any non traditional students here?


I have met more and more people like me who are going back to school to get into nursing programs.

I am a non-traditional student, 37 years old..been a SAHM for about 13 years, but in the workforce for the past year. I didn't finish school the first time and now I'm starting back next week. I figured out I have about 8 classes to do to apply to the Nursing program.

I am already working in LTC full time, so I think it will take me 3 or 4 semesters to finish those up. I think I'm at a disadvantage with time, but I've got an advantage with a bit of mileage under my belt if you know what I mean. My oldest son and I can commute to college together next year.

Anybody else?

Specializes in Critical Care, Clinical Documentation Specialist.

I guess you could call me non-traditional. I am a married, homeschooling Mom of 2, and have been out of the workforce since '96. I just started my pre-reqs online last semester and will hopefully start my last 2 years of BSN full time in Fall of 2011. My daughter (14) will be graduating HS early and may well be starting at the same college I do as Sophmore by then. I tease her I'm not letting her near college guys that young

I'm a "non-traditional" student also. I'm 46, married, been a SAHM of 2 kids for like 11 years. I'm done with my pre-reqs so all I need to do now is turn in my application for the nursing program. I'm so excited to be so close. I'm also getting my AA this spring.

Specializes in LTC.

Non trad here! Im young (23) but I have a 2 year old daughter, mortgage, car payments, etc. No living off of mommy and daddy over here! (darn!) lol

hello all,

i guess i am a non-traditional student. i just finished my pre-reqs. i am 57 years young. i will be 60 when i finish school. oh well, i will be 60 in three years anyway!!!:yeah:

I too am non-traditional (Working on second bachelors, work full-time, husband, 2 year-old, and one on the way!). I am 6 classes away from completing my pre-reqs for nursing school at AUM in Alabama. Anyone else at AUM?

I am also a non-traditional student. I am 28 and married w/two kids. After graduating high school, I joined the Army and stayed in for 7 years. I was able to take a couple of classes here and there thankfully. Now, I am more than halfway through and looking forward to finally completing this journey to becoming an RN December 2009! Good luck to everyone!!

Well I am a divorced father of two who is 30 years old. I should be 32 by the time I complete the standard group of pre-requistes for admission into an accelerated nursing program. I'm planning to move back to NYC because they have more programs available. Greater possibility of getting accepted into one.

Non-traditional here too. I am 36, a single mom. My daughter is 18 and is also in college. I moved me and my daughter in with my parents, they offered, so that we can both go to college full-time. I worked for citigroup for six years before starting college for the first time Jan. 08. I have to submit my application for the RN program next week and then suffer an agonizing wait for the acceptance/denial letter that will go out Apr.15. Meanwhile I will take AP II and sociology

Also wanted to say that more and more I see people over 30 coming back, and some like me, just starting college. I think that with the economy people are having to aquire new skills and some having to totally rethink their careers. I think it is awesome! Learning is for Life!!

Even though I am young, 23, I am technically a "non-traditional student." I got my B.A. (cum laude w/disciplinary honors) a year ago from a local university so backtrekking down into the community college level is as untraditional as it gets. I am going for nursing the cheapest route to eventually get into advanced practice nursing which is substantially easier for a post-baccalaureate student. I also have a one year old, a full-time office job, and take about 10-12 hours each semester all of which I pay out-of-pocket.

Another here! I have a BS in business, and am hoping to get into an ABSN program this fall. I'm 29, pregnant with me first, and crossing my fingers that this year goes as planned!

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