No jobs in florida for new grads

U.S.A. Florida


Hello everyone. I am getting increasingly frustrated because I have been looking for a graduate nurse position since October. I graduated in December and passed the NCLEX last week. I have been on two interviews with no luck. I feel like the interviews go amazing but then I hear that it has been filled with someone else. I work for a hospital for 4 years and I thought that would give me a toe in the door. Florida hospital does not have anything on their website for GN's and Orlando Health has one. When I called about it they said that they have someone for the position and they are just waiting for them to apply. This is ridiculous. Why did I go to nursing school to have such a problem with finding a job? I am starting to look into nursing homes which is a complete 360 on the area I would really like to work which is postpartum. I haven spoken to all the managers of floors for the hospital I currently work for and my manager said they arent taking any new GN's in the pool. What am I suppose to do??

And does anyone know the starting salary in the orlando area for GN's??

Thanks for letting me vent.....

Specializes in geriatrics.

Congrats on the job :) you are right...sending out online applications can be fruitless. Good luck with your new job.

Specializes in Nursing & Rehab.

Finally found a job, working in a nursing & rehab center. :yeah::yeah::yeah::yeah::yeah::yeah:

Specializes in OB/GYN, School Nursing, Family and PEDS.

Florida Hospital has GN positions open. Go on their website to the career section and click on graduate nursing. You can find it in a drop down list. These positions are for all campuses and specialties. Good luck to all of you!

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