Published Aug 17, 2015
26 Posts
have you had a mormon patient? how did you know he or she was mormon? what was it like? I am writing a paper on end of life practices of mormon culture but have never knowingly had a morman patient.
4,348 Posts
And you think responses you read on an anonymous forum are going to be accurate?
Is this for a class? If so, do you think that your professor is going to accept this?
5,979 Posts
Why not just look up what the Mormons believe regarding end of life? I'm sure they have some web sites that would explain it.
Twinmom06, ASN, APN
1,171 Posts
you could also call a Mormon Temple and ask - they are not closed off from the world
7,108 Posts
I don't believe this is the most advantageous method of researching end-of-life practices in the Mormon Church.
I know there are practices regarding garments, for example... but in general I find the LDS Church to be very receptive to all questions regarding their faith.
22 Posts
I'm a Mormon. What exactly are you trying to write about? End of life practices. Do you mean what we believe after death?
Nonyvole, BSN, RN
419 Posts
This is where the main LDS website will help you out immensely. You can search around on there, and if it doesn't have all the information you need, missionaries are also available to answer questions online. if you wish to read about any beliefs. I'm around if you wish to have any questions answered as well. I don't usually trust Google, a lot of Mormon misinformation or people Mormon shaming posting on blogs and such. Best to only ask and take accurate information from them. In my experience. People come up with weird things lol
Same thing happens to me as a Jehovah's Witness. I once had someone on this site argue with me over which website is the official site for our faith. Uhm...doncha think I would know which one was the official one?
But I digress...
roser13, ASN, RN
6,504 Posts
Seriously, you are asking an online, non-accountable bunch of folks to provide FACTS for a research paper?
You must be a very new, naive student. And I'm not trying to offend you. Anyone here can answer you and may be masquerading as someone who is qualified to speak to your question. You have NO WAY of gauging the authenticity or veracity of any response.
This is not research.
traumaRUs, MSN, APRN
88 Articles; 21,277 Posts
Moved to nursing student assistance forum.
Same thing happens to me as a Jehovah's Witness. I once had someone on this site argue with me over which website is the official site for our faith. Uhm...doncha think I would know which one was the official one?But I digress...
People are insanely interesting. Lol. Oh man you're right this is what we believe I'm so glad I ran into you, thanks for clearing this up. Lol