Need Help Coming up with an Excuse!!

Nurses General Nursing


I just started this nursing job 2 weeks ago at a doctor's office(still in training, not on the schedule until this friday). I'm a new RN.... I applied to this other job before I started here, and it's a MUCH better job. I wrote a post about it a couple weeks ago I think. Anyway... they finally called me and want me to come in tomorrow to look at the facility (endoscopy center) and talk about a position there. VERY good chance I'll get hired.

Well, I take an hour for lunch, and it'll take me 15 minutes to get there from my job and of course 15 mins back. And I'm guessing I'll be there for around 30 mins. Well, I need another 30 minutes to pump and stop by the house to store my milk. So I need to ask for an additional 30 minutes for lunch tomorrow, but I don't know what to say.

I want to tell my supervisor I need the extra minutes tomorrow... but what excuse/reason should I give? I also have a daughter who is in first grade.. and I thought I could say something about having to go to her school? I don't know. And I obviously can't say I'm going to another job to interview. I feel really bad about possibly leaving this job.. but I just can't pass up this awesome opportunity.

***** I forget to mention that I always go home to pump... so I never bring my pump to work *********

Specializes in Med/Surge, Psych, LTC, Home Health.

Allright, here's a little piece of advice that I just learned myself. :rolleyes:

Beware of that job that you JUST KNOW that you are going to get! Meaning, if you already have another job,

be careful not to do anything that could jeopardize that job because you have/had an interview for a job that you,

JUST KNOW, that you are going to get.

I left an interview a few weeks ago thinking that I had nailed that job, that it was in the bag, it was MINE. I was even making plans regarding my commute, possible schedule, etc..

I called the place on Monday to "get a quote", as my interviewer had told me on Monday to call and "get a quote". I left a message and she never called me back.

Emailed her a couple of days later. Again, no response.

FINALLY heard from her just yesterday, stating that even though I was HIGHLY QUALIFIED for the job, they had chosen an internal candidate.

*sigh* Oh well, I had already decided to stick with my current job anyway, mainly due to the fact that I was not at all impressed with their health insurance plan, and I was willing to bet that my premium was even going to be higher.

So... lesson learned.

It sounds like you know you want to change if they offer you the other position, but I still wanted to mention that you need to do what you want for you and not stress yourself out over the job you have started. When I was younger, I turned down some jobs that were offered AFTER I accepted another offer and I always stuck with the first one (mainly because it was uncomfortable and I didn't want to deal with it). That was a mistake!! Now that I am older, I look out for #1 (ME!). Don't burn bridges if you can help it, but I would say go with the one you want, that works best for your family and do NOT feel bad about it.

Good luck!

It sounds like you know you want to change if they offer you the other position, but I still wanted to mention that you need to do what you want for you and not stress yourself out over the job you have started. When I was younger, I turned down some jobs that were offered AFTER I accepted another offer and I always stuck with the first one (mainly because it was uncomfortable and I didn't want to deal with it). That was a mistake!! Now that I am older, I look out for #1 (ME!). Don't burn bridges if you can help it, but I would say go with the one you want, that works best for your family and do NOT feel bad about it.

Good luck!

2nd. Be professional and don't burn bridges, but in the end you have to do what's best for you because that is exactly what the employer will do EVERY TIME.

Specializes in L&D; GI; Fam Med; Home H; Case mgmt.
Wow she came here for advice and you all berated her. I would say try your hardest to reschedule the interview. Maybe you can go right after work or on your next day off? Because you would still need some time to change into professional clothing and gather your thoughts b4 walking in to the interview. The interviewer would be more flexible about rescheduling than your current employer would be about you coming back from lunch late..

Since you've only been at the new facility for 2 weeks, it wouldn't look so good to already be returning late and/or having any 'issues.' (Trust me, been there done that).

And do you have to quit your current position if you get hired? Could you just work at both? Or do per diem at one & full time at the other? Best of luck to you and ignore all the haters. I think they're just jealous that in this bad economy you managed to get 2 (potential) job offers. Do what makes you happy & let us know how it works out :-)

First of all, we did not ALL berate her. Mostly I see people offering advice. One of the pieces of advice is "don't lie." Why is it so difficult to be upfront with people around here without the accusations of being "mean"? It's called being straight-forward and honest. If you find it "berating" for people to advise another person not to lie, you've got some issues yourself.

Also, if they're both full time day shift jobs (which they obviously are) I'm not real sure how she can work both jobs even if one is per diem.

First of all, we did not ALL berate her. Mostly I see people offering advice. One of the pieces of advice is "don't lie." Why is it so difficult to be upfront with people around here without the accusations of being "mean"?

I think most haven't been berating her, but some posters did have a pretty moralistic tone about her needing to lie. Maybe it wasn't intended, but I certainly got the impression that some were questioning her character for even considering omitting the full truth to the employer.

The reality is, it is NEVER a good idea to let a current employer know you are looking for a new job or interviewing. In this situation, being completely forthcoming is what will wind up biting you in the butt.

Wow! I can't believe how rude some people can be on this site! She was just asking for some simple advice. I don't know what is wrong with people on here lately. I've been seeing several rude posts lately, comments that have nothing to do with the original post. Geez, let's support eachother here...that is what this site is for!

I assume you'd be referring to me :)

I am not being moralistic at all. I don't even care if the OP wants to lie to her employer, as that is her business. I just think it is funny that someone who "really hates lying" would post a thread because she "needs help coming up with an excuse."

Have I ever lied? Most certainly. Would I look down on the OP for this lie? Not to any great extent. I just think the rationalizations are a bit much. I could post any number of analogies, but why bother? Seems as though any time you might offer your opinion and it differs from what someone else thinks your opinion should be you are "berating" and "making personal attacks."

I guess it was my fault though. The OP never asked for anyone's opinions, only help coming up with an excuse. How silly to think we could express our reasonable opinions in a civilized manner. :eek:

Specializes in L&D; GI; Fam Med; Home H; Case mgmt.
I assume you'd be referring to me :)

I am not being moralistic at all. I don't even care if the OP wants to lie to her employer, as that is her business. I just think it is funny that someone who "really hates lying" would post a thread because she "needs help coming up with an excuse."

Have I ever lied? Most certainly. Would I look down on the OP for this lie? Not to any great extent. I just think the rationalizations are a bit much. I could post any number of analogies, but why bother? Seems as though any time you might offer your opinion and it differs from what someone else thinks your opinion should be you are "berating" and "making personal attacks."

I guess it was my fault though. The OP never asked for anyone's opinions, only help coming up with an excuse. How silly to think we could express our reasonable opinions in a civilized manner. :eek:

I think in my 46 years on this earth, I've developed a very thick skin. Nothing you said seemed offensive or mean to me - just blunt. That's why I tend to do well with Europeans (despite their uber-liberalness, haha) because many of them tend to be very upfront and honest (not mean). I love it. I know where I stand with them at all times. It beats the heck out of people (especially in the region where I live) who act all flowery and sweet and as soon as your back is turned, they tear you to shreds. But I digress - apologies to OP for this tangent.

Specializes in Pediatrics, Geriatrics, LTC.

Many states now have laws about allowing you time for this. You need to pump at work, it's no big deal. Not sure why this is a problem. Tell the truth, you may find an ally.

Specializes in Clinical Research, Outpt Women's Health.

Flat tire, just be prepared for karma to pay you back with 2 flat tires at a later date.:smokin::smokin::smokin::smokin:

Seriolusly, I would be sick to my stomach making that call, but I would do it for that kind of opportunity.

These days any employer will dump you at a moments notice if finances get tight no matter how loyal you have been, so even though you give them your best and try never to screw them over, you have to keep in mind doing what will be best for you.

Flat tire, just be prepared for karma to pay you back with 2 flat tires at a later date.:smokin::smokin::smokin::smokin:

Ain't that the truth!

:smokin: smiley dude

Having read through this thread, I did not see personal attacking or berating. I did see several posters saying that lying to an employer is not a good idea. And one person found it ironic that someone who says they hate lying wanted help to come up with an excuse.

It seems like what the OP was asking for was a help to find a diplomatic (and somewhat self-protective) reason for taking the extra half hour. A sensible reason is what will get the job done, whereas "coming up with an excuse," sounds shady.

Disagreeing is not berating. Asking questions about messages within a post that seem inconsistent is not attacking.

We should work to be kind, but that doesn't mean everyone has to sing,"Kumbayah" and hold hands.

As to the original topic, I would encourage the OP to let her employer know that she will be late coming back from lunch because of a personal appointment (without providing details). Give a guesstimate on time, but don't pin it down to the minute--interviews can run long, especially if they are going well. Offer to make up the time if need be. But remind them that you won't be on the clock, so it's not as if you're going to be paid for something you haven't earned.

If you're only two weeks into your training, that's not great, but it's better than two months. Just remember, you may be burning a bridge. Maybe not, but you have to count the cost as if you are.

Let us know how things turn out for you.

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