NELRP is there a thread?

Nurses General Nursing


Is there already a thread for RNs waiting to hear about awards from the Nursing Education Loan Repayment Program?

When I search, I can only find previous year's threads.

Spiff, I am also curious what the application ranking is about. This is the first time I've heard of it. Does anyone have a ranking number that they know of? I have an "application ID" but I'm assuming that's just like a tracking number for each of us.

My debt ration is 185%. I dont know what my hSPA score is because my company isnt listed but when I called it was an accepted company. I work in a nursing home/rehab center. I really hope they will start reviewing my information soon. I am starting to give up hope.

My debt ration is 185%. I dont know what my hSPA score is because my company isnt listed but when I called it was an accepted company. I work in a nursing home/rehab center. I really hope they will start reviewing my information soon. I am starting to give up hope.

I wouldn't worry about it if they told you it qualifies. Not to mention they have 8,000+ applications to review. So you can't give up hope yet! From reading last year's thread, the first emails didn't go out until July. Seeing as how this year is different than prior years (completely online application process), we have no way of knowing how long the process will take.

According to an NELRP employee's post on last year's thread, emails went out 7/14 and 15 and again on 8/2 and 3. So instead of giving up, you should be excited about the possibility of receiving some sort of communication from them...hopefully as soon as 6 weeks!

It's so frustrating waiting and checking every day! I still only have the credit check and excluded party list, and it only says application. My score is 17 but I am feeling unlucky since others have participate and mine does not! I hope all of you get good news:)

It's so frustrating waiting and checking every day! I still only have the credit check and excluded party list, and it only says application. My score is 17 but I am feeling unlucky since others have participate and mine does not! I hope all of you get good news:)

Maybe we could test one theory of the "participant" tab! Since you don't have that tab, you could try to login on the participant page, and tell us if you then get a participant tab. Couldn't hurt to try, right?

When I login, I only have the "roles" and "log out" tabs in the top right corner because it automatically selects "participant" instead of "applicant" for me. Once I select "applicant" it brings me to my main application page where I have the tabs "home", "account settings", "roles", and "log out". I can't help but think that if it were a glitch in the system that it would be system-wide and not affect only some people. I'm not trying to give false hope or suggest that it means those of us that have that option have been selected for an award. I am simply curious how many people have that option and if they have received any communication from the HRSA to see if there could be a correlation between the two.

It may be a good sign??? I don't have the roles option either, ???

If you try to login in using the participant tab whatsoever then it will have participant under your roles tab... this is true even if they havent reviewed your application. I know this because my application is still submitted and hasnt been reviewed but I tried to log on to the participant page and now there is a participant role under my roles button.

If you try to login in using the participant tab whatsoever then it will have participant under your roles tab... this is true even if they havent reviewed your application. I know this because my application is still submitted and hasnt been reviewed but I tried to log on to the participant page and now there is a participant role under my roles button.

Mystery solved. Thank you!

I have been reading previous year comments and noticed that many people received emails in May that contained contracts, has anyone received anything like this? I hope we all hear good news!!!

I have been reading previous year comments and noticed that many people received emails in May that contained contracts, has anyone received anything like this? I hope we all hear good news!!!

Besides them calling my employer for the missing document and loading it on my application, I haven't seen or heard anything........the good news is tomorrow is June and it is getting closer.....Someone said earlier that they really have to go through every application before a firm decision can be made......and we have no idea what order or method they are using.... I know my debt/salary ration is 144% but I don't know what my facility score is??? I looked it up and can't find it but I know it qualifies because it was in the list.....a rural health clinic and I know I qualified last year but they ran out of funds and NP's are suppose to be 50% of the money this year????? I've got my fingers crossed and they are crossed for everyone......I think it takes a special person to be a nurse and a great thing would be to have the mountain of debt taken care of......but I planned on paying it back when I borrowed it and I will but this would just be a blessing.......Good luck everyone!!!!

Nothing here either. I check everything at least once a day, if not more... most of the time it's more ;). I'm starting to think about calling HRSA to see if they can tell us where they are in the process, but I doubt they'll give us any info. I also called all 3 of my lenders and they all said the same thing... No inquiries on my account, and if there were, they couldn't give out info without my consent (hence the conference calls with lenders last year). Let the waiting game continue...

If your application still says submitted then you arent being considered for the NELRP program. The reason could be that the facility doesnt fall under the guidelines. I know this because the rep told me my application wouldnt be reviewed for this matter even though my county was listed. There are others reasons though they may not have reviewed it than just that. My debt/salary ratio was 185% so this is really upsetting. Good luck everyone!

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