Middle School to Elementary


I am a fairly new school nurse and have spent the last couple years working at a large inner city middle school. It has been challenging, and interesting and I've really enjoyed it but had always planned to eventually move to elementary. I have just accepted a position for next school year at an elementary school that is reeaaallyy close to my house. I'm so excited! But also a bit nervous about working with a new, younger age group. Any advice for making the transition from middle school to elementary? Thanks guys!!

Plan on buying lots of underwear. Elementary kids these days aren't potty trained. Give me my high school kids any day. [emoji12]

Specializes in IMC, school nursing.

You are going to be using lots more band aids and ice packs. My littles get a lot more TLC and attention than my older kids. Much more FF status once they realize you are there. They are less articulate telling you what is wrong, more detective work involved. Have fun, my littles are the ones who put the biggest smile on my face. Thankfully, I have only had 1 incident of potty training issues, not so prevalent here.

I made the switch last year from middle to elementary. I like it for the most part. I enjoyed my time in middle school but it drove me crazy too. Dealing with dress code constantly, kids getting in fights all of the time, parents who don't bother with their older kids, the kiddos who are manipulative and just want to go home or get out of class... I could go on..

Elementary is fun. I really enjoy how sweet and sincere most of the kids are. The kids get so excited about all of the school activities and parties, it is really fun to be a part of that. The kids never fail to make me laugh, they will definitely tell you some funny stuff. I love the smiles, hugs and cute drawings. The little ones definitely know how to make you feel loved.

The down side is, lots of lice, potty accidents, parents that want to be called for everything, and lots of recess injuries.

Overall, I believe it is what you make of it. Everyone has to find the age group that works best for them. Best of luck to you!!

Specializes in school nurse.

I found elementary kids to be much more enjoyable to work with than middle schoolers.

Suggestion- At the beginning of the year, see if you can visit the littler ones in their classroom to read a health-related book with with them. It's a good way for kids to get to know you, and seeing you in their room is less intimidating than in the health office.

Suggestion- At the beginning of the year, see if you can visit the littler ones in their classroom to read a health-related book with with them. It's a good way for kids to get to know you, and seeing you in their room is less intimidating than in the health office.

Great idea!!

Specializes in Pediatrics Retired.

I show my Kinder kids the movie Bad Santa at the beginning of each year. It's a real ice breaker. :woot:, But really, I wouldn't last as a school nurse in JH or HS. This year my district realigned and kept 5th grade in elementary school and those guys are too mouthy and adolescent-like for me.

One thing about Jr. High, when they come in here they want something from us so they're usually not too bad. You also know to begin with that 90% of what you hear will not be the truth! :no: Elementary kids are way too needy for me at this stage of my life!

Specializes in Med-Surg, Home Health, Hospice, School.

I'm glad there are those of y'all that like the littles. As for me, I will take junior high any day of the week! I just recently moved from elementary to junior high and those babies are so incredibly needy, as are their teachers. They're sweet, though.

I'm glad there are those of y'all that like the littles. As for me, I will take junior high any day of the week! I just recently moved from elementary to junior high and those babies are so incredibly needy, as are their teachers. They're sweet, though.

I feel the same! I deal in tough love and that does not always go so well with the littles!

Specializes in Pediatrics Retired.

I think I like Elementary because that stage is where my mental development stopped.

I think I like Elementary because that stage is where my mental development stopped.

Hahaha! Your amongst peers :)

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