
Nurses General Nursing


  1. What is your reaction toward the term "Murses" for male-nurses?

    • 30
      I am male and I find it offensive or irritating
    • 102
      I am female and I find it offensive or irritating
    • 13
      I am male and I find it funny
    • 26
      I am female and I find it funny
    • 3
      I am male and I have no opinion
    • 5
      I am female and I have no opinion
    • 7
      I am male and I am ok with it as long as the intent is good
    • 12
      I am female and I am ok with it as long as the intent is good
    • 7
      I am male and my reaction is not listed in the options
    • 15
      I am female and my reaction is not listed in the options

220 members have participated

What is your reaction toward the term "Murses" for male-nurses?

Specializes in ER, ICU, L&D, OR.

I just thought it was cute and amusing

I am REALLY surprised that someone is so upset about this poll being a "popular thread" -- I was under the impression that this board is not limited to professionally challenging topics and research dilemmas - I thought it was a board where a bunch of diverse, talented folks could hang out and visit with other diverse and talented folks. When I go to lunch: (a bunch of nurses together over a meal -- you KNOW that's gonna be interesting!!!) we rarely devote our entire lunch to deep issues -- we get off on tangents, tell jokes and/or our own brand of "funny" stories (which people who are not nurses would probably not find quite as humerous as we do). I guess I see this board, this particular post and some other posts as well -- as a "lunch break" atmosphere! We can play around, laugh a little at our selves and society as a whole.

I, for one, am glad that Dan posts! He seems to be a well rounded person -- posting humorous and/or lighter posts and some thought provoking, heavier topics as well: Did you see the one about a self defense course for nurses? Brought it up at a directors meeting yesterday Dan -- it really sparked some great conversations and we may actually look into developing something along those lines!

If ya don't wanna play on the swings, go play in the sandbox. -- this board offers something for everyone!! Lets not get yanked over what some of us choose to discuss -- if it isn't of interest to you -- ignore it.

Specializes in 5 yrs OR, ASU Pre-Op 2 yr. ER.
How is this possible?

How is it that there are so many intellengent, sensible and relevent threads on this forum that barely get noticed, and fade quietly into the archives, yet some b*llshit thread like this, like a bad rash, just won't go away?

Thanks for listening to my vent...

There's always the option of not reading and/or not posting to it.:)

As for the "bad rash" remark, i think i'd rather deal with the threads than some of the people out in the world with "bad rash" attitudes. :)

There's always the option of not reading and/or not posting to it.

Hi Marie,

Sure you're right. But I think what Dan is looking for are honest opinions. Just as you are free to express your opinions about whatever you like, Dan is free to post whatever questions he likes, and I am free to post whatever opinion I have. Neat how all of this "freedom of speech" stuff works, isn't it?

If you really see my opinions as being "bad rash", that's your right too.

Have a nice day.

Specializes in 5 yrs OR, ASU Pre-Op 2 yr. ER.

The phrase "bad rash" was taken from a quoted post, not my own words.

Back to the subject at hand.

Hi Marie,

Sure you're right. But I think what Dan is looking for are honest opinions. Just as you are free to express your opinions about whatever you like, Dan is free to post whatever questions he likes, and I am free to post whatever opinion I have. Neat how all of this "freedom of speech" stuff works, isn't it?

Have a nice day.

Hi Alexander, it is neat how all these "freedom of speech" works. Although we do differ on certain point, I do appreciate your honest opinions as it helps me to understand this particular issue more.


Back to the subject at hand.


shoot, where's that hydrocortisone when i need it??????? :rolleyes:

I'm a male nursing student and I think I first heard the term "murse" on the TV Show "Scrubs". I may have heard it before that, but can't remember when or where. I thought it was hilarious. The nursing profession has been, and still is a female dominated occupation, so to give notice to the fact that I am indeed not female in this profession seems very normal to me. Though I haven't heard it used in an intentionally derogatory manner, I guess I can picture it. But, anyone that would try to insult me with the title of murse (or in any other way for that matter) is a bumbling idiot with esteem issues.

Specializes in LTC, CPR instructor, First aid instructor..

Possibly so, but Scrubs is a slapstick show that pokes fun at nursing just like the Simpsons poked fun at bus drivers. And I don't like it one bit. Like my new look?

Hey Fran, that is one cool avatar! Where did you get that shield?

Wouldn't mind that to be a patch on the shoulder or something.


Specializes in LTC, CPR instructor, First aid instructor..
Hey Fran, that is one cool avatar! Where did you get that shield?

Wouldn't mind that to be a patch on the shoulder or something.


Yeah, kind of classy, hunh. I've had it a very long time. This is the second time I've used it. I don't remember where I got it.

shoot, where's that hydrocortisone when i need it??????? :rolleyes:

OK Trouble maker:) !! I couldn't help chuckling over your response and had someone peek in my office and tell me that it is too early in the morning for giggling! :chuckle See -- you're gonna get me canned! (That might not be a bad thing -- depending on how this merger shakes down):rolleyes:

I don't know why it struck me as sooooo funny -- but it did! Thanks for the chortle!!! have a great day!

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