No jobs in florida for new grads

U.S.A. Florida


Hello everyone. I am getting increasingly frustrated because I have been looking for a graduate nurse position since October. I graduated in December and passed the NCLEX last week. I have been on two interviews with no luck. I feel like the interviews go amazing but then I hear that it has been filled with someone else. I work for a hospital for 4 years and I thought that would give me a toe in the door. Florida hospital does not have anything on their website for GN's and Orlando Health has one. When I called about it they said that they have someone for the position and they are just waiting for them to apply. This is ridiculous. Why did I go to nursing school to have such a problem with finding a job? I am starting to look into nursing homes which is a complete 360 on the area I would really like to work which is postpartum. I haven spoken to all the managers of floors for the hospital I currently work for and my manager said they arent taking any new GN's in the pool. What am I suppose to do??

And does anyone know the starting salary in the orlando area for GN's??

Thanks for letting me vent.....

Good.!!!! Let me know how it works out for you. I will be graduating in July2012 and that is one of the places I am aiming for. I heard that they have a great training program. In 2009, the starting salary was 22.08 for BSN graduate and 21.44 for ADN graduate. My email address is [email protected]

Baptist Hospital is still hiring new grads. We recently hired 6 on my unit. Their nurse residency program has already started, but maybe you can get your foot in for the next round. They are also opening a brand new hospital in 2011.

Specializes in Telemetry.

I will check it out...

Specializes in ED.
Baptist Hospital is still hiring new grads. We recently hired 6 on my unit. Their nurse residency program has already started, but maybe you can get your foot in for the next round. They are also opening a brand new hospital in 2011.

outside new grads? i thought mostly they hired internally

I have also heard

baptist so fla grows their own at leat for the last 2 years, it would be great if they did open up residency program for RNs at large considering its the largest healthcare employer next to jackson

It is heart breaking to read all these posts here. I have a BA degree and could not land a job in the legal field because I had no experience. I was in the top 10% of the nation for three years in a row. I graduated from Nursing school last year in May and it is the same all over they want experienced Nurses only. In other country they do on the job training while you go to school. The US sucks.

It is heart breaking to read all these posts here. I have a BA degree and could not land a job in the legal field because I had no experience. I was in the top 10% of the nation for three years in a row. I graduated from Nursing school last year in May and it is the same all over they want experienced Nurses only. In other country they do on the job training while you go to school. The US sucks.

You have a BA degree in legal field and are a RN. I'm sorry you can't find a job Saying that our country, My country. . . . is very unprofessional and low class. I don't know if you are from the United States but if you are I am sorry you feel that way about your country.

First of all thank you for your comment. Yes, I am a US citizen and I spent many years abroad and had the luxury to attend very good schools. I have found that other countries invest way more in the education and training of their work force then we do. For example, many students in the US obtain an A.S Degree or B.A. Degree and after graduation they are left out looking for a job that has either been outsourced or companies do not want to train people. They are mainly looking for people with experience. How do you get experience if no one hires you? Prior attending college I was trained as an electrician in Germany. It was the best training in the world. I came back to the US in 1996, and was hired right away by General Motors and four months later was put in charge of the electrical maintenance department. My German journeyman's license, education, training and knowledge placed me above our Master electrician. Now, when I tried to take the time to teach our apprentices certain techniques I was ridiculed for wasting time. I have seen apprentices that could not pass their journeyman's exam after four years because we allowed them to do only entry level work. Yes, one must criticize and analyze himself in order to get better. Our American dream world thinking that we are the best has lead to the demise of our status as an industrial nation and leader in technology. We are still using 1970's technology while other countries like Slovakia for example now have faster internet than we do. What I am trying to say is that education will not protect you in this country anymore and yes after my experiences I am down having gone through all this education. I would like to give you a hint. Educate yourself and read how many qualified students, graduates and professionals are unemployed today or can not find a job because our companies are not willing to invest in training our work force. Further think about where this will lead us, why we have become this way. The ignorance of people here strikes me at times. We are economically a sinking ship but the party goes on and everybody thinks we are the greatest, the best and invincible. Now, I leave you with some fuel for thought. Take care and thank you for your response. Knowledge is power.

In addition I would like to ad another comment. I wrote my comment after having read all the comments from other students graduating from Nursing school and not able to find a job because they have no experience. They went through all this hard work, studying, interning, taking time off from their families and most importantly accumulated quiet some debt due to student loans. I feel for all of them and here is the irony. We always hear that there is a shortage of Nurses in the US. Now, I am confused or may be it is my lack of patrionism according to you what is wrong with this picture? Here in Sarasota they laid off American nurses and then they stopped hiring nurses went to the State complaining they can not find nurses in order to get cheap foreign nurses in here. Education is the backbone of society.

Understand that the lack of jobs for New Grads is a new development. It is all a result of the downturn in the economy.

We have a different economic model here in the US than they do in Europe. We do prize education here and a net result of that is higher income for the educated. We also reward hard work. But before Obama, we didn't borrow money to pay people to work. If a company could afford another employee, a person would be hired. When the downturn occurred, companies lost revenue. Without revenue to support the payroll, people were laid off.

During times such as these, it becomes an "employers" market. They can be more demanding about the skills and experience of new employees and start them at a lower income and no hiring bonuses.

Ours is a cyclical model and there are also times when it is an "employees" market where employees can pretty much demand what they want and get it.

One thing about our country.....if you don't like it, you are FREE to leave anytime you want.

FLmomo5 your comment leads me to believe that you are lacking severe economic, English reading and history understanding. First of all outsourcing 14 million jobs for cheap labor is not an economic down turn it is the systematic destruction of a work force. As to your comment with Obama, well we borrowed money to finance wars, finance banks, finance the credit bubble and financed the wealthy. Now, I would like to address the point I made in my post which you seem not to have the ability to understand. Here it goes once more. There is a severe shortage of Nurses in the US and new grads can not find jobs do you see the contradiction here? Nurses are not being hired for lack of experience not because of an economic downturn understand that? If you go to a hospital in our area you see that a majority of Nurses are from foreign country while our Nurses are not being hired for lack of experience-Am I patriotic enough or do you want me to throw out of the country again? Read how much incomes have dropped for college grads over the last 10 years. Please read how many college grads can not find work here not because the economy went down, this has been going on for many years. Please read how many college grads are fleeing the country because they can not pay back their student loans. 35 000 Americans in Prague alone speak for themselves. hard works is not being rewarded here anymore. Incomes have stagnated over the last 20 years. Hard working people can not afford health care, education, housing, no retirement, a lousy week paid vacation. Again, this is not my comment Americans are the #1 job hoppers in the world. I have seen people switch jobs for a $0.50 raise. Americans have the highest work absence rate in the world because they are being worked in the ground. By the way did my thesis on that subject. Now I will make this simple. Shortage of Nurses means demand is there-new grads available to meet shortage but not hired means something is wrong. By the way just stating that there is something wrong here does not mean I do not like this country and should feel free to leave. After all my dad gave 22 years of his live to the US Army and I gave 4 years to the US Marine Corps, my father in law gave 35 years to the CIA and my brother in law is about to retire from the US Army after 25 years. What I am saying is that we as citizens deserve a little bit better hope this is not to hard to understand for you. Enjoy the weekend.

I have a Bachelors in EE and a minor in Physics. I will graduate this August as an RN

I served in the USAF as an officer. I worked for NASA. I currently program computers.

My father is a retired USAF officer.

My grandfather emmigrated here and served in the US Army.

My husband is Active Duty US Army and is currently in Afghanistan.

My daughter is a combat medic who joined the Reserves after 4 yrs AD in the USArmy with 2 tours in Iraq.

My son is a US Army Vet.

My stepson is AD USArmy.

My brother-in-law served in the US Army as an officer.

My Uncle served in the US Air Force.

'nuf said.

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