NCLEX 3/12, Know I failed


Specializes in ER/ICU, CCL, EP.

Why can't they just tell me I failed instead of making me wait 2 days to find out? :angryfire

I got 75 questions, I knew like 4 answers for certain. Pearson Vue should offer a new service: 100 bucks for results on the same day. I would pay it right now.

Oh, and before 10 people come back and tell me how they had to wait 6 weeks while crawling in the snow uphill both ways.... I admit it. I would have died. Happy now? :)

Somehow, that makes me feel better ;)

hey i also took it yesterday 3 /12 am praying for all of us so to recieve GODS blessings

Specializes in School Nursing.

as for me i am still waiting, 13 days..... but still hoping and praying for Gods blessing.

Specializes in Med Surg, Telemetry, Long Term Care.

i took mine last march not expecting that i have passed for the 2nd time thats why im doing my review again.

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.
Specializes in ICU.
Why can't they just tell me I failed instead of making me wait 2 days to find out? :angryfire

I got 75 questions, I knew like 4 answers for certain. Pearson Vue should offer a new service: 100 bucks for results on the same day. I would pay it right now.

Oh, and before 10 people come back and tell me how they had to wait 6 weeks while crawling in the snow uphill both ways.... I admit it. I would have died. Happy now? :)

Somehow, that makes me feel better ;)


Specializes in ER/ICU, CCL, EP.
i took mine last march not expecting that i have passed for the 2nd time thats why im doing my review again.

You passed!

*sends positive mojo your way*


75 questions is usually a sign of good performance. I know that 3 of 4 of my classmates have passed with 75 questions since graduation. I am taking my test in 2 weeks. I am not worrying.

Specializes in ER/ICU, CCL, EP.

I am sitting here refreshing the Pearson Vue page. I know it can be a really good sign....or a really terrible sign. I really felt like I didn't know any answers on that test. I have been up for a few hours worrying myself sick, with various GI complaints from anxiety. :barf02:

I am watching the frog in the fishtank at the moment. :) Perhaps I should have asked for a valium or something. I knew this was going to be a terribly hard wait for me. I was always like this after nursing school tests and we usually only had to wait like 8 hours for results.

Specializes in ER/ICU, CCL, EP.

I passed.

Gotta go throw up now.

Specializes in Telemetry/Med Surg.

Congratulations!! :yeah::nurse:

Specializes in School Nursing.
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