News Flash Everybody Farts!

Nurses General Nursing


I have read a couple of posts lately where people are complaining about people farting breaking wind, passing gas etc...

What exactly is the big deal? The average person farts 14 to 20 times a day and if you say you don't fart you're either lying or you are an alien species.

Yes it can be gross and smell bad but it's like poop it just happens sometimes.


Specializes in Medsurg/ICU, Mental Health, Home Health.
Geezus... Are you people for real?... Lmao. I don't think it's funny or appropriate, but I'm starting to chuckle at how many of you think this is just a joyous occasion to be shared by all. [emoji13]

It *IS* a joyous occasion...ever had a patient with a post-op ileus or bowel obstruction?

Specializes in Med/Surg, Ortho, ASC.
Specializes in Hospice.

Ok, just so we can keep this serious *snerk* and factual:

If I ever see this book at Half Price Books again, I'm buying it!!

Specializes in LTC, CPR instructor, First aid instructor..

Especially if you eat a fiber one bar. That 90 calories comes with a hefty price.

Especially if you eat a fiber one bar. That 90 calories comes with a hefty price.

Fiber One Bars make me Fart - Please God No

How aboutattachment.php?attachmentid=21084&stc=1



Specializes in CVICU CCRN.
Especially if you eat a fiber one bar. That 90 calories comes with a hefty price.


When I first started nursing school I suddenly realized I never had time to eat. I always kept snacks in my car and bag. I eventually ran out of granola bar variety and was stuck with most of a Costco size box of the fiber one brownies. I ate like 6 through the course of the day along with an apple or 2 - starting with my 0700 lecture.

I was in so much pain by 2000 that I wanted sedation. I finally made it to the privacy of my car and the ensuing explosion was catastrophic; I think my windshield actually cracked after the first blast. I needed a solid 48 hours of bowel rest to even begin to feel normal again.

Needless to say they're not a mid-noc shift treat. [emoji33][emoji33]

Specializes in Psych, LTC/SNF, Rehab, Corrections.

I used to work with this nurse who'd sit close to me and pass gas. Nurse Nasty A** brought a fan to work, also. I was always downwind. They didn't smell, though. Thought that was pretty odd. Sometimes, I think she did it just to see me clutch pearls. Some people are like that: Habitual line-crossers.

As for myself, I was raised old-school. I don't 'pass gas', sweat or defecate. (laugh) Kind of joking but kind of serious. I will go to the bathroom just to 'break wind' because THAT is where such things are done. If a bathroom cannot be accessed, the nether regions shall remain firmly clenched until I can go outside or one is made available to me. I eat lots of bran, too. No excuses!

Understandable if you have a condition. Pretty dang funny if you're a woman of a certain age, too. 'The Walking Farts'.

Anyone seen that phenomenon? (laugh) After awhile, they just stop acknowledging it. That's my curse, I'm sure. Destined to be that 60 year old woman breaking small amounts of wind with each movements. Punishment for a lifetime of stifling poohs.

Able bodied adults with normal bowel function/structure 'blowing gas' just because? That's just gross and ungodly.

My boyfriend does that. Uncouth bastard. He does it in the bed but I'm pleased to announce that it took

My man now thinks I'm closet-crazy. Hasn't done it since, though.

I can live with that.

Specializes in Psych, LTC/SNF, Rehab, Corrections.

I just skimmed a few pages and haven't laughed aloud at something I read online in a long while.

I have a problem with 'renegade flatulators' and, yes, I did kinda sorta threaten the love of my life for 'blowing wind' on me (I'll willingly blame PMS for that.).

I've got a sense of humor, though.

This thread is pretty funny.

Specializes in LTC, CPR instructor, First aid instructor..

Yeah, I know what you mean about the unexpected farts. It happens to me a lot when I get up from a sitting position, and even from a lying position at times. It all depends on the amount of gas buildup I have in this old body of mine.

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