Moochers who want to copy your homework or cheat off you......


  1. Do moochers try to copy or cheat off you?

110 members have participated

what do you do with moochers? ;)

Specializes in ICU.

I was always one of the bright students that slackers wanted to copy. One strategy I learned to use was to be helpful, but not give the answers. For example, I might say, "Which question is giving you the most trouble?" So they will tell you, and you can say, "Well, you need to look at X & Y to answer that," or, "it's in chapter 7, the very first section." Sometimes people would persist and I would repeat this for a 2nd question. After that, I would just *nicely* say, "I don't mind helping you with the material, but I cannot do your work for you or allow you to copy mine."

Another variant on this theme is "What did you get for question 2?" My response might be, "What did you get? I wasn't sure about that one either, let's compare notes." Even if the part about not being sure yourself is a little white lie, it helps prevent being taken advantage of, because you turn it back on the other party to be making a good faith effort.



Specializes in Home Care.

Learn to say no, no, no, no. You don't need these people in your life nor do you need to rely on these few for the material you miss. I'm sure you have reliable classmates who aren't cheaters.

So you're in class with these people for 2 years, so what. You don't need to be friends with them, you don't need them to like you. Cheaters and the lazy people are often the people who don't graduate.

The only person that matters in the class is yourself. You are responsible for yourself and nobody else. That doesn't mean you can't work in a study group nor help your friends with studying. It just means that ultimately you are number one.

LOL! What do they say when you say "NO"? I imagine they look at you like you just shot them! haha

In this particular situation, the classmate asked me as I was walking down the hall...I said "No" and kept walking, so I didn't see her face! :coollook:

Luckily, she doesn't talk to me much anymore, so she has quit mooching!

Believe me, I am a super approachable person, but when I put in 6+ hrs. studying and you want to "borrow" my stuff....:nono: Especially when you have asked me no less than 4 times what the homework assignment was b/c you left early. One time I actually waited to respond on purpose, and she had already written a paper on the wrong topic....*evil laugh* :icon_roll:lol2:

There are ways to say "no, its on you to do your own work" without being crabby about it. You can be respectful and still deny them access to your work. I think this is different than being sick for a day and missing, in this case they are using you.

My philosophy in NS was that I wasn't there to make friends. I can be friendly, and respectful, and expect the same from the others, but im not there to be Miss Congeniality. You're there to learn, so that you don't endanger your patients and can even maybe help a few. What they are doing is not only disrespectful to you and your professionals, it sets a dangerous precedence of cheating, and ultimately its the patients of these moochers that will suffer. Its time they started thinking about someone other than themselves.

Worse comes to worst, talk to the professor about it, see what they have to see on the topic of others co-opting your work as theirs. In my school, this would have set off academic fraud procedings.

This is a very good point. If you need some "oomph" to be able to say no to these classmates, think about their future patients if they manage to eek by using other people's work. Advocate for them and say NO! :specs:

OMG! Are you my inner self who snuck to the computer to write your post! YES! The exact same thing, same responses, everything, happened to me in my pre req classes. I was hoping that the moochers would be weeded out for nursing school because really, how far can you go without doing your own work? But OH NO, we have ENABLED THEM! What do they do once they are nurses, and don't know anything? Endanger people?

In the classes I have talked about, I was trying to figure out creative ways to get around them (turn assignments in outside class? turn it in very early at beginning of class). I was about to toughen up and say "NO, because I don't want to get in trouble when our answers are the same, sorry ([not really])", when for various reasons, we had no more labs this semester, and we had to do them on our own. So, I am feeling pretty satisfied that they have had to do their own labs (do they even know how?) for the last several weeks.

Now I need to figure out how to get out of this next time....And yes, I agree, you have to careful because you will be with them for 2 LONG years.

Specializes in Cardiac Telemetry, ED.

What's so hard about saying "No. You need to do your own work."? Why in the world do you feel any sort of obligation to carry others through school?

Learn to say no, no, no, no. You don't need these people in your life nor do you need to rely on these few for the material you miss. I'm sure you have reliable classmates who aren't cheaters.

So you're in class with these people for 2 years, so what. You don't need to be friends with them, you don't need them to like you. Cheaters and the lazy people are often the people who don't graduate.

The only person that matters in the class is yourself. You are responsible for yourself and nobody else. That doesn't mean you can't work in a study group nor help your friends with studying. It just means that ultimately you are number one.

LOL this was the attitude that I entered nursing school in. You are RIGHT. But I thought I was being a bit extreme. There has been one time I really almost fell, and someone helped me out. So I am cool with sharing my stuff with her. You never know when you might need help, and what random person will help you. I rarely need help..but I feel like if I need help that ONE time..what if I came off as catty to that person and said "NOPE, you cheater!" lol ;) You're right though...they need to get on their stuff!

OMG! Are you my inner self who snuck to the computer to write your post! YES! The exact same thing, same responses, everything, happened to me in my pre req classes. I was hoping that the moochers would be weeded out for nursing school because really, how far can you go without doing your own work? But OH NO, we have ENABLED THEM! What do they do once they are nurses, and don't know anything? Endanger people?

In the classes I have talked about, I was trying to figure out creative ways to get around them (turn assignments in outside class? turn it in very early at beginning of class). I was about to toughen up and say "NO, because I don't want to get in trouble when our answers are the same, sorry ([not really])", when for various reasons, we had no more labs this semester, and we had to do them on our own. So, I am feeling pretty satisfied that they have had to do their own labs (do they even know how?) for the last several weeks.

Now I need to figure out how to get out of this next time....And yes, I agree, you have to careful because you will be with them for 2 LONG years.

Yes, I'm a newbie in the program..but I'm starting to see that those who let them copy..carried them right through the first semester. These people half-"butted" and made nearly the same grades I did! All without trying...must be really nice! I'm not seriously jealous though. I know I'm actually learning..but I cannot say it doesn't annoy me a bit. As long as they don't ask me..I wouldn't even care.

A classmate emailed me to compare info on an assignment. I gave her the info and later asked if she would give me notes for a class that I knew I was going to miss. She never provided me the notes and never said a word. It shouldn't surprise me or anyone else that giving and receiving assistance often turns out to be a one way street. "No" is a better answer. Don't rely on anyone but yourself.

Caliotter...that SUCKS. I can honestly say that my two close nursing friends (for class anyway) stick together. We are a pretty good team and our contributions are pretty even. Other than that...everyone on the outside is just looking to suck the teet on the cow!

Specializes in interested in NICU!!.

can you somehow submit your hw earlier than having to wait for class?

or if they ask you, what did you get on this, do like one poster said, "i found it on ch. 7 section 2, or just say that you don't remember." or, just like some other people have said, just say no, i know it's too blunt but it's the truth, you don"t want to share which is cheating. just say that you don't feel comfortable giving the answer, but next time she can go to the group meeting and do homework with y'all. tell them that you don't mind helping but you won't give them the answer.

I never asked the lady why she didn't give me the notes after she said she would. Who knows, maybe she just forgot. I do think it was inconsiderate though, looking at how many times she has approached me and my group to compare work.

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