Published Jul 31, 2005
lpnstudentin2010, LPN
1,318 Posts
My mom does not want me to become a nurse because when she was a nurse, mabey 27 or 28 years ago, she did not like it. This drives me crazy. When I get to that point, wont be for a little while as i am about to be a senior in highschool, she will not pay for nursing school. What should I do/say to her?
164 Posts
I had a somewhat similar issue last year with my parents, They wern't sure that I would like nursing. I just graduated HS in 2004 and am starting Semester 2 of my ADN in August.
I can only offer a few suggestions. Have you shadowed a nurse yet? Make sure that you really want to do this before you get into it with your mom. Make a list of reasons why you want to be a nurse and a list of why you don't. Do some research on what you will be paid, where you can work, ect. Then go talk to Mom. Explain why this is what you want to do. Show her that you understand what you'll be getting into.
It might also help to show your mom how many differnt options there are for nurses these days. Bedside nursing is not the only option you have today with a nursing degree. You can get an advanced degree and work as a practitioner, work for an insurance or pharmacutical company, work in management or research. Nursing is one of the most versitle careers around. You can get steady, reliable work almost anywhere, doing almost anything you want.
Also, find out exactly why your mom is against the idea. Is it just because she didn't like being a nurse? If so nursing has changed alot in the past years. If not, let her explain her concerns to you. Listen with an open mind, because mother's tend to know more and think about differnt things than we as young adults do.
If in the end after all the research and discussion, you and your mom can't agree, then you'll have to make some descisions about financial aid. It is your career and life though. You will be the one who has to live with the final descision, not your mom. So in the end, while mom's oppinion and $$ count for a lot, It's your happyness on the line.
I wish you the best in whatever you choose,
173 Posts
You say, mom Thanks
34 Posts
Appease your mom and tell her you'll keep you're options open. Then when its time to decide which college to go to, and what to major in, you'll be an adult
and it won't really matter.
17 Articles; 45,819 Posts
Well, first of all, she is your mom, and I am sure she wants the best for you. I see by the number of your posts, you have been lurking here for a while. So, looks as if you are pretty serious about this. Have you and she had a really serious discussion about what you perceive the profession to be? Maybe she could see some of the threads on this subject on this site, too. She could even ask some questions herself. If she saw that you were very interested to the point of learning more about the profession, she might be more open to discuss it with you.
You have to respect where she is coming from at this time, though. Don't make it a confrontation. Just ease into some sbjects regarding nursing as you go along this year. Good luck and keep up your grades. Scholorships are out there for full payment for a college education.
rjflyn, ASN, RN
1,240 Posts
You are correct in saying todays nurse is not the nurse of 20 years ago. Even in the 8 yrs I have been in nursing things have changed.
What does your mom want you to do? How much against you being a nurse is she? Will she disown you if you do? You say she wont pay for it, thats not that big of a issue, dependant on where you live or want to live there are many options that provide the money to go to school, no matter what the field. Also dependant on the route you take to being a nurse ie LPN to RN, ADN or BSN one can potentially work to pay for it.
2,228 Posts
Was your mother an RN?
What did she do instead of nursing?
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,413 Posts
Drop it for now. Concentrate on your senior year and study hard and have fun while you're at it.
101 Posts
Simply say....."no problem, Mom, I'll pay for it myself". Once she sees that you are truly determined and motivated to join the ranks of nurses, she'll come around and likely help you pay for it!
350 Posts
While my mother never said no to me entering nursing she did express concern if I would burn out. she knew I could accomplish the schooling and suceed but being an LPN she liked her job but I think was concerned I would burn out. She didn't want me to work as an aide for fear I'd burn myself out before I even got to the nursing part. She was right. I mean her concern. I tried a NA program after only completing like intro to nursing and ped nursing not med surg and I was so in over my head. I'm sortof slow to new things then I pick up so I had a rushed orientation due to being a nursing student and really could not pull my weight. Others who can handle it would benefit from this for school. I'm ok now but I do feel the stress and agravation. My solution is i'm transfering to another unit, ICU and I'm excited now. The great thing is you can jump around to different areas. The only downside I'm in a local hospital that does not have much variety as far as units. No trauma, no NICU. HOWEVER supposedly we are going to develop some lower level trauma area. We have a helipad. So I think if I try ICU then maybe in time even that will open up. Things are forced to expand right now with our population.
Anyway, I do hear (only been an RN 2 years) that nursing has changed A LOT in 30 years. There's more medical equipment, procedures, wound care that make it interesting, computers. More techs to help you out. It's actually more responsibility I think. That can be good or bad depending on what you want. I really like it. You get frustrated at lack of staffing and management/coworker junk that maybe does not help.
It's funny b/c I allways thought after visiting my mom in the same hospital I work at she was in ICU for months. I thought I'd like to get into that unit. Well after graduating from the univeristy right next door thought oh heck can't do that can't even THINK of icu now! Now the first 2 years flew by got experience and now feel confident that I can try it. In fact I'm sick of the med surg and need something mroe.
The sick thing is the nurse I amdired MOST on the ICU who took care of my mom tried to discourage me even into going into nursing! That's what your post reminds me of. She wasn't persistent just I think people don't realize how hard it is and demanding. I've worked really hard all through school so I transfer this work ethic and detail into my job so it all depends on the individual where you take it and how well you'll do or enjoy nursing from what I'm experiencing.
Nurse shadowing sounds like an excellent idea to try. Explain to your mom why you want to get into nursing?
One other question that I have......has your mom had a bad experience dealing with nurses or the medical field regarding herself or maybe you in the past few years? Could be that is lurking in her mind. Just a thought. If I am off base...sorry.
Was your mother an RN?What did she do instead of nursing?
I am not sure if she was an RN.
She became a wife then a few years later a mother instead