NELRP is there a thread?

Nurses General Nursing


Is there already a thread for RNs waiting to hear about awards from the Nursing Education Loan Repayment Program?

When I search, I can only find previous year's threads.

Really, what if they don't get you over the phone? I thought the release consent was just for that, so that they could get the info needed. Now this is really nerve wracking.

jpogusta, I guess I forgot about the release form. Now that I think about it, each of the lenders told me that nobody besides myself had called them. I didn't think to ask if there is any way of finding out if anyone had made inquiries by mail or possibly fax. Maybe they aren't making phone calls to keep it more hush-hush...and us in suspense!

kslusher, I thought they told you your facility met the criteria. What happened? I hope the person who told you that your facility isn't eligible gave you misinformation.

If your application still says submitted then you arent being considered for the NELRP program. The reason could be that the facility doesnt fall under the guidelines. I know this because the rep told me my application wouldnt be reviewed for this matter even though my county was listed. There are others reasons though they may not have reviewed it than just that. My debt/salary ratio was 185% so this is really upsetting. Good luck everyone!

Mine still says "under review". So someone told you when you called that you were not even going to be reviewed?

I was initially told my facility would be reviewed if I submitted my information so I did in January. However, when I called the other day I was told that if an application was still submitted then it wasnt going to be reviewed because it didnt meet criteria. When the HRSA person looked at my application she said my facility was not on the list so it wouldnt be reviewed. All that time for nothing. I need help and this was not the information I wanted to hear. Good luck everyone

I was initially told my facility would be reviewed if I submitted my information so I did in January. However, when I called the other day I was told that if an application was still submitted then it wasnt going to be reviewed because it didnt meet criteria. When the HRSA person looked at my application she said my facility was not on the list so it wouldnt be reviewed. All that time for nothing. I need help and this was not the information I wanted to hear. Good luck everyone

That's really too bad. Sorry you went through all that trouble for nothing. There's plenty of time to find a qualified facility before next year's application process starts.

I was initially told my facility would be reviewed if I submitted my information so I did in January. However, when I called the other day I was told that if an application was still submitted then it wasnt going to be reviewed because it didnt meet criteria. When the HRSA person looked at my application she said my facility was not on the list so it wouldnt be reviewed. All that time for nothing. I need help and this was not the information I wanted to hear. Good luck everyone

That is horrible.....

I don't understand the seems that you would just be in the last tier. Is your hospital Private?Kslusher - from what I have heard from you, you should be in tier 4 at the lowest if your debt:income ratio is above 20% and you work at a nursing home. Look under the funding determinations....

Specializes in Nurse Anesthesia.

Hi! I am also new to this forum. I am curious to find out if having 79% debt/income ratio and rate a 12 on the facility is even possible for getting an award. Is the income they use before or after taxes? My application says it's under review but I do not have a credit check or excluded party list in my completed application.

Hi! I am also new to this forum. I am curious to find out if having 79% debt/income ratio and rate a 12 on the facility is even possible for getting an award. Is the income they use before or after taxes? My application says it's under review but I do not have a credit check or excluded party list in my completed application.

It is possible, as long as you work at an eligible facility. However, because your facility has an HPSA score of 12, that puts you into the second tier. Don't take my word for it, but I don't know that they have ever been able to make awards to anyone below the first tier, due to running out of funds. I hope I didn't burst anyone's bubble, but I'm just trying to relay info that I've seen elsewhere.

Specializes in Nurse Anesthesia.

Yeah I kinda of figured the same thing about running out of funds since I would rank in the 2nd tier. However, I have a co-worker who works in the same facility as myself and was awarded last year. So if the ranking didn't change between last year and this year, then I still have hope!

Yeah I kinda of figured the same thing about running out of funds since I would rank in the 2nd tier. However, I have a co-worker who works in the same facility as myself and was awarded last year. So if the ranking didn't change between last year and this year, then I still have hope!

All any of us can do is hope! I think this thread would be more properly named as "NELRP applicants' support group" lol.

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