Published Sep 13, 2014
36 Posts
I am taking the NCLEX RN on Monday. I am really nervous and can't stop crying. I have studied for the past month and slept on my couch. I have been neglecting my family because of all this studying. If I don't pass on Monday, I think I might just give up trying. I have studied NCSBN, Kaplan 2014-2015 book, Yellow book, LaCharity, Hurst, and Exam Cram. What can I do to help with this anxiety?
168 Posts
Watch tv the anxiety is normal I would be worried if you didn't have anxiety how hwve your Kaplan scores been
I only have the Premier book. I have been studying the question in it. I didn't buy the Qbank. Did I make a mistake by not buying it?
10 Posts
This test has no real power over you, though I know it feels like it does right now. Your post struck a chord with me because I felt exactly the same way a few months ago. I studied for hours every day and neglected those who love and support me. The anxiety? I don't know what to tell you to make it go away, all I know is that I let myself cry when I felt overwhelmed and I kept reminding myself that this test CANNOT kill me. The worst that could happen is that you fail. Then what? This test cannot take away your life, your family, or anything else you love. It may keep you from achieving a dream for a little while longer if you don't pass--but it cannot harm you. I have no idea if that helps, but that's how I got through my anxiety. It will all be over soon. Best of luck to you.
39 Posts
I can totally relate. Honestly there wasn't much that helped me with my anxiety but I can tell you that completely ignoring my study materials the day before was a great idea and I just went over lab values before sleeping. But the one thing that made my anxiety WORSE was studying with others and using their study materials. Because people tend to focus on different things although no one is wrong you will feel behind/anxious when you hear what they know. Just remember you'll get some answers wrong but you will undoubtedly get answers right. Trust your studying and your materials; never compare yourself to someone else and don't be AFRAID if failing. I know three separate girls who recently passed (on their 3rd attempts) and they agree, the sky didn't fall, the world didn't come to an end :) You got it!
Thank you FunnyNurse10 and IbeRN for the advice. I am turning on the television now. I never thought of the NCLEX test like that IbeRN. I will remember your quote from now on------ "This test cannot take away your life, your family, or anything else you love. It may keep you from achieving a dream for a little while longer if you don't pass--but it cannot harm you".
Thank you NurseStelri.
33 Posts
I have lost days of sleep stressing over NCLEX, but no more. The Lord helps those whom help themselves, so I put it in the hands if The Lord and of course study.
156 Posts
Take breaks! Do something you enjoy. Don't let the NCLEX get the best of you.
I know is anxiety ridden but you got this far you know? And absolute already tried stressing, now let's try not stressing
Ps proud of u for turning the tv on
2,452 Posts
You've been given excellent advice so far. What about listening to music? That can either relax me or rev me up depending on what I'm listening to.
If you like classical music, Handel's Water Music is very calming and relaxing. You can check it out on Youtube.
Good luck!
173 Posts
If you can afford it, go get a massage. You could just meditate for a little bit and visualize your new name plate with RN following your name. You know this stuff. You cannot but two years of knowledge into a 4 or 5 week study session. You know it. Remember God doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the called. God will see you through this challenge. Good luck.