New grad RN finds job at ltc, but getiing paid as LPN

Nurses General Nursing


Hello, I am a new grad, (June 2009), on Long Island, have applied everywhere with no luck, no call back nothing!!

Have been working flu clinics on and off as needed. Applied for a job at a LTC facility in Queens, during the interview she told me she would be hiring me as an RN but would be paying me LPN salary. She would not continue with the interview unless I agreed. I agreed because something is better than nothing, but now I am thinking maybe I should not have. $21.00 an hour is better and $0.00 an hour, and I am getting experience too. Initially she told me 7-3 but when I called to confirm, she said you have to be flexible the schedule is already made up for the month of December, etc. First you train and then we will see. I just don't have a good feeling about this. Also, I have to pay for parking, because there is no parking around $10.00 a day. Just need some feedback.

Thank you

Specializes in Med-Surg.

And so this is how it begins...

Specializes in Psychiatric.

Ditto everything said!! Even though you've been looking for 7 months, you risk losing EVERYTHING that you worked so hard for if you take this job. The fact that they're willing to list you as an LPN while you are an RN is committing fraud, not to mention the whole scope-of-practice thing.

I urge you to RUN from this place as fast as you can and keep searching. You will find what you are looking for. Best of luck to you!

during the interview she told me she would be hiring me as an RN but would be paying me LPN salary

Ok i think we are straying away from the issue. The manager agreed to hire you as an RN right? but pay you an LPN's salary. So technically you are working with your RN license but getting paid less (as an LPN). My question is are you paid any differential or are there any bonuses in addition to the $21? My advice to you would be to take the job for now, and stick with it until something better comes along. I was recently offered a job at a major teaching hospital in New York and i was offered $21/hour (that's before the differential and bonuses though). So what's more important to you? staying home indefinitely until something better comes along? or taking the job while actively seeking something more promising?

It is so sad to see some of these employers taking advantage of the situation because of the economy:crying2:! I am afraid that if this economy stays messed up for any longer then they really are going to take advantage. Please New Grads be careful out there dont jeopardize your licenses:redbeathe.

Thank you for all the feedback, really appreciate it. One question, in order for her to pay me that wage she has to list me as an LPN on her records, I don't understand.

To get around complaints I'm sure. She doesn't want to have to explain the discrepancy to any authorities or answer your complaints down the line.

Specializes in Med/Surg, Home Health.

All I know to say is.... no freaking way. I know you want experience, but if you are getting paid LPN pay, will you be "listed" as LPN on the paperwork? What will your scope of practice be...LPN or RN....which experience are you actually going to gain? If thats ALL you can find, then maybe, but Id keep looking constantly until I found something better. That job doesnt sound like one Id want.

If you are hired as an RN, the PAPERWORK should say RN. You should ask yourself why she wants to LIE in her paperwork. Why can't she just put you down as an RN starting at a $21 RN wage on PAPER! Something smells fishy here.....and trust me, if anything goes wrong (esp since you are a new grad and still learning), the company will protect itself, NOT YOU! You have to be responsible for and PROTECT your own licence. As someone said earlier, follow your gut.

Thank you again for all your feedback, in response to ttreeds, the manager agreed to hire me as an RN but LPN pay, I was assuming she would put me down as RN on paper, but as some of you have pointed out, maybe she will not to avoid trouble or maybe something fishy is going on and I really have to make sure of that before anything. You are all right, I have to protect my license, but I really am confused, it is the only steady thing I have been offered anywhere. I feel I will be shortchanging myself and other nurses who will come after me by accepting these conditions but I have nothing else. Also, there is no shift differential, no benefits nothing like that was discussed. Just sitting here writing about I am slowly realizing, what am I an ...hole. But I thought to myself when I took the job that "hey you never know, what good may come out of this for me" Just because it isn't ideal doesn't mean that maybe, just maybe it will be fine, I will gain much needed experience and move on when something more appropriate comes along.

It doesn't sound as if anything fishy is going on. She has a specific budget and has the money for another LPN, not an RN.

That money bites for Long Island. As a unit manager here in a rural area, I get a whopping $21.49 an hour. I could more than triple that in a hospital downstate but then, I'd be in a hospital downstate. ;)

You're not an a-hole. you need a job. Take it and get the experience AS LONG AS YOU ARE WORKING AS AN RN and within your scope.

Good luck.


Specializes in jack of all trades.

In my area LTC pays RN's $18.00/hr!!! But of course Fl has some of the lowest wages in the country. Cost of living is higher then what most would think. Starting pay for new grads in hosptial is about $19.00 to 20.00/hr. NY high cost of living of course, but as Suchquatch posted you need a job and some experience. I'd still be looking for another while your working this job.

The money is not the issue here or how much she is getting paid. Granted it's low, but in this's whatever you can get. The PROBLEM is that she is being listed as an LPN on paper, but required to do RN duties. As previously stated, the manager should put down $21 for a new RN hire. The paperwork is FISHY!

No, no, I do not know what she is listing me as, I will definitely clarify that tomorrow asap, before I do anything else. Thank you again for all of your excellent feedback, you have been a great help. Once I report for work tomorrow I will speak to the manager and clarify that. As amiro31 stated in this economy I am fortunate to have at least that. But I do agree some things have to be clarified asap, which I will do tomorrow. Will keep everyone posted.

Again thank you very much

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