305 Posts
It will be interesting to see the outcome here on allnurses. So far, it is about 50/50.
I voted no
TheCommuter, BSN, RN
102 Articles; 27,612 Posts
I sure as heck wish that the aforementioned poll included an "unsure" option.
nursemike, ASN, RN
1 Article; 2,362 Posts
I voted that I was glad, because I'm convinced something has to be done. Not just for the poor. Actually, if you're poor enough, you can get Medicaid. But if you're working and sorta poor, you're out of luck, and even if you're middle class and have insurance, you have to hope you get an "approved" illness that your coverage covers.
But I agree with those who say "not sure," because only time will tell if what we get is better than what we have. I'm worried about the cost. On the other hand, the US has some of the most expensive health care in the world, and still a lot of people can't get adequate care. My facility treats a lot of people who have no coverage, so the cost of their care comes out of my taxes and my facility's operating budget. Our state exports young people, so a lot of our patients are on Medicare, too.
Frankly, a fair part of my doubt is whether the new plan will go far enough, but at least it's a plan. I think we've reached the point where it was time to call a code, not call for a second opinion.
464 Posts
I voted "yes" I don't particularly like the bill that they ended up with, but as others have said, something has to be done (preferably instead of paying the CEOs of the insurance companies obscene amounts of money...) I do like that the person with a pre-existing condition cannot be dropped because of it, as well as some of the other provisions.
1,446 Posts
With minimal regulatory control over the healthcare insurance industry, maintaining employer-based healthcare insurance (reducing personal options for chosing one's supplier of healthcare insurance coverage), eventually being financially penalized for opting not to feed the healthcare insurance industry & not providing a public option (buying in to the same coverage as congress has),
I cannot see how the Obama Bill is going to produce positive outcomes (as it relates to improving healthcare for the American people).