Missed a call for an on-call shift


It's been awhile since I have posted.

I have always prided myself in being professional and I make myself available to work as much as possible.

I work the night shift and I am one of those people that can go to bed that night after sleeping all day.

I was on call tonight...and they made a really big deal before I left the previous night to fully expect to work tonight at 6:00 because they were on high census.

I slept all day, washed my uniforms, got up, took a shower, fully expecting to work.

It came 6:00 ....no phone call...so I called them, and they decided to "work with the staff that they had" which meant that a couple of nurses probably got higher assignments than normal.

I was disappointed because I needed the money.

So at 10:30...I went to bed.

At 11:00...they called.

Guess what? I have a Blackberry and I got up around 3:00 a.m. and checked my phone for e-mails and discovered that I had 3 missed calls...I ALWAYS hear my phone ring.

So I tried to call from my house phone and discovered that my ringtones were not working.

I called work immediately, offered to come in right then, they ended up calling someone else in for me....and I know darn good and well that several of my coworkers probably got woke up in the middle of the night trying to get someone to cover for me.

I cannot tell you how embarrassed I was....what makes it worse is that this is the SECOND time I have missed a call from work because my Blackberry ringtones suddenly stopped working and required the phone to be rebooted in order to get them to work.

The only reason my work doesn't have my house phone number is that the clericals that work the day shift think NOTHING of calling night shift people at 11:00 am., 1:00 pm...whatever...for non-emergent reasons..even if you are already scheduled that night...calls that can easily wait another 3 to 4 hours.

It's hard enough to sleep during the day...so when I get woke up, I'm up. I can't get back to sleep and have to work that night severely sleep deprived which isn't safe.

I called and offered to come in on the day shift if they needed help...charge nurse wasn't exactly nice about it.

Now I can't get back to sleep because there is nothing that I hate worse than looking like an idiot at work and now I'm worried about getting in trouble on Monday with my manager...which I fully expect to happen because they see this no different than a no-call, no show.

Those of you that have experience on the night shift much longer than me....how does your hospital handle these? Is some sympathy given? Or do they not care that sometimes technology fails.

I would love to go to my cell phone company tomorrow and get a different phone, but I am 8 months from a contract ending and it would cost me over $200 to make the change.

Any advice and encouragement would be greatly appreciated.

Specializes in NICU.
I feel I have to reply to your posts about other people's finances because your presumptions are unbelievable.

You DO NOT KNOW what someone else can afford to spend and on what. Yes, you can assume that someone is paid enough to fix something (and you can be wrong) but you CANNOT assume what someone can or can't spend money on. Just because someone technically "makes enough money" to fix something doesn't mean that money can necessarily be spent TO FIX SOMETHING if they have other obligations that must be paid for out of their paycheck!

My reply to you has to do with YOUR posts, not this thread, so I apologize if I am not on topic but I really find the need to reply to something like

"When a job pays you decent money, they expect you to use that money wisely".

Are you SERIOUS? It is not your employer's business what you choose to spend your money on or NEED to spend your money on. We are not obligated to justify our spending to our employers; only to ourselves. It appears the poster has already indicated spending 200-300 hundred is not feasible for her at this time, and there are plenty of people who don't spend money wisely. If we all spent wisely, there would be no credit cards or debt. :D

I'm only posting this because I have already read two of your posts containing rather annoying and offensive comments about money and finances. They are not the same for everyone.:idea:

I completely agree. Its really none of your business or your right to tell someone what they should be able to afford. You don't know people's situation and you don't know how much money she makes. Nor is it the duty of the employer to suggest to you how you spend the money you earned. We as people need to stop being so judgmental of other people.

To the OP, I'm sure you never want to go through something like this again so I'm pretty confident that you'll take the necessary steps to ensure this doesn't happen again. You're completely taking responsibility for your actions and recognize where you may have went wrong. Some people don't even see the error in their ways. So good for you.

Specializes in WOC, Hospice, Home Health.

1. Get cheap phone for on call

2. Put on most annoying ringer on loudest volume and add in vibrate too if you can

3. Place phone on nightstand

4. Wake up every 2-3 hours and check phone frantically because you're a spaz and are scared s***less to miss a call

(OK that last one is just me)

For you, since you usually work nights anyway-- maybe don't go to bed until 2-3am- less chance they'll call you for the last third of a shift.

Be upfront with your manager and tell them what solutions you have put in place so that this will not happen again. Don't let it happen again. Go on with your life. Contrary to popular belief, nurses aren't perfect!

Specializes in Operating Room.

I think the problem for many of us here is the OPs response when called on her mistake..it's excuse after excuse ie I'm sleep deprived, I can't afford a new cell phone, I don't want to give my landline number... Some places have been known to send the cops to your door when you're on call and you don't pick up. If you are strapped for cash, why put your job in jeopardy by being unreliable?

I think there's a work ethic/responsibility issue here and all the posts in the world aren't going to make an impression. :uhoh3:

Specializes in Peds/outpatient FP,derm,allergy/private duty.
My last employers haven't paid me show up pay or overtime pay or holiday pay. Anything to nickle and dime the employee as I see it. I would not work on call unless I agreed to the rules of the game. I don't answer my phone at any time unless I know the caller or I'm expecting a phone call. This is due to the fact that I have received too many to count harrassing phone calls in the past. I stopped answering my phone because of these calls.

Just when you think it's safe to answer your phone. . . my day off. . .got a "frantic" call at o-dark-thirty on a Saturday asking if I remembered the stop date on a 2 gtts per day toenail fungus treatment (1 nail- baby toe-50% affected) because the doctor signed the order without including an end date. Had to share. Hoping it will help me move past the experience. Thank you. ;)

Specializes in PeriOp, ICU, PICU, NICU.

Ahh, our NICU allows us to take half a shift call. We usually buddy up with someone and decide what half we want to do. I HATE being on call all darned night.

Specializes in Peds/outpatient FP,derm,allergy/private duty.
QUOTE=PopeJane3rd;. . . I'm sure those clerics and her coworkers can sense she's iffy about coming in that's why they haven't approached her or pressed her for her phone number. People are alot smarter than we give them credit for. They can tell when someone doesn't want to be called or come in. It doesn't take long to single those people out. They may be calling her just for that reason too cuz they know she doesn't want to be bothered and trying to put her in a compromising position. That's why philosophy at work is to always look out for yourself. People play games like that at work too.

QUOTE=PopeJane3rd;. . .I think the poster may be just tired and wants to spend time with her kids. Remember, this is the same poster who was complaining in another post about not having money and looking for another job, then she said she found another job but did not pick up her phone when they called her, and she's new at this job. I'm a hard sleeper, but I usually sleep with my cell next to me so when it goes off I can still wake up. She may have had her ringer turned off.

No, it is not part of being a doctor or nurse to be on call 24/7. As for attempting to figure out what not only the clerks at the hospital, but Babylady herself are thinking-- why produce an imaginary scenario? If you read all of her posts, you may come to a different conclusion.

QUOTE=Lala27poodles;4179216]First off, I find it a little shocking that, as a working nurse, you can't spare $200......I always thought nurses made decent money. I'm assuming (hoping) it is because you have other financial obligations that are eating up all your money. You did mention something about being in school......

Wow. Generally better to read all of someone's posts or do a little research before coming down hard on someone like that. I've been in situations where I was buying Progresso soup at 10 cans for $10.00 on special so I'd have something halfway decent for my kids to eat that week.

Babylady- I know you decided to go with the call forwarding option, but I got a Trac-fone at a CVS pharmacy for $9.99. The minutes are pricier than the contract plans, but if you only use it for messages and emergencies that won't matter. Has a lovely selection of obnoxious ring tones you can set to level 10 on "Loud Ring" :eek: (reception spotty in some areas)

Specializes in N/A.
I feel I have to reply to your posts about other people's finances because your presumptions are unbelievable.

You DO NOT KNOW what someone else can afford to spend and on what. Yes, you can assume that someone is paid enough to fix something (and you can be wrong) but you CANNOT assume what someone can or can't spend money on. Just because someone technically "makes enough money" to fix something doesn't mean that money can necessarily be spent TO FIX SOMETHING if they have other obligations that must be paid for out of their paycheck!

My reply to you has to do with YOUR posts, not this thread, so I apologize if I am not on topic but I really find the need to reply to something like

"When a job pays you decent money, they expect you to use that money wisely".

Are you SERIOUS? It is not your employer's business what you choose to spend your money on or NEED to spend your money on. We are not obligated to justify our spending to our employers; only to ourselves. It appears the poster has already indicated spending 200-300 hundred is not feasible for her at this time, and there are plenty of people who don't spend money wisely. If we all spent wisely, there would be no credit cards or debt. :D

I'm only posting this because I have already read two of your posts containing rather annoying and offensive comments about money and finances. They are not the same for everyone.:idea:

What on EARTH did I say that was annoying or offensive?? If I had offended the OP, I would have gotten an infraction. I didn't.

What I said was perfectly correct, true, and NOT offensive. I have been a hiring manager and guess what hon? WE DONT CARE WHAT YOUR EXCUSES ARE FOR NOT BEING ABLE TO BUY WHAT YOU NEED FOR A JOB. Newsflash- there's about a hundred other willing workers who can and will buy a new cell phone, uniform WHATEVER.

And why wouldn't you want to save your job first and foremost? I don't buy any BS about "putting food on your table or in the mouths of your children" because that's what food stamps and free lunches are for, if you're really that hard up. IF YOU LOSE THE JOB YOU LOSE THE MONEY. It's not rocket science. Should be REAL easy to figure out:

If she gets canned because she doesn't fix her cell phone, then where will she be? Up a creek and sold both her paddles! She'll be screwed.

And nurses do get paid good money. Wanna know one of the reasons why? Because they are expected to be RESPONSIBLE. If she doesn't want to fool wityh fixing the problem, then she shouldn't expect to make as much as they do. Goes with the territory.

Specializes in N/A.
In response to the recent post, I am completely outraged.

They pay decent money so that makes them have a say in how you spend it???!?

REGARDLESS of where I work or what I do, food for my child comes FIRST. Before ANYTHING. Whatever my family needs are, they will be met first. No Questions Asked. Once they put my name on my paycheck, it's MINE. No matter what I choose to spend it on. As long as I show up to earn the next one, that's all they need be concerned with.

Oh okay, so it doesn't matter what you wear, how you look, what you bring with you, or how they get in touch with you? All you have to do is show up and earn money? Hmm. I'm going to have to go ahead and say you and I BOTH know that's not the case.

To answer your question, you're right, they can't tell you how to spend the money they give you......however if you stop buying scrubs, equipment, or whatever you need to be a nurse, they'll just stop giving you the money all together lol!! :))

So, good point. Really.

Specializes in Med/Surg.
I think the problem for many of us here is the OPs response when called on her mistake..it's excuse after excuse ie I'm sleep deprived, I can't afford a new cell phone, I don't want to give my landline number... Some places have been known to send the cops to your door when you're on call and you don't pick up. If you are strapped for cash, why put your job in jeopardy by being unreliable?

I think there's a work ethic/responsibility issue here and all the posts in the world aren't going to make an impression. :uhoh3:

Thanks for expressing this thought so concisely, that's what I wanted to come back and say, after reading what's been said since I posted last (I'd probably be better off leaving this thread alone, but I can't help it).

Sympathy lessened for the OP once the excuses kept coming. If she truly felt that badly about missing the call, there is the simple solution of giving work your home phone number, and that doesn't cost ANYTHING. Not ideal, no...but it's a solution. A free, easy solution. The unwillingness to do that doesn't compute with me, really. Not doing it contradicts feeling THAT guilty about the original scenario. The OP lectured someone on cicadian rhythms. SO not the point. I don't think anyone here DOESN'T understand them, the bulk of us have worked night shifts, etc, at some point, I'm sure.

I understand about money problems. I understand living paycheck to paycheck, and not being able to afford any extras. I disagree with the posts assuming anyone can afford an extra $200 bucks on a nurses' salary...I wore broken, superglued eyeglasses for a couple years, because I only wear them at home (I wear contacts during the day) because I am severely myopic, and I did not have the extra 400-500 dollars to buy new ones. So I get that. But a solution is out there that doesn't cost money, and the OP isn't willing to do it. THAT to me is a problem, and I don't think it's "judging harshly" to express it.

Other "non supportive" replies weren't even directed at the OP...many were to futher explain the purpose of being on call to those who thought that it was good enough to have called at the start of the shift, or that it wasn't a big deal. Several posters tried to clear up those misconceptions, is all.

Babylady, I really do hope things work out with your employer.

Specializes in Army Medic.


Is the ring tone problem a known glitch for that model of blackberry? If it's not, then can't you get a new one and pay the insurance premium of $50 or whatever to get it replaced?

Heck, I'd find a way to break it and use the insurance policy if my job was on the line and I couldn't afford a new phone.

If it's a known glitch with that model of black berry, I would demand to speak with a supervisor of the company and threaten to cancel service if they don't swap your phone out.

And why wouldn't you want to save your job first and foremost? I don't buy any BS about "putting food on your table or in the mouths of your children" because that's what food stamps and free lunches are for, if you're really that hard up. IF YOU LOSE THE JOB YOU LOSE THE MONEY. It's not rocket science. Should be REAL easy to figure out:

Food stamps and free lunches only come if you meet the financial guidelines, so if you're above it $5, sorry about your luck. No food stamps for you!

Specializes in Med Office, Home Health, School Nurse.

If I don't have the money to provide my child with something she needs, I'm not going to go out and buy myself new scrubs or something. I understand what you are saying about needing to have the equipment and stuff, but I'm right there with the OP that $200 is a lot to have to come up with. My husband and I both work full time and we still live paycheck to paycheck. By the time we pay rent and bills and buy groceries, gas, and diapers, and pay for babysitting, we don't have a lot left over.

I'm sorry if I sounded catty when I made my last post....yesterday was one of THOSE days and I took offense to something and I was actually wrong...so yes, I'm apologizing and admitting that I was wrong...wow, I feel like a big girl! haha!

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