Need Help Coming up with an Excuse!!

Nurses General Nursing


I just started this nursing job 2 weeks ago at a doctor's office(still in training, not on the schedule until this friday). I'm a new RN.... I applied to this other job before I started here, and it's a MUCH better job. I wrote a post about it a couple weeks ago I think. Anyway... they finally called me and want me to come in tomorrow to look at the facility (endoscopy center) and talk about a position there. VERY good chance I'll get hired.

Well, I take an hour for lunch, and it'll take me 15 minutes to get there from my job and of course 15 mins back. And I'm guessing I'll be there for around 30 mins. Well, I need another 30 minutes to pump and stop by the house to store my milk. So I need to ask for an additional 30 minutes for lunch tomorrow, but I don't know what to say.

I want to tell my supervisor I need the extra minutes tomorrow... but what excuse/reason should I give? I also have a daughter who is in first grade.. and I thought I could say something about having to go to her school? I don't know. And I obviously can't say I'm going to another job to interview. I feel really bad about possibly leaving this job.. but I just can't pass up this awesome opportunity.

***** I forget to mention that I always go home to pump... so I never bring my pump to work *********

Whatever you need to tell yourself.;)

If you don't think you are lying, I am not going to convince you.

My first line addresses that I feel someone who would title a thread "Need help Coming Up With An Excuse," will have a hard time convincing me that she "hates lying." Thats all. I really do not care what you do, but saying things just to make yourself feel better is a little disingenuous.

No, I understand what you are saying. I really thought I would need to come up with a stupid reason as to why I needed to take an extra 30 mins off, and it was making my stomach turn... I didn't even think about just saying in general why I needed the extra minutes.. an appt. They do not need to know the details of this appt. I wish I could do it after work, but I don't get off until 530pm and they leave like at 3 or 4pm... and can only interview during my lunch time. It stinks that I have to do it like this, but I really don't know what else to do.

That's not a lie - it was scheduled at the last minute. But I assume you are not being paid for this time off.

Also agree, do not lie. Since you do not have the new job in hand, anything can stil happen. Karma is a boomerang! Good Luck.

Right, I'm not being paid for taking time off. I clock out for lunch and don't get paid for it.. and any extra time I take off is not paid for either.

I understand why you wouldn't want to lie, so if I were you I would try to just "stretch the truth" a little. As you are just starting this job, it would probably be understandable if you had a previous engagement scheduled before you even took the job / knew your hours, and that you would like to have a little extra time during your break to attend. If pressed, you can just explain it would be very hard to reschedule and it's something you'd prefer not to discuss. This way, you're not exactly lying, per se, and you have a better chance of not having the pressure to explain yourself.

Personal attacks are not nice, lets not attack each other please.

I agree with one of the previous posters in saying I have a personal appointment.

This makes me understand the "you are too over qualified for this job." line. I think I would be upset if I took the time

to train someone and then they get another job right away, kind of a waste of time unless the employer knew you were only going to be there temporarily, I also understand that you need to do the best thing for you and need to be happy :)

Best of luck, I hope you get it and all goes well for you :)

Personal attacks are not nice, lets not attack each other please.

I agree with one of the previous posters in saying I have a personal appointment.

This makes me understand the "you are too over qualified for this job." line. I think I would be upset if I took the time

to train someone and then they get another job right away, kind of a waste of time unless the employer knew you were only going to be there temporarily, I also understand that you need to do the best thing for you and need to be happy :)

Best of luck, I hope you get it and all goes well for you :)

Yup, I agree... this job is a good job, don't get me wrong... but coming fresh out of nursing school, I don't think it's the job for me. I guess I'm looking for something that I can practice more of my skills and really feel like an RN.. if that even makes any sense. Not to mention the benefits of the this job and the hours would really be great for our family.

And i also agree about the training part... which is why I feel really bad. I hate that I've been trained for 2 weeks now, and I could possible get another job and then they just wasted their time and money on me. It's a sucky situation. Part of me wants to stay with this job b/c I feel so bad... but i don't think that's a great reason to stay (if I get offered the other position of course). We'll see what happens... I guess I'll update.

Specializes in L&D; GI; Fam Med; Home H; Case mgmt.

Working in an endoscopy unit won't give you a -great- opportunity to use or hone nursing skills. If you're preop you will do IVs and enemas. If you're post-op you will do a lot of monitoring and assessing, and DCing IVs. You will give the occasional med (Levsin, etc). That's really about it. But the hours ARE great and it's a good job. I wouldn't feel badly about what has happened - it wasn't planned. It happens ALL THE TIME in business. Don't sweat it - it's all about taking the best opportunity for yourself and your family. Do what is best for you - but be -upfront- about it. Don't think or behave as if you're doing something wrong. Be professional.

Specializes in ER, PACU, Med-Surg, Hospice, LTC.

Well, personally, I would advise you to avoid what we, at my facility anyway, refer to as the "Kid Kard". This is, using your child as the excuse for getting out of whatever the real issue is. Honestly, many people get tired of that excuse, fast....and most people see right through it. You use your Kid Kardz too quickly and people are no longer sympathetic towards you when you actually really DO need it. It is unfair to your child because they will be the ones who suffer because you cannot get the time off for the real emergency.

I've just witnessed a lot of Nurses burn themselves over the years because they used their children as the excuse for whatever they needed to get out of, rather than being honest.


At some time or other in our lives, haven't we all told an "untruth?" Please don't tell me that there is ANYONE out there who has not told a "story" in order to take a "mental health" day from work at some point in their career. If there is, you are to be commended, in all sincerity.

Do the people you work with know you pump? Why not say you are having a difficult time with your pump, and you will return as soon as you complete pumping. I don't think they would want you to spontaneously lactate at work.

When I have taken a mental health day from work, I do not go out for fear of seeing someone from work, or God forbid, get into an auto accident. Yes, lying can come back to bite you.

I do agree with a previous post; the best solution is to reschedule, but you have to do what you have to do.

Wow she came here for advice and you all berated her. I would say try your hardest to reschedule the interview. Maybe you can go right after work or on your next day off? Because you would still need some time to change into professional clothing and gather your thoughts b4 walking in to the interview. The interviewer would be more flexible about rescheduling than your current employer would be about you coming back from lunch late..

Since you've only been at the new facility for 2 weeks, it wouldn't look so good to already be returning late and/or having any 'issues.' (Trust me, been there done that).

And do you have to quit your current position if you get hired? Could you just work at both? Or do per diem at one & full time at the other? Best of luck to you and ignore all the haters. I think they're just jealous that in this bad economy you managed to get 2 (potential) job offers. Do what makes you happy & let us know how it works out :-)

Specializes in Hospice / Psych / RNAC.

Don't lie. Your going to have to give 4 week notice anyway (here in Hawaii 4 weeks is the norm from a professional nurse). Making up stories always comes back to haunt you. I would call in sick or just leave and if the interview (which should be >an hour) goes longer call in to your work and tell them unforeseen circumstances etc...

Are you going to lie to the new potential boss when they ask if you're working. You see what they will see is someone who is willing to jump ship so you must convince them that they are your choice and the other was always intended to be temporary. Take all your licenses etc... with you.

Don't fall for the grass is greener thing. You may get in there and find it's not your idea of nursing either.

Good luck.

You just started of course you have resume opportunities out there floating. During some of my job hunts I have had over thirty applications out at one time. I would agree with the personal appointment no details over the kid card. I have no kids of my own and will bend over backwards to help parents who do not abuse my help. I have personally called one of my own bosses and told him I was calling in well. I told him that I felt to good to go to work that day and that everything was covered and a coworker had my number to reach me with questions. You have to take care of yourself and your family no one else will. but do not trap yourself with a bad work reputation. Be as honest as you can. good luck.

Don't lie. Your going to have to give 4 week notice anyway (here in Hawaii 4 weeks is the norm from a professional nurse). Making up stories always comes back to haunt you. I would call in sick or just leave and if the interview (which should be >an hour) goes longer call in to your work and tell them unforeseen circumstances etc...

Are you going to lie to the new potential boss when they ask if you're working. You see what they will see is someone who is willing to jump ship so you must convince them that they are your choice and the other was always intended to be temporary. Take all your licenses etc... with you.

Don't fall for the grass is greener thing. You may get in there and find it's not your idea of nursing either.

Good luck.

I planned on giving a couple weeks notice ( I know about the 4 weeks professional courtesy in nursing ), however here in SC we can quit at anytime without notice and they can terminate doing the same. The only thing is, I doubt they would want to continue training me (wasting more time and money on me).. so I'm thinking they might let me go rather quickly. I guess I'll possibly find out.

No, I'm not going to lie to this employer. My friend already told her I'm in training and get put on the schedule to work this Friday. When I called her I told her I would have to come during my lunch break.

I understand... but this job was described to me very well and I researched what endoscopy nursing was. It seems very interesting to me... and the hours are also really persuading me. At my job right now I don't get home until 6pm, and once I'm on the schedule.. once a week I'll close. So I could stay later. I just hate that I don't have a lot of time to get things done after work like I'm used to. (Most jobs I've had in the past, I've gotten off around 330 or 4). I had a baby 8 weeks ago, and I'd like to be able to pick him up early some days, go to the gym to start losing baby weight, and run errands that I need to during the week before things close. Right now I come home, and I'm grouchy, feel rushed, and annoyed. I'm not getting much time to spend with my daughter (6yrs old) before I have to send her to bed. Anyway... this has been a big issue for me these last couple weeks.

I will update later today to let you all know what happened.

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