Published Jan 27, 2015
3,393 Posts
Fire drill thread got me thinking... What are some of the biggest emergencies you've had in your office?
I've had to administer epi once, student was alert and talking at the time, but vitals were not WNL. O2 in the 70s/80s.
A student came in supporting his arm from PE once and said "I hurt my arm" I saw that he had an extra bend to his arm and replied "Well, you broke that arm... Ever been in an ambulance?" kid- no.... "Today's your lucky day". His mom's reaction was awesome "She gasped and said "Not his right arm?? We just paid for travel baseball yesterday!!!"
Had an employee slip on ice in the parking lot and break her ankle. Felt so terrible becaue she was laying in the ice and we couldn't move her and her ankle was completely turned the wrong way. We covered her with our coats called 911. I actually felt so useless, the most I could do was stay with her and ask if she was allergic to any meds because the paramedics would have morphine when they arrived.
I've had both teachers and students with seizures.
Can't wait to hear your stories!
NutmeggeRN, BSN
2 Articles; 4,677 Posts
Compound tib/fib fx, epi for anaphylaxis, completely unconscious with bleeding from ear......the joys!
blue bag nurse
81 Posts
Asthmatics have always been my most urgents. Twice I've had little girls who I've gone with to the ER with EMS. Those scare me the most. I've given epi once......used the AED once.......but those asthmatics worry me more than any of the others.
408 Posts
Gave epi once, sent an asthmatic out on ems once after 2 tx's and o2 still 84%, status epilepticus once with one of my seizure kids, called 911 after 5 mins and she was 23 mins in when they finally got her loaded and left, and they had an IV started and gave Ativan with success. Finally stopped it at the ER.
The bleed and unconsciousness was from a head injury in a basketball game.
345 Posts
I had a student fall off the roof of a house they were building and ended up only with a bad cut to his head, scary though. I've had a student overdose..EMS call. An adult with an MI . Never had to give epi.
887 Posts
Student found unresponsive on the floor in the bathroom.... one last year and once this year (same student). Called 911 both times.
No dx of asthma, wheezing all over lungs, sats in low 90s, no response to albuterol inhaler. That was a 911 call.
Dislocated/fx of a shoulder in gym class. Called 911.
I've only been here 1.5 years, too! :)
SnowyJ, RN
844 Posts
Severe asthma, had to call 911, Sats in the 70's just prior to transport. Retracting like crazy. EMS was here for 45 minutes just trying to get him stable for transport. He was bad right off the bus! He ended up in PICU.
Broken hip when a grandmother fell.
Each year I have at least 2-3 broken arms
Bad facial laceration.
I jinxed myself yesterday with this thread. Student collapsed in the hall with seizure-like activity with a recent hx of these episodes. Called 911 for that one as well. I do enjoy getting to see all of my old EMS friends (former ER nurse here) when I make these 911 calls. Good times!
JenTheSchoolRN, BSN, RN
3,035 Posts
Called 911 for acute left sided abdominal pain. Student went down in hallway, could not get up because of pain. BP was elevated, other vitals normal. Student alert, responsive, reported not having a bowel movement for 4+ days. Student was transported, turned out to be severe constipation, thankfully no blockage, which I was worried about.
Then on of few days I ever got a sub, the sub called 911 for a student with all the textbook symptoms of appendicitis...
Called 911 for acute left sided abdominal pain. Student went down in hallway, could not get up because of pain. BP was elevated, other vitals normal. Student alert, responsive, reported not having a bowel movement for 4+ days. Student was transported, turned out to be severe constipation, thankfully no blockage, which I was worried about. Then on of few days I ever got a sub, the sub called 911 for a student with all the textbook symptoms of appendicitis...
Boy or girl? I have sent girls out w/ ruptured ovarian cysts.... By the time they get to the ER the pain is gone....whaddya gonna do?
Lol - funny you should say that, because that was what it ended up being! But my sub wasn't sure, no previous history, and student was running a low grade temp. Sub called the parents several times for a pickup before it progressed and parents keep saying, we'll be there, etc (history of looong pick up times), it progressed, sub called 911. I'd have done the same thing.