New grads at Children's?

U.S.A. Washington DC


Hi I was just wondering if anyone was going to start working at Children's soon? Or if anyone works there now, how do you like it?

I start in Feb. :D

Specializes in NICU.

Biggest tip is to be professional and follow-up on everything. Good luck!

Specializes in Family Practice, Primary Care.

Children's National is actually having a hiring freeze right now. HR told me.

Specializes in OB.

Children's hiring freeze has finally crossed over to nursing. I heard from my nurse manager.

Specializes in PICU & gen. peds.

per Children's administrators, the hiring freeze does include nursing, but not "critical nursing positions." Examples given were ER & the ICUs. They're also trying to limit travelers and fill vacancies with staff, so sounds like they're still hiring!

Just ckecking in on all of your working or going to work @ Childrens. I have peds home care experience and OR. Was thinking of doing Peds Onc. or trauma@ Childrens. I do have a lot of trach/vent experience. It seems that their web site has a ton of jobs right now. I am surprised as most hospitals do not. I live in MD. My ex boss knows nurses @ Children's. She keeps telling me that they make a ton of money. We are talking 85K.. I think she is wrong on that one. For me it isn't all about the money anyway. Whenever I see a St Judes commercial I am drawn to work with ONC children. I have been a nurse for 12 years, 8 of those being LPN. Thanks for all of your input ect...

Anyone else here with a 9/21 start date?

Also, does anyone know the dress code for the first week of orientation? & do you have to wear certain colors of scrubs on the floor?


Specializes in PICU.

It's business casual for the week of orientation. From what I know (and have seen-I had 2 clinicals there) you can wear any color/print scrub you want. Even fitted tshirts or long sleeve t's. Bring a jacket as well because the units can be very cold or warm/just right.

Hope this helps!

What unit are you on? I start on Sept 8 in the PICU.

Ok, good to know. Hopefully I can put together a week of business casual clothes lol

I'll be on the neuroscience unit. Good luck!

There's a mix, being any unit. But most everyone is definitely willing to help out if another nurse is drowning because of her kiddos. I had a situation where another nurse's kiddo was having bedside surgery and was VERY unstable. Even though I had 3 kids, I took charge of recording down all the vital signs and what meds were given at what time because the other nurse was running around with her head off she was so busy. And I've been helped similarly. Later on, another nurse entered in the vitals that I had recorded while I was catching up on my kids. It makes for a very supporting environment.

Yeah, Tara's awesome. She has been VERY wonderful to our orientation group dealing with HR issues and payroll (I'm told by my Dad who's a nurse director that these kind of problems are rampant in every hospital though) and I think she does a fabulous job on the unit. I've worked at a different hospital in WA state, so my comparison isn't based on too much, but I still think she's fantastic.

Hi justine!

I've seen that you've been very helpful in answering questions in this website...

I will soon be having an interview with Tara and it will be my first job interview,, I hope you can give me an overview on how the interview goes,, Should I expect patient care scenarios? Any info will be very much appreciated! thank you! Merry xmas! :)

Hi DCRN! I have a question--how did you go about getting an interview at Children's? Did you call HR, or did they contact you? I'm dying to work there and have applied for every RN I/II position... thought I had a strong resume, but I'm not sure. Also left messages for a couple of nurse managers, but didn't hear anything back and am wary of being too pushy. Congrats on your interview! I'm sure you'll do great :)


Hi amy!

I have submitted my application then received a call for about a week or two,,

Thank you and Goodluck for us new grads! :)

hi EKnicuRN

are you given patient scenarios in the interview?

were you able to shadow a nurse?

any info will be very much appreciated thanks :)

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