No raise for us


Specializes in OB, ER.

So I work hard to take care of all these noncompliant nonpaying patients who come in for the stupidest things over and over again. What do I get in return? A letter saying we aren't getting raises this year. Because so many people aren't paying their bills the hospital is having money issues so I get screwed.

So frustrating. I work hard to pay my bills. I pay taxes to pay for Medicaid patients. I don't get a raise to pay for non payers......It just seems so unfair!

Specializes in Med/Surg, Ortho, ASC.

Some might thankful that you have a job. Actually, many, many posters here would say that.

Yes, the economic times suck. I have gone without a raise for 2 years. I am counting my blessings that I am employed.

Reality is what it is.

Specializes in ER/ float.
Some might thankful that you have a job. Actually, many, many posters here would say that..

I totally agree with the above.

Not only do I agree with the above, but also be thankful that you don't have to take a pay cut like every employee at our hospital had to.

You must work ER. You are awesome, but thick skinned sometimes. Remember, folks don't lose their jobs or take up the burden of poverty as a way of punishing you. If you know a person has come in malingering so that he might get a warm meal and bed for the night, you shouldn't be angry with him. You should be angry with a system and society that doesn't pursue more efficient and dignified means of delivering such services.

Specializes in ICU, medsurg/tele.

I understand that this economy isnt the best right now and a lot of people are not getting raises, are getting pay cuts or getting laid off. However, NOTHING aggrivates me more than not getting a raise because hospitals are in debut. Why are they in debt? Because they are giving out absolutely ridiculous amounts of free care/ people are not paying bills. Again, it is one thing if you have a job or are UNABLE to work and therefore can not pay the bill. I can not begin to tell you how many people work the system. I have had patients tell me that they have been collecting for YEARS and they are ABLE to work, just dont want to. How these people fool the system is beyond me. I have also had patients tell me that they will not pay their bill because they have better things to spend their money on (ie. iphone, laptop, TV etc). It makes me soooo mad that so much money is taken out of my check every pay period in taxes. Most of which are going to the welfare system. So let me get this straight. I am working my ass off (aka overtime) to pay all my bills and have enough left over money for what i want to do and at the same time I am also working my ass off so people can sit home and not work while i support them/ they dont pay their medical bills? Then in return i am not getting a raise?!:madface: This country is beyond corrupt. Dont even get me started on illegal immigration.

Specializes in Nursing Education, CVICU, Float Pool.

This is our first raise in 22 months at our hospital and it's a very small one, but I am happy to get one regardless.

Specializes in ICU.

18 months ago our raises were held. I was burned out anyway, so I quit, did some other stuff and said goodbye to nursing forever. Gave away my stethoscope to a student and burned my scrubs. It was the best thing I ever did, I could sleep again, I ate better, began to exercise. I was enjoying life! Then the economy went from bad to worse. My "B" career tanked, was unable to find work to sustain me, and so now guess who just renewed his RN license? Yup, be thankful that you've got a job, or I may just apply for it myself! Try to get some sort of money making project going in your free time, something that you enjoy doing anyway. Then you won't care about that raise so much and just be happy with what you have (as much as that sucks!).:)

Specializes in Cardiology, Oncology, Medsurge.

OP, I'm sorry you didn't get a raise and I feel for you! It's not fair, after giving it your all!

Wish I could convince your manager to give you what you deserve!

I really don't think it is good judgment to justify not giving out raises by stating that it is because of the nonpayers in the system. As if we had any control over this!

Specializes in ED, ICU, MS/MT, PCU, CM, House Sup, Frontline mgr.

op: i understand your frustration but you are thinking way too much about the situation and getting angry over nothing. first of all you do not know the situation of the people you are talking about in detail. honestly, i was very poor once and it sucks to be impoverished in this country! i also worked as a social worker and can safely say that you are describing a very small percentage of people that are poor. being unemployed (i was once that too) is very depressing and disheartening just as being underemployed. most poor people in our country are like i was, when employed they work 2-3 jobs and just to eat and have a roof. there is nothing left after bills to pay for anything else. in fact, you usually have enough money to get to work and back... and sometimes not even that... (i know of poor people who walk miles to and from work every day).

i prefer to make a descent living with a chance of moving up the financial ladder toward financial security someday, rather then qualifying for welfare. when you are poor you have to skip meals, eat really bad food (top roman comes to mind), feel hungry all the time, be exhausted from work and lack of nutrition, and work most hours of the day for low wage jobs just to survive... thinking beyond survival is a fantasy when you are poor..... i know you are talking about the "lazy" poor but they are not the majority.

btw, i too have patients who are impoverished and some owe the hospital at least $200,000 for services rendered that report that he/she will never ever pay it back because he/she does not have the means. yet he/she and his/her family continues to show up for silly minor things. however, i do not envy a single one of them! i do not want to be like any of them!!! therefore, i am not angry that i did not get a raise for whatever the reason despite currently working at a job that i hate and putting in ot to pay back former career student loans. i have hope for my life and career unlike when i was poor.

Specializes in Med/Surg, DSU, Ortho, Onc, Psych.

Don't you get a raise anyway according to your level and year as a nurse? We get one every year in Australia. For instance this year I will move up to a Level 1 RN, Year 3. I don't think your hospital can do that can they? I'd be checking with HR and the BON about that.

That sux. Yeh you probably know ur lucky to have a job. I'd be brushing up my CV and looking for a better paying job myself.

This is the sort of situation that gets nurses so discouraged, they leave the profession or stop giving good, quality care.

Can you go through an agency instead? You might get more money doing that.

Hope it all works out for you.

I understand that this economy isnt the best right now and a lot of people are not getting raises, are getting pay cuts or getting laid off. However, NOTHING aggrivates me more than not getting a raise because hospitals are in debut. Why are they in debt? Because they are giving out absolutely ridiculous amounts of free care/ people are not paying bills. Again, it is one thing if you have a job or are UNABLE to work and therefore can not pay the bill. I can not begin to tell you how many people work the system. I have had patients tell me that they have been collecting for YEARS and they are ABLE to work, just dont want to. How these people fool the system is beyond me. I have also had patients tell me that they will not pay their bill because they have better things to spend their money on (ie. iphone, laptop, TV etc). It makes me soooo mad that so much money is taken out of my check every pay period in taxes. Most of which are going to the welfare system. So let me get this straight. I am working my ass off (aka overtime) to pay all my bills and have enough left over money for what i want to do and at the same time I am also working my ass off so people can sit home and not work while i support them/ they dont pay their medical bills? Then in return i am not getting a raise?!:madface: This country is beyond corrupt. Dont even get me started on illegal immigration.

I hope you are reporting to the authorities the names of each and every person who tells you that he or she is collecting welfare because they don't want to work. If you aren't, you have no right to complain. Said reporting can probably be done via an anonymous hotline.

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