I have been a nurse for 12 years with critical care and tele/med surg experience who changed career paths a couple of years ago and started working at a prestigious children's hospital in 08. Lately, things have been getting really annoying with one nurse in particular. She is a new grad (I say new grad meaning less than a year experience as an RN and this is her first job).
Anyhow, this girl is always signing up to be a super user of some sort, brown nosing, etc. etc....we have ALL worked with those types of nurses and generally I tend to ignore them, then laugh to myself when they eventually "lose" it.
The last couple of weeks I have noticed her following me into my patient rooms, like watching me perform care and attempting to "correct me". The thing is, I'm not doing anything that she should be correcting me on in the first place. I am a great nurse with excellent skills, I earned the right to say that by breaking my back since 1996!
This got out of hand the other day when she "took over" suctioning my patient d/t his sats being low, then cautioning me on what meds to give him. I almost bit my tongue in half from keeping my mouth shut on the matter. BTW the meds were discussed with the NP and MD....I just mentioned that if he did not calm down after what I was giving him what the plan was.
Apparently, I am not the only one who is noticing this behavior change she is exhibiting....people have started talking and we all know how that goes.
Any advice on how to handle this?? I really want to pull her aside and say something to her, but I don't know exactly what to say. She may think she's "super nurse" right now, but dang when her assignment gets tough she gets frustrated and says she's gonna quit. I think she is a smart girl with decent skills for a new nurse-and I do care enough to not have her get a rep for being a know it all brwon noser type-although she seems to be getting there on her own.
Any advice would be appreciated :)