Published Feb 11, 2012
PinkNBlue, BSN, RN
419 Posts
I take the NCLEX RN on Monday. I am so scared.... think of me and say a prayer please! I don't think I'm going to do to PVT because my one friend did it and it took her to the CC page (but she ended up passing). I honestly think I'd die if that happened to me, from the anxiety. I'm already trying to keep my anxiety level even keel so that I don't psych myself out.
ANYWAY, Monday is the day. :-\ Passing is the only option :)
elprup, BSN, RN
1,005 Posts
You will rock it! Because the number 13 used to be looked at as a divine number, not evil.
412 Posts
YOU WILL PASS. You will be in my prayers. My test is on Thursday 16th. What did you use to study?
59 Posts
"Failure is NOT an option!!" You got this!!!!! Good luck!
343 Posts
Best of luck!!
82 Posts
Good luck!! You can do it! We all can!!
392 Posts
you will be in my prayers. good luck to you.:)
139 Posts
May God bless you always, pray the night before.
9star, BSN, RN
27 Posts
a very best of luck to you!!...
Thank you all SO much.
2bnurse, I've used a compilation of studying materials. The study guide from here (will look over again tonight and again tomorrow), Saunder's NCLEX book, Lippincott and Mosby. I did not take a review course only because our school uses NCLEX-style questions throughout our program so I'm familiar with the style of the questions (and did not have the funds to spend especially after registering for NCLEX to do a review course). Mainly I have just done a ton of questions.
5 Posts
I did my nclex yesterday and will get my results tomorrow - gulp!! Did the pvt trick and got the good pop up but will only be at peace when I see the pass on the screen. Anyway now is your time to accept that you have worked hard and studied well and your main job now is to keep calm. The worst part is hanging out for the 30 or so minutes before the exam - don't listen to the people who talk loudly about what they studied etc it'll only stress you out. Breathe in and out and believe in yourself - your abilities have taken you to this point and this is the right time. Breathe :)
38 Posts
I really really wish you luck!! I'll test the day after you, I'm nervous too, but we have to do it " I know is going to be hard not to be anxious but really try!! Let us know.