Nurse to Nurse Bullying

Nurses General Nursing


As a student nurse you spend nearly the entire time in school telling yourself to make it through this last hurdle, dig deep and delve down because once you graduate the pain lessens. You fumble through the most stressful two years of your life between feeling like a walking idiot, to feeling like you can take on the world and solve the world's largest medical mysteries. The last semester comes and you pat yourself on the back for making it to the end. You tell yourself that the next year will be hard with dealing with learning the skill sets of a nurse, understanding time management, and learning prioritization. What you don't understand at that time, is that one of the hardest contentions you will have to deal with is an unspoken problem in the world's most ethical profession; nurse to nurse bullying.

No one wants to admit it is happening on their unit, no one wants to admit it is happening to them, and no one wants to admit there is not really an answer to this problem, that makes it solvable. Even as an author that wants to buck against the system and yell NO I will DEFEND these nurses!” I don't. Even when it is happening to me. Why? I am scared of rocking the boat, most of the behavior is actually encouraged by the leadership of my unit, and they believe it gives new nurses thicker skin”. How do I know they feel this way? They told me so.

When I have tried to speak up before I was told, don't take it personal, have thicker skin, and that my nurse preceptor just says it like it is. I like to think of myself as a pretty tough person. I usually do have pretty thick skin, yet as a new nurse it does make me doubt myself very deeply. What, you may be asking as a reader, am I defining nurse to nurse bullying as? The easy answer is belittling, and talking badly about the new nurse with other nurses. However, I do understand examples are needed to get a true understanding.

A little background: I was told prior to be assigned this preceptor that she is tough, cuts it straight but will also be able to build me into a great nurse. She was all those things and a lot more. She would disappear many times leaving me on my own to figure many things out. If I was ever brave enough to ask something I got eye rolls and a put-out answer (yet one of the most repeatable pieces of advice a new nurse gets is to ask questions and not to be afraid to ask for help!), if I needed her to help me with procedures this is where she would get outright mean! An important aspect to remember throughout this is that she had NO patients or 1-2 MAX just so she could help train me. I am not a complainer, I am an older student so I have world experience behind me as well. I am not meek usually and for the most part I have a mouth that I will certainly use to advocate for my patient but here I was not the one that was trained but instead the one being trained.

Example 1: A patient needed an NG tube. This patient had been eating and drinking all day. The doctor had just changed the patient's status to NPO about an hour earlier. The patient was having an NG tube done to see if the edema the patient was experiencing was due to air, or something else. I was very excited to get another check off done and was up to 4 patients on my med-surg floor. I grabbed all my supplies (I had previously notified her of the procedure, got heaving breathing over my ASCOM and told FINE be right there”) and put them outside the room. Went back to find her and get my glass of water with a straw for the insertion. Here I did stop and tell myself the patient is NPO…but he just went NPO, has other fluids already in the stomach, and insertion without drinking the water could lead to the tube inserting into the lungs therefore it is wiser to use a bit of water. While I was filling up the cup with water here came the preceptor. Instantly she launched into me about why I was getting water. When I tried to explain the only thing I was able to get out was how else am I going to insert the tube” and suddenly I was being berated in the middle of the hallway. Dry swallow had to have been repeated 6-10 times, I kept trying to explain my thought process but was talked over (almost to a yell) and spoken down to. I felt like an idiot and like I had nearly killed my patient or something. I proceeded to mess up the entire day and go home bawling. It is important to note that I did speak up for myself here, I did at one point say that's enough! Be nice! Be nice!” but it never phased her or make her stop.

Example two: I admit I am not the best IV starter. I am not the worst but not the best either. I refuse to stick a patient however blindly. If I am going to stick them then I will either feel a vein or see one (DO NO HARM!). Why in the world would I state this, since it seems like common sense? Because it is important to this example. My patient had previously told me that the IV s/he had was placed by the rapid nurse due to how hard a stick s/he is. When that one lone IV was infiltrated I tried to find a vein. I couldn't even find one on the hand!! At this point I am up to 5 patients and have been on the unit about a 1 ½ months. I am still in training but nearing the end. I cringe as I pick up my ASCOM to notify my preceptor I need help. I know what is coming. I get told I better figure it out and hung up on when I try to ask for help to start the IV. I try really hard not to cry in front of my patient, and be a wuss. So I start at the wrist and work my way up to the armpit with no luck. I had tried before but I knew if I didn't at least try to stick one time I would hear about it. I didn't try though, my patient's comfort and safety came before my own feelings of not wanting to be belittled and yelled at. So I picked up that dreaded ASCOM again and this time I said if you can find a vein I'll be happy to stick it but I can't find even ONE!” This time my preceptor came after I got a fine”. When she couldn't find one either and tried over 6 times before saying the patient either needed a PICC or the rapid nurse, it was very hard for me to not look at her with a smug expression. Very hard!

In the middle of this awful experience I did ask my fellow trainees how they were doing. Their preceptors actually went with them to do everything (even med passes). They never were afraid to ask questions or for help and several times they had heard the way my preceptor talked to me and informed me they would be curled into a ball crying. They complimented my strength and claimed I looked so confident and independent on the floor. That was total fake it tell you make it” at work. When I tried to talk with my management they encouraged my preceptors behavior and then the very week that I decide ok it's time to speak up, they put those same trainees with her to toughen them up”. I am not joking, those exact words were used. My preceptor was being encouraged to toughen us up”. Other trainees have overheard the preceptors throughout the training process talk about us from how slow we are, to how stupid we are.

I have no recourse I can take. There is no avenue I can go to and report without making matters worse. I cannot quit because I am in a town that is monopolized by a very large hospital, and as a new graduate my options are so limited. I cannot go to my upper management for the same reason I cannot go to my immediate supervisor. The bullying or toughening as they call it, has been encouraged and this will only make it worse. So the only thing left to do is to vent, grind down and make the best of it but also make sure to NEVER be that nurse. To point out when I can safely do so what is going on, and when I finally get to claim to be a seasoned nurse or preceptor, make sure I intercede on that new graduates behalf. I can post my story on the internet so that new graduates read it and know they are not alone if this is happening to them. I can point it out to hopefully shame the preceptors that are doing this, even if it is privately. They became a nurse for a reason and hopefully that ability to care for their fellow human beings will reach out to their fellow nurses as well.

My advice from a new graduate to an old battle ax nurse. Remember that we too have a story, that you once were a new graduate and that tough love” really isn't the only way to get your point across. By no means does this imply that new graduates should be coddled or handled with kid gloves. No they should just be treated and spoken to in the same manner you would want to be spoken to and treated as. Most of all remember battle axes one day you may wake up with that nurse you treated like crap standing above you. Pray that she does not hold a grudge!

Specializes in OR 35 years; crosstrained ER/ICU/PACU.

I am so sorry you've been going through such an awful precept period. When I finished college in the late 70's, I got a job on a Surgical floor; while there was no preceptor programs back then, I must say my colleagues never once treated me in such a horrible manner! They always managed to make time for me, or at least send 1 of the 2 awesome CNA's to give me a hand (they were both in their 50's, & were so knowledgeable & helpful). I learned by my colleagues' examples, to be kind, respectful, & helpful to ALL new nurses! Being mean & angry does nothing but hinder learning! This credo has served me well in my 39 year career, as an RN in the Operating Room for the past 33 years, as a Paramedic, as a BLS & ACLS Instructor. I became the RN the House Supervisor would call for tough IV sticks; I could run a full code in PACU, float to ICU & the ER. I was given such a boost in my career because of a great start.

I did have 1 RN who was whiny & cranky when I first transferred to the OR. Eye-rolling was her specialty, as was popping & smacking her gum behind her mask when I couldn't always get something right on the 1st try (like self-gowning & gloving - it takes practice!). But it made me work even harder, just to show her I wasn't going to fold to the pressure. After about a year or so (yes, it takes that long to feel comfortable on a new unit!), when I held my own, & eventually became the Evening shift Charge Nurse, we ended up being good friends for the 20 years I worked there!

My advice to you, since you feel you can't get any help for your situation from your chain of command, is to then take a deep breath, stand tall & look Ms Adversity in the face, & try to show NO reaction to her degrading & rude statements! Show her you're the stronger one, & you have what it takes to make it through anything. I agree with an earlier post - that she may be insecure in her own life, & this is how it's manifested in her actions. So yes, Be Strong! And keep repeating "I've Got This" to yourself! Because, in time, you WILL be a great RN, & you'll be the sweetest preceptor to another new grad down the road!

Specializes in Acute Mental Health.

I never get a say in whether I want to precept or pass. My pay remains the same as well. Precepting is tough! There are good and not so good out there. As a preceptee, please remember that we have a lot on our plate. Your pts are mine too and so are you. It's a huge responsibility and there are times when personalities will clash. You have no idea the depth of what you don't know yet. Be a sponge and remember the good and the bad of your experience, because in a short while, you will be the preceptor.

Specializes in ER, cardiac, addictions.
Judging by some of the posts on here, I'd be inclined that it's the newer nurses, not the older ones, who are the problem. I'm sorry but this right here: If I were the preceptor and you said that to me the way I can only read it as is - I'd let you sink in the deep end, too.

Really? I'd interpret from it that she's asking for information. Then I'd provide the information, and help her do the procedure. Problem solved.

Specializes in as above.

boy has nursing changed? Or has it. What is a preceptor? Plain English would be swell at this point.

The nurses I worked with years back, most of us got along well. Or is the young nurses that have no

person to person experience? You get the occasional idiot, but a lot depends on where you work.

Specializes in Med/Surg, Ortho, ASC.
boy has nursing changed? Or has it. What is a preceptor? Plain English would be swell at this point.

The nurses I worked with years back, most of us got along well. Or is the young nurses that have no

person to person experience? You get the occasional idiot, but a lot depends on where you work.

Let me google that for you

Specializes in Oncology; medical specialty website.
Nurses frequently do not have the choice to precept to grads. I'm not sure where you come up with the idea that "at most facilities, preceptors have volunteered themselves for the position", because it hadn't been true at ANY facility at which I have worked.

Not long ago, we had 23 new grads in various phases of orientation in a roughly 75 nurse staff. That meant that 1/3 of the nurses were on orientation and probably another third were around a year in -- or roughly six months off orientation. That left about 20 senior nurses to be main preceptors, and since orientees don't like to follow the preceptor's schedule, the yearlings were "guest preceptors." If you had a pulse and had ever had to renew your license, you were drafted to be the main preceptor for at least one and often two new grads. Plus you were still mentoring your "yearlings" until they'd been off orientation for a year. Even if you'd been precepting nonstop for the past five years and had asked for a break, you were still given an orientee. Even if your mother died or you were caring for a parent with Alzheimer's and were undergoing treatment for cancer. You precepted.

A lot of the orientees claimed to be 'bullied' at that time. I'm pretty sure it was just burned out and overwhelmed preceptors with a low tolerance for bullfeces.

Preceptors are human, too. We all remember what it was like to be new grads, or new orientees. The thing is, not all new grads have any idea what it's like to be preceptors, and most of them are too concerned with their own feelings to think about the feelings of a preceptor.

I am so sorry that you were forced to precept with all of that going on. That's cruel.

Specializes in Oncology; medical specialty website.
You say battle- axe like its a bad thing:saint:'re right!

Specializes in Orthopedics.
Reading this article was very interesting, as I consider the RN who wrote it to be very brave. I've watched Micheal Moore's movie "Sicko" about the healthcare industry in our country that outlined the insurance companies and their failure to ensure the American people. I've also read in various articles, have watched on the news, and have known several people whose relatives have been victims of medical errors, sometimes to the point of resulting in fatalities. A classmate of mine lost her mother due to a fatality made by a nurse on her ward. The family received a hefty settlement, but their mother who died at the young age of 47 will never be replaced.

Which brings me to the purpose of my little prologue...see...I'm interested in becoming a nurse after years as an educator. Upon reading this article and many like it, and most importantly the comments of "toughen up" and "it's not the poor preceptors fault" it sheds light on the reasons for the numerous errors in the healthcare industry, and why most folks will tell you "I don't like hospitals" and will wait until they are quite ill prior to going to seek medical assistance. There is NO EXCUSE FOR POOR PRECEPTORS....NONE! I CANNOT SAY IT ENOUGH - "IT'S NOT ABOUT THE NEW NURSE OR THE OLDER NURSE ITS ABOUT THE PATIENT...YES!!! THE PATIENT!!!" I don't care if you've been working 1 day or 101 years! As a patient, I want you to provide help AND TOP-NOTCH HEALTHCARE. Period. It is unacceptable to not properly train nurses and leave them on the floor when they are to be learning, WITHOUT an adequate preceptor/help. Hanging up in the nurse's face when she asked for help is unacceptable. She wasn't calling you to ask you for a personal favor, rather professional guidance. I can have a "thick skin", but ZERO TOLERANCE to behavior that adversely affect patient health/experience.

I see it in education where new teachers rely on the older teachers for guidance on classrooom management and academic skills, and older teachers bully, berate, and ignore those teachers. Who suffers? The students...THE STUDENTS WHO REALLY WANT TO LEARN AND GET INTO A GOOD COLLEGE AND GET GOOD GRADES AND GOOD SAT/ACT SCORES...because they forget what it's like to be a new teacher, or that they are there for the's not about you, your issues, and B**l S***! it's about the students! In medicine it's about the patients! So I would put all of my concerns in writting, so when something happens...nobody is coming for my license. If a hosptial what to have some ignorant person on deck, and not care about patient care...fine. But I will not go down with the Titanic!

Hmmm... I would think most people don't like going to hospitals because of the lack of privacy, lack of sleep, being out of their own environment, getting run around for testing, and being in general pain.

Specializes in Oncology; medical specialty website.
Hmmmmm, interesting.

Not sure how I feel about a non-nurse posting on a nursing forum in order to tell nurses how to be nurses.

LOL...I know how I​ feel about the spate of non-nurses posting here, telling us how to be nurses or telling us what we don't know about A&P/pharmacology/etc.

Specializes in Hospice.
LOL...I know how I​ feel about the spate of non-nurses posting here, telling us how to be nurses or telling us what we don't know about A&P/pharmacology/etc.

Be careful OCNRN63, you may get accused of being a Battle-axing NETY. :rolleyes:

Specializes in OR 35 years; crosstrained ER/ICU/PACU.

Yes, im one of those "battle-axes", & proud to be an RN for 39 years! Along with skill, wisdom, & knowledge, comes respect & friendship, as well as being on the top of the pay scale! :yes:

I've been a nurse for 39 years and a nurse educator for 17. I have continued to work in the hospital part time while teaching. I recently oriented to a new position in OB, after being out of that field of nursing for quite a few years. The preceptor I was with was similar to the one you describe, even though I am not a new grad. This is not an appropriate was to treat a new member of the staff. I am not talking about coddling orientees, but just treating them with respect. I, too, don't really know where to go with this, since I'm not sure of the alliances on the unit, and I don't know if the administrators support her treating people this way. I have learned that others had a similar experience with this preceptor. By the way, at our hospital, they volunteer to be preceptors and are even paid a bonus for doing it. When I went to night shift, it was a much different experience. I felt supported and respected by my preceptor and the entire staff. Just sharing one more experience of nurse to nurse bullying...

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