Missed a call for an on-call shift


It's been awhile since I have posted.

I have always prided myself in being professional and I make myself available to work as much as possible.

I work the night shift and I am one of those people that can go to bed that night after sleeping all day.

I was on call tonight...and they made a really big deal before I left the previous night to fully expect to work tonight at 6:00 because they were on high census.

I slept all day, washed my uniforms, got up, took a shower, fully expecting to work.

It came 6:00 ....no phone call...so I called them, and they decided to "work with the staff that they had" which meant that a couple of nurses probably got higher assignments than normal.

I was disappointed because I needed the money.

So at 10:30...I went to bed.

At 11:00...they called.

Guess what? I have a Blackberry and I got up around 3:00 a.m. and checked my phone for e-mails and discovered that I had 3 missed calls...I ALWAYS hear my phone ring.

So I tried to call from my house phone and discovered that my ringtones were not working.

I called work immediately, offered to come in right then, they ended up calling someone else in for me....and I know darn good and well that several of my coworkers probably got woke up in the middle of the night trying to get someone to cover for me.

I cannot tell you how embarrassed I was....what makes it worse is that this is the SECOND time I have missed a call from work because my Blackberry ringtones suddenly stopped working and required the phone to be rebooted in order to get them to work.

The only reason my work doesn't have my house phone number is that the clericals that work the day shift think NOTHING of calling night shift people at 11:00 am., 1:00 pm...whatever...for non-emergent reasons..even if you are already scheduled that night...calls that can easily wait another 3 to 4 hours.

It's hard enough to sleep during the day...so when I get woke up, I'm up. I can't get back to sleep and have to work that night severely sleep deprived which isn't safe.

I called and offered to come in on the day shift if they needed help...charge nurse wasn't exactly nice about it.

Now I can't get back to sleep because there is nothing that I hate worse than looking like an idiot at work and now I'm worried about getting in trouble on Monday with my manager...which I fully expect to happen because they see this no different than a no-call, no show.

Those of you that have experience on the night shift much longer than me....how does your hospital handle these? Is some sympathy given? Or do they not care that sometimes technology fails.

I would love to go to my cell phone company tomorrow and get a different phone, but I am 8 months from a contract ending and it would cost me over $200 to make the change.

Any advice and encouragement would be greatly appreciated.

Specializes in N/A.

Okay, one MORE time, cause some are still confused I guess.

I'm not talking about replacing old glasses with newer, better ones. Im not talking about buying a new car, either. I'm talking about buying things you MUST have to be a nurse. Examples would be very limited and include uniform, equipment, a working phone or pager, and a way to get yourself to work (bus ticket if necessary). I'm talking about being able to afford things you NEED, not things you want......

Look, there is NO need to be angry with me. You think I don't know what it's like to be poor? I GREW UP poor, am poor now, and might be forever, I don't know. My mother got cancer at an early age and it ate up all our money (Luckily she recovered, thank God). So I know what it's like to BUDGET money, and spend wisely, and eat cans of ****** soup (BTW, someone mentioned eating progresso soups likes its some horrible tragedy....try eating brand x ramen noodles everyday in college and not because it's cool, yeah Im skinny for a reason, I would have GLADLY taken your progresso soups, thank you very much).

However, I made sure I had what I needed. And if I couldn't get it, I damn sure didn't tell my bosses or teachers that "I had to put food on the table, and my money is my money and none of their concern!" Wanna know why? Because EVERYONE has their own problems, and they sure as you know what don't care about yours..... All they care is that you are capable of getting the job done. And yes, some employers do care and there's exceptions to every rule and blah blah blah.......I know all the stories....but that isn't the norm.

Specializes in Emergency, critical care.

For Babylady: another solution that won't cost $:

Give the hospital an "ICE" #....(in case of emergency).

ICE# = your parents #, then your parents could call you on the land line with the hospital's message..... just a thought...it would be free....

Since you work nights, couldn't you just give the supervisor's your home number? That's what I've done in the past to avoid those unnecessary calls about paperwork and such.

Specializes in Med/Surg.
Okay, one MORE time, cause some are still confused I guess.

I'm not talking about replacing old glasses with newer, better ones. Im not talking about buying a new car, either. I'm talking about buying things you MUST have to be a nurse. Examples would be very limited and include uniform, equipment, a working phone or pager, and a way to get yourself to work (bus ticket if necessary). I'm talking about being able to afford things you NEED, not things you want......

Look, there is NO need to be angry with me. You think I don't know what it's like to be poor? I GREW UP poor, am poor now, and might be forever, I don't know. My mother got cancer at an early age and it ate up all our money (Luckily she recovered, thank God). So I know what it's like to BUDGET money, and spend wisely, and eat cans of ****** soup (BTW, someone mentioned eating progresso soups likes its some horrible tragedy....try eating brand x ramen noodles everyday in college and not because it's cool, yeah Im skinny for a reason, I would have GLADLY taken your progresso soups, thank you very much).

However, I made sure I had what I needed. And if I couldn't get it, I damn sure didn't tell my bosses or teachers that "I had to put food on the table, and my money is my money and none of their concern!" Wanna know why? Because EVERYONE has their own problems, and they sure as you know what don't care about yours..... All they care is that you are capable of getting the job done. And yes, some employers do care and there's exceptions to every rule and blah blah blah.......I know all the stories....but that isn't the norm.

I think YOU'RE not getting it. The point of my post was that glasses are a necessity (not for work, perhaps, although if I had an eye infection or couldn't wear my contacts I would have to wear my glasses to work, and THEN that would be a problem) but that it can be hard to come up with a lump sum for ANYTHING. I also then went on to say that if it's not feasible to come up with that money, that you have to find another solution that doesn't cost that much, and those are out there.

Specializes in PCU, peds, geriatrics, home health, LTC.

what on earth did i say that was annoying or offensive?? if i had offended the op, i would have gotten an infraction. i didn't.

what i said was perfectly correct, true, and not offensive. i have been a hiring manager and guess what hon? we dont care what your excuses are for not being able to buy what you need for a job. newsflash- there's about a hundred other willing workers who can and will buy a new cell phone, uniform whatever.

and why wouldn't you want to save your job first and foremost? i don't buy any bs about "putting food on your table or in the mouths of your children" because that's what food stamps and free lunches are for, if you're really that hard up. if you lose the job you lose the money. it's not rocket science. should be real easy to figure out:

if she gets canned because she doesn't fix her cell phone, then where will she be? up a creek and sold both her paddles! she'll be screwed.

and nurses do get paid good money. wanna know one of the reasons why? because they are expected to be responsible. if she doesn't want to fool wityh fixing the problem, then she shouldn't expect to make as much as they do. goes with the territory.

what on earth did i say that was annoying or offensive?? if i had offended the op, i would have gotten an infraction. i didn't.

an infraction for your opinion? um... that doesn't happen if you post something someone takes offense to....i wasn't the only one who was offended or annoyed enough to reply to your comment regarding money. never said your comment was "infraction"-worthy there. what did you say that was annoying and offensive? well, the comments that people quoted you on and replied to, that's what.

what i said was perfectly correct, true, and not offensive. i have been a hiring manager and guess what hon? we dont care what your excuses are for not being able to buy what you need for a job. newsflash- there's about a hundred other willing workers who can and will buy a new cell phone, uniform whatever.

news flash to you: calling me "hon" is annoying to me. "not offensive" is an opinion, not a fact. some people obviously were offended or at least felt the need to reply in disagreement to your opinion. we are all voicing opinions here, and "not offensive" is a subjective opinion, your opinion, which you are entitled to. i am entitled to mine, and in my opinion, your comments have been offensive. i've been a hiring manager, too....so what? that makes neither of us "right". we have different opinions. i do not agree that people always have money to fix something, and you stated she gets paid enough to fix a phone not knowing her financial situation.

newsflash- there's about a hundred other willing workers who can and will buy a new cell phone, uniform whatever.

newsflash-duh! why do you think she's worried?!

we dont care what your excuses are for not being able to buy what you need for a job

well, i certainly never said the employer gives a rat's patootie about it. i was saying things happen and people's finances are their own business, not the employer's. it seems the original poster is going with a less expensive phone option because 200-300 was not feasible.

and why wouldn't you want to save your job first and foremost? i don't buy any bs about "putting food on your table or in the mouths of your children" because that's what food stamps and free lunches are for, if you're really that hard up. if you lose the job you lose the money. it's not rocket science. should be real easy to figure out:

oh, lord. she never said she didn't want to save her job. she knows "if you lose the job you lose the money". so...foodstamps? you have no idea how foodstamps work, do you? a person has to qualify financially, which most full-time workers of most job fields do not qualify. at least not here in florida. not having a spare few hundred dollars does not mean someone qualifies for foodstamps. that's not rocket science and "should be real easy to figure out".

and nurses do get paid good money. wanna know one of the reasons why? because they are expected to be responsible. if she doesn't want to fool wityh fixing the problem, then she shouldn't expect to make as much as they do. goes with the territory.

a few of your posts containing your opinions regarding people's finances and statements like "she gets paid enough, you can't tell me otherwise" and your general assumption that because someone has a paycheck they automatically have 200-300 dollars at any given time to fix something is what got me going (and i wasn't the only one). she never said she didn't "want to fool with fixing the problem". she said she didn't have a certain amount. you can't tell her otherwise! she knows what her finances and obligations are, not you. yes, paying for your equipment, scrubs, phone is part of the territory. who hasn't had to wait another paycheck or two to buy new scrubs and wear older ones that are so thinned out at the buttcrack they could burst any day? i've been there.:D

and nurses do get paid good money. wanna know one of the reasons why? because they are expected to be responsible. if she doesn't want to fool wityh fixing the problem, then she shouldn't expect to make as much as they do. goes with the territory.

quoting you again on the last bit because i want to ask you flat out, are you an rn? first of all, "good money" is an opinion and it is certainly up for debate if we nurses get paid nearly enough!:rolleyes: the reason why we get paid? for services rendered! for being highly skilled, highly trained, highly valuable resources (gonna cut the list here because i could go all day and you should be able to as well!). saying someone shouldn't be expected to make "as much as they do" also makes me wonder if you are even a nurse because most nurses don't go on about how much they make and how great the pay is! responsible? heck, yes. we're responsible for almost everything about our patients and then some. we're responsible for people's lives. you don't think we should be paid a decent wage for all that? well, guess what? a paycheck for services rendered "goes with the territory".:p

Specializes in N/A.

First of all, you're wrong about food stamps. If you have many children, or can prove that your daily needs cost more than what you make, you can get government assistance. They don't deny starving people.......especially hard working ones. And they would never deny you if you couldn't feed your kids (unless you are making WAY too much, then YOU need to re-budget). I know that for a FACT.

Now if you don't meet any of the requirements, and have no children and cannot prove that you make less than you need, than of course you don't get assistance. And why should you? We have enough sincerely poor people to take care of without worrying about people who simply are bad at budgeting, or have too much out in student loans........

And yes, we've all had bad weeks, or months even, but you can't tell me that nurses don't make good money. My mom has been one for 35 years, as is my aunts and grandmother (she's actually a doula). They've done everything from private practice to ED, and no matter what- you're making more money than the average Joe. I'll tell you that right now. I'm sure nurses don't make as much as they should, but I'm a CNA, so don't even go there with me......I'll show you making bad money lol.

And as for your argument, if I offended you, then it was no more than you did me. You called me out on the red carpet, said I was "annoying" and "offensive", for simply stating my opinion, like you did earlier.

And just because I said she gets paid enough to fix the problem, that doesn't translate into "She should have the money at any instant in time!" I Don't expect ANYONE to magically produce hundreds of dollars at any moment, where did you even get that? She has had MONTHS, if not longer, to fix what she knew was an issue, and still has what I'm guessing is a few weeks to come up with a solution or some money....

I simply said she should be ready to pay it. I didn't say when or how....and I don't assume anyone has that kind of money. But if you're making a good paycheck, you should be able to save back some when you need to. If not, that's a real problem......

As for your bottom part, yeah......part of "services rendered" is being available when on call....so you pretty much just backed up what I said. Thanks! :p

Specializes in PCU, peds, geriatrics, home health, LTC.

Thank you for answering my question. As I suspected, YOU ARE NOT A NURSE! You told me not to go there about pay not being great for CNAs, and I'm telling YOU not to go there about what nurses make and if it is a "good" wage (which is your OPINION).

I'm not wrong about foodstamps. You simply went into more detail about it. That doesn't make what I said (that a lot of people don't qualify) wrong. How you think you going into detail makes my prior statement wrong, well...whatever. I can't argue with logic here because you aren't using any.

You have the same replies to everyone here who has posted in reference to your presumptions about other people's finances. Nothing seems to be sinking in for you, so I'll just let you float around and backpeddle like you're now doing.

(Sigh...this is like talking to a brick wall and is my last reply to you).

Food stamps and free lunches only come if you meet the financial guidelines, so if you're above it $5, sorry about your luck. No food stamps for you!

Exactly. When my husband was medically disabled for 6 months, I made too much as a LPN with 3 dependent children. There is no way she would qualify for food stamps as a RN. Free lunches are a little better, but I don't know the cutoff.

Specializes in NICU.

This girl doesn't know a thing about food stamps. ha! the gov't doesn't care how many mouths you have to feed or what your expenses are, if you don't meet the financial guidelines, you're not getting any food stamps! And I would bet my last dollar the OP doesn't qualify for food stamps with a nurse's salary. I think lalapoodles' only crime was jumping to conclusions about people's finances and being misunderstood.

MissFlash, you were spot on with your argument, kudos and more kudos to you.

Specializes in Peds/outpatient FP,derm,allergy/private duty.

I've noticed that people who aren't nurses who are the most brash and confrontational will say that they've worked "in the corporate world". They feel this gives them carte blanche to say anything about anyone else's job, whether they have any clue about it (usually not) or not. Maybe I'm generalizing. But it annoys the hel1 out of me.

Specializes in NICU.

Yes, I agree nursel56. One thing that really annoys me is people who aren't nurses who say "nurses make good money" so they assume that because you're a nurse it must mean you're rich and can buy x, y, and z. This is not directed to poodles, but in general. People do it all the time. There is really a lack of empathy from the general public and other professionals who aren't nurses.

Yes, I agree nursel56. One thing that really annoys me is people who aren't nurses who say "nurses make good money" so they assume that because you're a nurse it must mean you're rich and can buy x, y, and z. This is not directed to poodles, but in general. People do it all the time. There is really a lack of empathy from the general public and other professionals who aren't nurses.

And the assumption that there is so much work going without workers, that nurses have the pick of any job their heart desires. No nurse is ever, ever out of work, even in a recession.

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