Most urgent situations

Specialties School


Fire drill thread got me thinking... What are some of the biggest emergencies you've had in your office?

I've had to administer epi once, student was alert and talking at the time, but vitals were not WNL. O2 in the 70s/80s.

A student came in supporting his arm from PE once and said "I hurt my arm" I saw that he had an extra bend to his arm and replied "Well, you broke that arm... Ever been in an ambulance?" kid- no.... "Today's your lucky day". His mom's reaction was awesome "She gasped and said "Not his right arm?? We just paid for travel baseball yesterday!!!"

Had an employee slip on ice in the parking lot and break her ankle. Felt so terrible becaue she was laying in the ice and we couldn't move her and her ankle was completely turned the wrong way. We covered her with our coats called 911. I actually felt so useless, the most I could do was stay with her and ask if she was allergic to any meds because the paramedics would have morphine when they arrived.

I've had both teachers and students with seizures.

Can't wait to hear your stories!

I am not a school nurse, but curious about this! When you call 911, do you or a teacher/principal go with the kid and meet parents at the hospital? Or do you just send the kid with EMS?

Wow... These are some crazy stories! When I was in grade school and middle school we didn't have a school nurse. Our secretary handed out ice packs and that was it. If you "felt bad" at all they just sent you home, because they didn't know what to do. I can't imagine what they would have done in emergencies like these!

Specializes in Peds, Oncology.
I am not a school nurse, but curious about this! When you call 911, do you or a teacher/principal go with the kid and meet parents at the hospital? Or do you just send the kid with EMS?

In my situations so far, I have just sent out on ems and not went along. My epi pen situation mom made it in time to follow the ems otherwise the principal was going to go. I guess I feel like I can't leave my other 800 kids without a nurse to go out with one. It's nice if a principal goes, but they're not always available so I've sent kids out alone before (but they were middle school kids). I guess if I had a kid who I had to use an aed on or who was critical, I would go too. But if they are stable, I feel comfortable just sending them out.

Specializes in kids.

It is rare that I would go and leave my other 500+ kids without coverage, but am attached to our middle school so I have gone on occasion (parent far away, student is emotionally handicapped)

One of my principals usually will follow if a parent is not present to follow. I don't see the point of a nurse tagging along in the ambulance with EMS already there.

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